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Song - Butterfly by BTS

"T-tzuyu-ssi?" His surprised voice rings into my ear. And suddenly I was hit with another wave of raw emotions. I start crying into the phone.

The small piece of paper in my hand slowly falls onto the ground.



Jungkook's P.O.V.

These days have been a blur to me.

Everyone from BTS is currently working hard on our future projects, and consistently too.

Effectively taking my mind off of some things.

It's getting dark right now and we're still in the dance studio practicing for the upcoming live concerts in Seoul and Japan. Some songs have been choreographed while the others have not yet, and so here we are practicing.

Standing in a small triangle formation is Jimin-hyung, Taehyung-hyung and me.

As the two of them turn around to talk to each other, Hoseok-hyung gives Namjoon and Yoongi-hyung some advice as a friend and as someone who adores dancing.

Feeling my eyes droop from tiredness, I open them quickly to keep me awake.

I can't sleep well nowadays.

Judging from how much energy I use in a day and comparing it to my hours of sleep, it just isn't enough.

But that's the life of an idol, I'm used to it.

However as I'm awake, it's giving me too much time to think.

About things that shouldn't be considered important.

Every time I am around Taehyung-hyung too, all I can think about is his actions towards Tzuyu-ssi.

And that moment backstage.

When he slipped something into the palm of her hand.

I feel somewhat betrayed.

"-kook? Helloo are you there?" A hand waves itself closely in front of my face, as I blink out of oblivion. Hoseok-hyung stands there staring at me worriedly.

"You rarely space out during practice.." Hoseok-hyung steps closer to me, catching the other members' attention.

"Jungkookie, you okay?" Yoongi-hyung asks me, breathless from the dance practice.

Nodding my head at everyone's worried looks, I show a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine guys. Lets keep going." I say as I wipe off the sweat on my forehead.

Namjoon-hyung looks at his watch with a shake of his head.

"No, that's good enough for today. It's getting late, we should get back to the dorm to get some rest," says Namjoon-hyung, as he makes sure to have eye contact with everyone in the room. His voice laces itself with the authority of a leader. But we can tell it is because he is prioritising our health as a group.

"We can continue practicing the choreography tomorrow, how does that sound to you guys?" Namjoon-hyung looks around the room for any objections to his idea. No one disagrees.

"Jin-hyung's already packing up," Yoongi-hyung said with a slight chuckle.

As everyone else stares at Jin-hyung who is more than happy to go home, I start to pack up. Hoping that Jin-hyung and me could cook as soon as we get back. I... I'm trying to learn how to cook from hyung.

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