
1.7K 97 41

Tzuyu's P.O.V.

I pull up the hood of my jacket and adjust my face mask.

It has been a while since we've left the park, and every second I remember to stay alert for any signs of people.

Because the both of us know...

If anyone from the public, or if dispatch saw this, it would stir up trouble for TWICE and BTS.

I don't think any of us would appreciate another scandal right now.

As I check the phone in my pocket, I notice how it is completely depleted of battery. It makes me worry for the TWICE unnies' back at the dorm.

I shouldn't have left abruptly like that... what if, they're stressing more because of me right now.

We continue to walk at a fast pace towards the place together, with Jungkook-ssi on Taehyung-ssi's back, a comfortable silence settles among us.

The conversations between us were always short. As if we both didn't know what to say.

But the silence wasn't unbearable... it was as if,

it was just what I needed.

"We're nearly there," Taehyung-ssi huffs out as he continues to walk in front of me. I could tell from his voice that carrying Jungkook-ssi was slowly draining his energy.

"Ah.." I reply back to him.

Soon I'd be at Bangtan-sunbaenims' dorm and I honestly don't know what to think of it.

Just like the 'mask' incident.

I thought it would be safer for Taehyung-ssi to cover-up his face, and without realising what I was doing, my fingers had already put the mask on for him as he was carrying Jungkook-ssi.

I realised how close I was to him.

I realised... what I was doing as we both looked at each other.

Without a blink, it felt as if he were staring through me. I felt like he was able to hear my thoughts, read my mind and hear my heartbeat.

As if listening to the sounds of our breaths, the blowing wind and chirping crickets were enough for the both of us.

The way his eyes held no expression as he looked at me, made me wonder what Taehyung-ssi was thinking at that moment.

But... I know,

that it should be none of my concern.

Clashing into something head-first, I bump into something in front of me.

Looking up from the ground, I take in the building we stood in front of.

Turning around from the impact, Taehyung-ssi looks at me with one eyebrow raised.

"You really like bumping into people don't you?" He says with a small grin, as he heaves Jungkook-ssi up on his back for a better grip.

"P-pardon?" I ask him in confusion.

He was the one who stopped abruptly without any warning though...

"Tch, tch," he sounds out. Taehyung-ssi looks at me with a playful smile. "Don't you remember? That's how we first met... all three of us." Slowly, Taehyung-ssi's smile disappears into a far-away look.

I notice how his eyes shifts to stare at nothingness as they seem to glaze over in thought.

It somehow shows me how his mind is somewhere else, like he's thinking of something that others can't access.

Without hearing my reply, Taehyung-ssi walks into the block in front of us.

Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I follow Taehyung-ssi inside.

And a part of me wanted to tell him, that I do remember bumping into him for the first time.

Yet I'm surprised that Taehyung-ssi still had memory of it.

Walking up a number of stairs, I hear heavy breathing from in front of me.

As I look up to advise Taehyung-ssi to take a small break, I realize that it wasn't him breathing heavily.

But Jungkook-ssi.

Sweat beads stick to his forehead as Jungkook-ssi's head rests upon Taehyung-ssi's back.

"Does this building not have an elevator?" I ask Taehyung-ssi quickly from behind them. Carrying Jungkook-ssi the entire way must be tiring for him.

Gathering his breath from walking up the stairs, Taehyung-ssi suddenly starts laughing.

As I stare at him with great concern, the corners of my lips start to lift as a small smile grows on my face from his laughing.

The bright box-smile of his felt natural.

I haven't seen him laugh this hard... it felt nice.

For a bit.

However as he continues to laugh, a pout slowly etches onto my face.

Just... what is he laughing at?

"Mianhae, no elevators for Chou Tzuyu," Taehyung-ssi says with a small chuckle, as he stops at the front door of what I assume is Bangtan-sunbaenims' dorm.

Turning around to give me an over-exaggerated sad look, with a gleam in his eyes, Taehyung-ssi continues, "I can't have you dancing sexily in elevators now."

As I take time to gather what he meant, Taehyung-ssi's pout morphs into a wide grin.

And then it clicked.

He saw.

Taehyung-ssi must have seen the commercial where I had to dance in an elevator.

Does that mean all of the other Bangtan-sunbaenims has seen it?

Withholding the desperate feeling of running away and jumping in a hole.I naively thought popular idols like them didn't have time to watch television.

Let alone see one of my first commercials without the whole of TWICE.

Having nearly forgotten I had shot that commercial, I notice Taehyung-ssi fidget a lot from the corner of my eye.

"..What's wrong?" I ask Taehyung-ssi from behind. Staring at the boy who lays unconsciously on Taehyung-ssi's back, I can't help but feel worried for him as time passes.

As I wait for the door to open, Taehyung-ssi sighs underneath his breath.

"I...I put the key in my back pocket, but I can't seem to find it," Taehyung-ssi replies with a frustrated undertone. As he lifts one of his hands away from Jungkook-ssi and desperately tries to reach into his back pocket for the key. 

Staring at Jungkook-ssi's unconscious face, I notice the countless sweat beads on his forehead making his bangs look drenched.

"Um, let me help you," I tell Taehyung-ssi, as I reach forward to grab the key from his pocket.

The faster Jungkook-ssi can heal and rest, the better.

Taehyung-ssi suddenly shuffles away from me, with his frontside now facing towards me.

"N-no, it's okay." He says turning away from me. "I'll just ring the doorbell," he mutters, as he moves to press the buzzer. I notice how the back of Taehyung-ssi's ears are starting to turn pink.

We stand there in silence until I hear footsteps rush towards the door.

Preparing myself to greet all of my sunbaenims for my abrupt timing at their place, the door quickly swings open.

Thank you everyone for reading this story until now (:

I'll be trying someone else's point of view in the next chapter kekeke


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