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Of course. I shouldn't be worried about him. It's Taehyung.

Although he acts younger than me sometimes. He knows better than me, the maknae.

Because I couldn't stop staring at her.


Tzuyu's P.O.V

"I thought we lost you!" Sana-unnie cries.

Did I really take that long?

As I enter the waiting room, she runs towards me and pulls me into a sudden hug. Making me drop the water bottles in shock.

They were given to me by a staff member, whom luckily noticed I was lost.

And now I stare at them as they roll on the floor.

Jeongyeon-unnie frowns in disapproval as she shakes her head at Sana. "Let go of her Sana! You'll lose her again if you continue to suffocate her."

Without delaying another second, Jeongyeon-unnie bent down to pick up the fallen water bottles.

Jeongyeon-unnie is always one to drink a lot. Even when she is not nervous. A contributing reason to why she looks as if she were more worried for the water bottles than today's event. Or even my suffocation.

Cooly when spoken to this morning, she denies holding any thought of anxiousness in comparison to other members of Twice.

Unnie says she knows where she and Twice are at, and she believes we can improve and succeed with time.

With ONCE.

Freaking out at the thought of suffocating me, Sana-unnie quickly steps away from me."Omo! Are you okay Tzuyu-ah?!"

As I regain my breath, my voice is slightly wheezy, "It's okay Sa-"

Suddenly Sana slips on a water bottle.

"Ah-!" Before she could hit the ground, Jeongyeon-unnie hooks her arms underneath Sana's and holds her up.

Successfully supporting Sana-unnie as she tries to stand upright again.

Surprisingly while supporting Sana, Jeongyeon-unnie manages to balance the water bottles in her hands.

A round of applause is cued.

Looking towards the entrance of the waiting room, Twice unnies has came back from hanging out with GOT7. And amusingly claps at the incident that unfolded before them. While I stand silently in shock and awe.

Momo and Dahyun-unnie adds in a few cheers and whistles. "Woow~ My Hero!" "Wild and Edgy-y!"

Causing Jeongyeon-unnie to stare at them venomously.

I breathe a sigh of relief.

Thankfully Sana-unnie was okay. I bend down to retrieve the poor water bottle that she tripped on. Just in case she trips on it again.

Sana stands still clutching her chest in shock while Jeongyeon-unnie jokingly throws a water bottle at her newfound fan base.

Jihyo-unnie chuckles at the situation, "Okay that's enough guys." Dahyun and Momo pouts in defiance however ceases their game on teasing Jeongyeon-unnie.

When Jihyo-unnie's leadership side comes out, it means serious business. Twice understands this and therefore does not joke around these times.

"The event is starting now, and we need to get to our seats," Jihyo-unnie turns to look at me with a gentle smile on her face, "we are running a bit late, so final preparations and we need to go on out, okay?"

A chorus of "Yes" replies back. Quickly everyone starts to move out one by one to our seats placed in front of the stage.

It must have been my lateness that has caused Twice to be behind schedule. I can't help but feel apologetic.

I can't help but think of that incident.

As I step out of the waiting room, Jihyo-unnie holds me back. I halt, looking back at her questionably.

We should get going or we might ruin Twice's rookie image.

"Tzuyu-ah, why is there a red spot on your forehead?"

Ah. I gently touch my forehead. It must still be red from when I bumped into him.. And his necklace. The way it was designed, it was surely to leave a mark on me. I hope it goes away.

"I ran into something..." I reply back with a shrug of my shoulders. Showing that it was nothing of importance. Anything to not let Jihyo carry a larger burden. As our leader and as my unnie.

My one-off situation will surely never happen again. I won't allow it to.

She looks at me with a slight crease in between her eyebrows.

The speakers blast loudly with the opening theme song, to cue the starting of the award ceremony. The crowd screams just as loud in response. Creating an atmosphere that is buzzed with excitement and joy.

Jihyo-unnie looks into the crowd at the euphoric audience. As we walk towards our seats, I can't help but feel the tingles of excitement of actually being considered an idol.

Looking around at the majestic lights sticks and signs by numerous fans of different groups. I spot signs of ONCE and the true feeling of happiness spurts from within me.

We made it. The feeling of being protected, loved and watched over assures me. But also scares me. How long can this support last for?

A hand gently grips my shoulder, as Jihyo-unnie leans towards my ear and whispers, "Just remember that Twice and ONCE are here for you. So don't be so hard on yourself, and don't think about the next step right now."

As I lean back to look at her, she gives me a wink that I can't help but laugh at. Turning back towards the stage, we all start to clap as the MC's of tonight are finally introduced.

Sometimes I feel like Jihyo-unnie can read my mind. It is a special power that I both hate and love at the same time. Because then Jihyo-unnie would try to encourage every one else's state of mind, putting herself last.

Even while helping others, it hurts me to see other people carry the burden of my worries. So I concentrate, to become a smarter and better idol.

But what she said continues to ring in my head.

ONCE and Twice are finally here. I should enjoy myself and cherish this moment. That's what they would want for me. It's what I want too.

Turning my head towards my left in search of ONCE, something sparkles in my peripheral vision.

It's the silver necklace.

As my eyes flicker upwards, I notice a familiar face.

It's him.


It will be a slow yet intoxicating love line, so I hope you guys have the patience to keep up.


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