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It's him.


Bang-tan Son-yeon-dan.

I mouth the words unconsciously.

So that's the group he's in. I repeat his group name in my head.

The night ended with them performing 'Run'. And I can see why they won the award of 'Worldwide Performer' tonight.

The choreography was strong and powerful, combined with a catchy tune... I don't think I'll be forgetting it anytime soon.

Tonight we had received our first official award of 'Best New Female Artist'.

Twice felt ecstatic.

As we stand in the waiting room, the crew gets ready to leave. Staff members start to pack, storing large items away in the van.

With the entire company as a family, I felt proud to bring home an award as a group. Proving how everyone's efforts were not forgotten and had paid-off.

Especially for the JYP staff that works really hard behind the scenes.

I feel a surge of encouragement. To strive even further for ONCE. ONCE's love is the key that helped us achieve this award.

With another squeeze of my palm on Mina-unnie's shoulder, I try to cheer her up. She is still crying because of the award.

Happy-tears, I call them.

As she gently dabs underneath her eyes with a balled up tissue, she smiles at me. "It's amazing how you don't cry, Tzuyu-ah. Even at events like this."

Amused at the thought of being considered amazing because of my lack of tears, I pass Mina-unnie another tissue.

Nayeon-unnie nods in response. While occupied with mini spurts of hiccups, "She didn't even cry when we were chosen as Twice, Mina-ah. Our maknae is a strong one."

She smiles presenting her bunny-like teeth while showing me a thumbs up.

I can see that Nayeon-unnie cried a lot too. Yet she holds whatever tears are left in with watery eyes.

Usually Nayeon would try to let her tears out at the dormitory rather than at events. Even though she can't hold it in, I admire her strength in trying to hold it in.

"Of course~ Gosh, I'm just a strong and cute maknae." I praise myself confidently as I flick my hair. Mimicking the models in hair product commercials.

A second of silence passes. Before everyone cracks and laughs at my egotistic joke.

At least I could make them smile. It makes me happier to see them this way.

As for why I don't cry, I do. I just don't do it in front of our members. I can't actually. In front of ONCE. I want us to be happy. And me crying wouldn't help achieve that.

However I know it made me gain a colder girl image. Which I don't really mind for now.

"Wow, seriously. Maybe I boosted her ego too much," Nayeon-unnie replies heartily. She quickly swipes the evidence of her tears away.

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