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So... it's a nice feeling to have my interest in her to be accepted among BTS.

And mostly with the support of my hyungs.


Tzuyu's POV

Walking up to the door with Dahyun-unnie's chocolate milk in my hand, I finally reach my destination.

As I grip the bottle of milk, I sigh out of frustration and shyness. Known as the tall maknae of Twice, just why...

Why couldn't I take the bottle from him...

Reaching out from behind the door, a hand pulls me in before I could make a sound.

The door clicks shut behind me, as my back rests uncomfortably against it.

Sana-unnie gently lets go of my arm, to step back in line with Nayeon and Jeongyeon-unnie as they all stand, staring at me. For a while.

"Um... is everything.. oka-" I ask confusedly, however I'm cut off by Jeongyeon-unnie.

"Tzuyu-ah who were you walking with?" Sana-unnie asks as her eyes look at me knowingly.

Jeongyeon-unnie joins in from next to her. "They look familiar... where have I seen them before..." Jeongyeon-unnie crosses her arms in thought.

Standing beside the two, Nayeon-unnie sighs and folds her arms. "They're our sunbaenims from BTS," says Nayeon-unnie.

The two unnies whip their heads towards Nayeon-unnie's voice.

"Ahh, really?" Sana-unnie concludes the question with a clap of her hands.

"Hm," taking a step closer to me, Nayeon-unnie looks into my eyes, "you seem to be close with our sunbaenims Tzuyu-ah."

Although I stood taller than her, Nayeon-unnie can sometimes look intimidating. However in my eyes right now, Unnie looks like a cute bunny demanding answers.

So was I.

"Aniya, we're not close Nayeon-unnie. It was by chance. For this," I lift up the chocolate milk that so much time has been spent on.

"How long were you guys watching?" I ask carefully.

Not that I had anything to hide, but, I would like to clear everything up if TWICE were to think of other conclusions.

"Not for long, we just peeked our head outside when we started to hear your voice. And we were all surprised to see you with two guys." Nayeon-unnie answers with a tilt of her head to the side.

Walking back to the sofa, she sits on top of Momo-unnie as Momo-unnie reciprocates by wrapping an arm around Nayeon-unnies waist.

"Jeongyeon-unnie thought they were sasaengs picking on you, so she was about to run out and do... god knows what..." Sana-unnie describes the situation to me as she shivers involuntarily at the worse scenario.

However she continues with a cheesy smile.

"But luckily I pulled her back when I realised they were idols," leaning closer to me ear she whispers, "teasing you...?"

And with a giggle, Sana-unnie grabs onto Jeongyeon-unnie's arm and drags them towards the sofa area. Where TWICE all sit, looking prepped and ready for the final stage.

Except for me.

Walking towards the group who were sprawled among the sofa area, I feel a slight pull on the bottle I held within my left hand.

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