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I'm not alone, I have TWICE...
And they are who I need to focus on.


Namjoon's P.O.V

Something just didn't seem right tonight.

I could feel it as I wait for Yoongi-hyung to get back from dropping Tzuyu-ssi off.

Everyone else had already went to sleep, but I wanted to stay in the living room. Just to make sure he got back home safely.

I had to persuade Taehyung to go to sleep. He said he wasn't tired, yet I could tell that he just wanted to take care of Jungkook.

How in the world did I not notice Jungkook getting ill..?

As a leader, I'm ashamed of not seeing it beforehand.

And Taehyung tonight... he was acting rather unusual when Tzuyu-ssi was around, so I tested him on it.

The closer in distance I was to Tzuyu-ssi, the more likely I could see his body tense up.

I wanted to ask him about it tonight.

But I chose not to question him.

I feel as if we all need our own privacy some times within our group.

So we could all stay close and sane together for a long time, naturally humans just have boundaries that need to be respected.

Taehyung's a very bright person, and there are reasons to his actions, whether he wants to share them or not.

The door clicks open, as the shadow of a person slips in.

"You're not asleep yet?" Asks Yoongi-hyung as he shuts the door behind him quietly.

Throwing his keys on the table next to him, he makes his way to sit on the other end of the couch.

"No, I needed to make sure the car got back home safely," I said with a quick smile.

Although he appeared normal under the light of a small lamp I turned on, Yoongi-hyung seems to have something on his mind.

But maybe I'm overthinking.

Yoongi-hyung is also just someone who is always thinking as well.

But his face certainly doesn't show much.

"Well it got back in one piece," says Yoongi, as he pulls out his phone from his back pocket.

"But look what I just read up on," he continues, as Yoongi-hyung hands his phone to me.

I read the article that was still trending. It's about Tzuyu-ssi... and a scandal about her country flag?

"No wonder she looked so distressed tonight," I told Yoongi-hyung as I pass him back his phone.

Without looking at it twice, he locks his phone and puts it back in his back pocket.

"Maybe that's why Jungkook went out, probably to console her as a friend and sunbaenim to her," I conclude by myself.

Although I was speaking out loud, it was mainly to myself. But it seemed to have triggered something in Yoongi-hyung as he releases a sigh.

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