Chapter 2

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Quentin's POV

I feel so bad for Lindsey. She's going through so much right now and I don't know how to help her. Eventually movies aren't going to help anymore. Right now we were watching Mean Girls because Lindsey wanted to watch it. It was at the part where they're handing out candy canes. I looked down at Lindsey and she was asleep on my chest. I put my arm around her in a protective way and kissed the top of her head. I decided to watch Tanner's video since I hadn't seen it yet, so I opened up Safari on my phone and typed in Tanner Braungardt. Throughout the video, I tried not to laugh since Lindsey was sleeping on me. A few minutes later she started to stir. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me. "Sorry," she stretched and sat up from her position. "I didn't mind," I smiled at her. She smiled back and ran her fingers through her beautiful hair. No, Quentin. Stop! You can't like her. She's going through a rough time and the fans won't like you having a girlfriend. "Quentin," She said touching my leg. "What? Sorry. I was daydreaming," I told her. She gave me a weird look and said, "I asked what time it was." I told her the time and she groaned. "Thank god today is Friday," she giggled. Her laugh. Wow. She checked her phone and smiled. "Who texted you?" I asked trying not to sound jealous. "My friend Clay. Hey I have to get going," She brushed the hair out of her face. "Can I give you a ride home?" I asked. She nodded and smiled. Who was Clay? Probably some dumb jock at her school. Sometimes I wish I still went to public school.

Lindsey's POV

I checked my phone and saw I had a message from Clay.

*Text Message from Clay Bae*

'Party at my house. 7 pm. Be there'

