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Anything's better than talking about her.
Seeing her now, it just shows,
how I can't control myself around her.

Jungkook's P.O.V

As I watch V-hyung walk away from me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

I didn't want to talk either-

But the way he looks at Tzuyu-ssi when she isn't looking.

The way he teases her with the bottle...

I may be overthinking it, however it felt different. Different from how Taehyung-hyung usually acts with other females.

Yet this feeling of worry continues to stop me from asking him.

'Do you like her Hyung?'

What if he says yes?
What does that mean for us as brothers?
What would I do?
Would I forget her for him?

Who would she choose?

It's too much for my heart to handle.

Is it okay... for me to be selfish?

As I walk from behind Taehyung-hyung to catch up to him, suddenly my body stops altogether.

"Hn?" V-hyung hums out as he questions the silence.

Turning back to check up on me, he eyes scan my standing position, stopping at my face which held a thoughtful expression. With a raise of his eyebrows, he waits for me to make a move.

Gathering up all my courage, I decide to do it.

With long strides, I stand at a close distance in front of him. Just in case anyone walks by, we can't risk them hearing us.

Not being intimidated by my confronting gaze, V-hyung watches over me closely.

Staring at each other in silence, I try to search his eyes for any hint of an answer to my question.

As V-hyung freezes up at my sudden closeness, his cheery aura and smile begins to dim into an unfazed stance.

Brightened child-like eyes now look darker and closed off. As if he did not want to display his emotions as usual.

What exactly is he hiding?

Growing in confusion, the appearance of slight wrinkles appear between my eyebrows.

With parted lips, I begin to speak.

And I knew from this moment, I can never turn back.

"Help me, hyung." I say monotonously.

I watch as Taehyung's eyes widen. I decide to continue my plea. Even if at the back of my mind, it felt unfair and... desperate.

"I'm interested in Tzuyu-ssi, and I want to get close to her... to, get to know her you know?" I say as I cut off all eye contact with V-hyung.

"And I would do this on my own but, even just looking at Tzuyu-ssi I-..." As I intend to spill my feelings to Taehyung, I disconnect my eyes from the floor to look at him.

Regretfully. It seems that I might have... disappointed him...?

Standing there with his hands hanging limply by his sides, Taehyung's eyes stared right through me. They held no emotions of happiness that I hoped it would.

Instead, he looks distraught.

However that only lasts for mere seconds before Taehyung reacts with a giddy smile.

"Ah, of course I would help. I- we're brothers aren't we? A team..." V-hyung slightly mumbles at the end.

With a breathless chuckle, Taehyung-hyung pats my shoulder.

"I thought it was something serious, you scared me Jungkook-ah." Taehyung says with a pout sulkily.

Pushing me forward with an arm around my shoulder, we both continue to head off to our waiting room.

In silence.

After the conversation, V-hyung didn't seem to talk like normal (even if he tried). He constantly seemed to be thinking about something.

It's better if I ask. I don't want to make him uncomfortable.

"Hyung, you... don't like her, do you?" I ask carefully.

Looking straight ahead, we continue to walk next to each other as we get closer to our waiting room. Why does this hallway seem longer than usual?

As I slowly feel Taehyung's arm lift away from my shoulder. I suddenly get a whack on my head.

"Hyung!" I yell out to him as I check my head with one hand.

Turning to face him, Taehyung suddenly looks sternly at me.

"Exactly. And as a 'hyung' I'll help you. Don't worry, I don't like her." Stopping in front of our door, V-hyung turns to look at me with the brightest smile.

"You do though." He says.

As Taehyung opens the door to our waiting room, he leaves me alone with my thoughts once again.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I smile to myself.

I'm glad he thought that way. For a second, I thought V-hyung was interested in her but...

It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Knowing that such an interest won't disturb BTS's teamwork, and mostly our brotherhood.

Because if it did, I wouldn't let such things come between us. I would've been forced to cut her out.

So... it's a nice feeling to have my interest in her to be accepted among BTS.

And mostly with the support of my hyungs.


I want to let you know that each and every one of you are important.

I hope you liked this chapter! ☺︎


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