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Tzuyu's P.O.V

As the flashes of cameras and loudness of the crowd lessens, I give a final wave and bow towards them before entering the gates that separates us from them.

"Wahhhhh, I'm so tiredd~" says Momo-unnie.

Linking her arms with Sana-unnie, Sana decides to rest her head on Momo.

"We can sleep for a bit on the plane before it reaches Jeju-do." Sana-unnie says with a yawn. We all prepare ourselves to board onto the large plane.

"I don't know if I can sleep knowing we're so high up in the air..." Momo-unnie pouts and juts her bottom lip out.

"I think there are other idols boarding our plane too, I wonder who," says Dahyun-unnie. Her eyes try to quickly scan the group in front of us, however by the time I looked, the group had already disappeared inside.

"Mm, we'd probably be separated into two different areas of the plane anyways," says Chaeyoung.

Our staff members walk along-side us while dragging and carrying our luggage. I ask one of the unnie's for my luggage from her since she seems to be struggling.

However after being rejected by her several times, I decided to just say 'thank you' and leave her alone.

For some reason she looked really flustered... maybe I was annoying her on the way to the plane.

As we all board the plane and put our luggage and bags away, everyone immediately sits down due to how tired we all are.

Jihyo-unnie suddenly stands up and silently does a head count to make sure all of TWICE are on board.

I could not help but smile at how hardworking and mature our leader is.

"Momo, momo - look outside!" yells Jeongyeon-unnie from across the seats. As she playfully laughs at Momo-unnie's fear of heights.

With clenched teeth, Momo-unnie shakes her head as she grabs onto Jeongyeon-unnie's hand with a slight whimper as the plane takes off.

"Ya, I'm the one who should be crying with your nails in my arm," says Jeongyeon-unnie with a chuckle.

"Well you deserve it for bullying me, hmph." Mono-unnie sulks as she grabs onto Mina-unnie who sat next to her as well.

As the plane steadily flies in the air for a while, I quickly excuse myself to head to the restroom on the other side of the plane.

With most of the members sleeping, I try not to make any loud noises and disturb them.

After a while of finding the restroom, and doing my business. I walk out of the restroom whilst drying my hands off with my phone in my jacket.

My phone suddenly lights up, with a vibration.

'One new message from **********'

It was Jungkook-sunbaenim's number...

I've been purposely ignoring him after the incident, and the talk with Yoongi-sunbaenim.

Bittersweet • taetzukook •Where stories live. Discover now