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His eyes linger on her.

Turning his head to finally look at me, I frown at the expression he gives me.



Taehyung's P.O.V

With my arm raised above her head, I allow the milk bottle to dangle in front of Tzuyu-ssi's face.

I'm not too sure why, but I felt like teasing her.

The way her eyes lit up like a child receiving a present, and that small smile she holds as if it's the best thing she's received.

I want to see it more often.

Raising her head to look sternly at me the second time I moved the bottle out of her reach. I noticed how close her face was to mine.

Looking into her eyes, I felt trapped in a trance.

How can she look so innocent and yet mesmerising at the same time.

As my eyes analyse her facial features, it flutters upon to her lips. Staring at them for a second too long, she tucks her lips in.

A shudder runs through out my body.

Suddenly, Tzuyu-ssi turns to look at something, as my gaze remains on the back of her head.

I want to speak to her, to laugh with her, to bond with her...

What's stopping me?

With my arm still slightly raised in the air, I realise the lack of weight I once held in my palm.

Locating the bottle in his hand, I lift my head up to look at him.

Ah, that's right.

A sudden jolt of guilt hits me, as I try to stay calm under Jungkook's curious gaze. His eyes of confusion comforts me, yet a part of me feels like he'll know.

Because he holds those feelings.

For her.

Expressing a natural smile, I walk towards Jungkook.

"Aigoo~ You're so heroic for Tzuyu-ssi," I say to Jungkook. As I ruffle his hair with my other hand. Taking a step next to him, I direct myself away from Tzuyu-ssi.

The further from her, the better.

Cutting off the eye contact between us, Tzuyu-ssi reaches out to take the offered bottle from Jungkook's hand.

Smiling to herself, she holds it with two hands as if it were something so dear to her.

"Thank you, Taehyung-ssi." She says with a polite bow. As her eyes seem to avoid mine, her formality felt too much like a stranger.

Which somehow, bothers me.

But I don't show it.

Bittersweet • taetzukook •Where stories live. Discover now