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Looking towards my right, I wait for his awkward nod and tight-lipped smile.
Jungkook finally opens his mouth,

"...as long as she doesn't mind."


Tzuyu's P.O.V

As if time stood still. I stand there gathering my thoughts from his words.

What... is going on?

I notice the shift in BTS's stance. They focus their eyes on Jungkook-ssi, as if he grew another head.

In comparison to my visible reaction, people would have thought I took it well enough. But I'm actually blushing inside.

Maybe it was the way he spoke... somehow made it feel like a personal offer.

But I know Jungkook-ssi said it out of mannerism. It is a very generous gesture, to even consider becoming a close acquaintance with a rookie.

Facing towards Jungkook-ssi, I look at their reaction once more. It felt as if I were left out from an inside joke. As if a hidden message was written on his face.

Yet he still seemed... indifferent.

With the ends of his fringe sticking on his forehead, wet from perspiration. Drawing near his doe-like eyes. His gaze calmly lies on the couch.

But contrary to his neutral expression, I notice smaller details, like his hardened jaw.

The bitten lips behind his teeth.

The slight flush on his ears.

The uneasy movement of his hands.

If it weren't for my usual observation, anyone could have easily missed it. But I didn't.

As his members turn away from gawking at him, I thought of how Jungkook-ssi is actually different from what I originally thought. When I saw their performance on stage, I remember him looking powerful, exerting strength into every move.

Now seeing him in person, I feel like he's similar to me.

We both seem to be more shy and introverted in comparison to our group members. Maybe it's the fact that we're still strangers too.

With this kind of personality it limits the ability in making friends, or even social connections.

With his reaction, it must have took him something to reply instead of just nodding to pass time.

Because I wouldn't have replied back to Jihyo-unnie if I were him. And I know that's where I lack as an idol. Since socialising is a major skill used in this industry.

Maybe as maknaes, he really wanted to be friends.

...I might be looking into it too much.

Biting on my lower lip, I search for a way to cut the silence that lingers in the air. The atmosphere between the two groups continue to weigh heavily between us.

Holding the imperfect water bottle in my hand, I gently clench it to ease the tension that runs through me.

It's the water bottle that Sana-unnie tripped on. Now holding little water left, I lightly run my fingers over the scratched surface of the water bottle.

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