I texted back andasked if Derek was going to be there. He said he didn't invite him, but he can'thelp it if someone brings him. Quentin gave me a ride home and I waved goodbye.I ran upstairs and found a short, slim black skirt and a maroon crop top. ThenI grabbed my black heels and my curling iron. Once I finished my hair, Igrabbed a leather jacket in case it got cold later on. I double checked myselfin the mirror and saw it was 6:30, so I ran downstairs and grabbed my car keys.Clay only lived five minutes away, but I knew people would be arriving soon. "Damngirl," Clay whistled as I got out of the car. I did a 360 spin and hugged him. "Parentsout of town again?" I asked walking to the front door with him. He nodded andwhen I walked in I saw three kegs and four coolers. I figured more people wouldbring kegs and drinks. Clay and I talked for a little while before peoplestarted showing up. I got plenty of compliments about my outfit and I justsmiled and said thank you. Once everyone arrived, people were drinking anddancing to the loud music. I spotted Clay in the crowd and he was talking to acouple guys, so I grabbed a drink and stood by the kitchen counter. "HeyLindsey," someone shouted. I turned to look and I couldn't figure out how whosaid it. "And this is my best friend, Lindsey," Clay wrapped his arm around mywaist causing me to turn around. I took a sip of my drink and looked up at thethree boys. "Lindsey," a familiar voice questioned. "Quentin," my smile dropped."You two know each other?" Clay asked. I sipped my drink and Quentin said, "Yeahactually..." I cut him off, "we met at Walmart the other day and became friends."Quentinfurrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah, Walmart," he sighed. "Well this is Tanner and I'mDylan," a taller brunette smiled. I waved and said, "I'm Lindsey. Want adrink?" Quentin and Tanner declined, but Dylan said he'd take one. I grabbedhim a drink and smiled as I handed it off. Connor came around the corner and hestopped when he saw me. I looked away from him and he ran up to me. "Come on,"he grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. I handed Clay my drink before I wastaken away. "What do you want Connor?" I snapped. "Derek is here, Linds," Hetold me. My face weakened then I got angry. "Cool. He can go wherever he wantsright?" I smiled and started to walk back into the house. Once I entered thekitchen, Connor ran up to me and stopped me. "The reason I'm upset about thisis because I love Brooke," Connor told me. I stared into his eyes and hissearched for any sign of emotion. I pushed him away from me. "You told me shewas ugly," I yelled over the music. "I lied," He admitted. "Well she's withDerek now, so I'm sorry," I snapped and walked back to Clay and the others. Igrabbed a shot glass and downed it. "What did Connor say?" Clay asked. "Nothingworth listening to. Let's dance, Dylan" I asked putting the glass down. Igrabbed his hand and brought him to the dance floor. I don't know why I grabbedDylan. Maybe because he was the only one who wanted a drink, so he was the onlyone who probably wouldn't remember anything from tonight. Dylan and I dancedfor the next six or seven songs. "I need another drink," I yelled pointing tomy throat. "Me too," he agreed. We walked out of the living room and back towhere Clay, Tanner, and Quentin where. I walked over to the fridge and Dylanleaned on the freezer door. "Can I get your number?" Dylan asked rubbing hishands on his pant legs and nervously looking at me. I smiled and nodded. I gavehim my number and Quentin gave me a sad look. Once I filled my drink, I walkedaround the island and stood next to Clay. "Are you staying here tonight?" Heasked poking my side. "Probably," I nodded. I chugged a sip of my drink and setit down. "Holy crap. I'm so hot," I yelled taking my jacket off. "I'm puttingthis in your room," I told Clay and walked off. I ran up the stairs and toClay's bedroom door. "Get out," I sighed as I saw two people kissing on hisbed. They got up and walked out. I threw the jacket on Clay's bed and someoneslammed the door. "Hey Linds," the voice said and they sat on Clay's bed. "Whatdo you want Derek?" I rolled my eyes. "You babe. We are perfect for eachother," he stood up and walked over to me. "No we are not. Go find Brooke," Ipushed him away. "Lindsey," he laughed and tried to come near me. I kicked himwhere the sun don't shine and ran out of the room. "Whoa Lindsey are you okay?"Dylan grabbed my arms as I ran into him. "What the hell Lindsey," Derekscreamed as he ran out of the room and stopped when he saw Dylan with his armsaround me. "Really? Scrawny boy? Cute," Derek poked my side and walkeddownstairs. "Lindsey what the hell was that?" Dylan asked looked down at me. Ihugged him and breathed heavily. "Thank you for being up here," I looked up athim. He hugged me and rubbed my back. Dylan and I walked downstairs hand inhand after I fixed my makeup. "New boy toy Linds?" A few people asked me. Dylanlooked at me then I sighed, "bad past." He nodded as if he understood. Quentinlooked at Dylan and I holding hands and I let go of Dylan. "Derek found me," Iwhispered in Clay's ear. He hugged me and I stood still. "I want to go home," Iran my fingers through my hair. "I'll take you," Quentin did the same with hishair. I nodded and hugged Clay goodbye then said bye to Tanner and Dylan. "Soyou and Dylan?" Quentin asked buckling his seatbelt. "Me and no one," I toldhim. He nodded and drove me home. "Derek found me," I told Quentin. Quentinsnapped his neck and looked at me. "Why didn't you tell me Lindsey? I would'vepunched the guy," Quentin yelled. "It wouldn't solve anything. I just have tokeep ignoring him," I shifted in my seat. "You have to see him every day atschool don't you?" Quentin unbuckled and turned to me. I nodded and he grabbedmy hand. "Lindsey, you need to drop out, take online school, get as far awayfrom this guy as possible," Quentin gave my hand a squeeze. "It isn't thateasy, Q. I can't just drop out," I blinked. He rubbed his forehead and lookedat me. "Please be safe," he gave me a look. I nodded and kissed his cheek. Iwent inside, got dressed in sweats and a big sweatshirt, and lay in my bed. Idecided to do some homework when I heard a knock on the front door. Ugh who the hell is at my house this late?Iwalked downstairs and they knocked again. "I'm coming," I yelled and rolled myeyes. "What do you...Dylan?" I groaned. "Hey. You forgot this at Clay's," hehanded me my jacket. "Oh. You didn't have to. I could've grabbed it tomorrow,"I said taking the jacket. "I wanted to bring it. I needed to talk to you," heput his hands in his pockets and swayed on his feet. I opened the door for himand he came in. "Where are your parents?" He asked looking around. "Businesstrip," I told him. He sat on the couch and I sat with my legs folded under me. "Sowhat's up?" I asked. "Who's Derek?" He asked. "Oh, um he is my ex. He cheatedon me with my best friend," I told him. "Are you okay? You seemed terrifiedwhen you ran out of there," He looked down. "He scared me. He kept coming nearme after I told him I didn't want him anymore," I said trusting him. Dylannodded, leaned his elbows on his knees, and ran his hand through his hair. Ipursed my lips waiting for one of us to break the silence. "You go to schoolwith that asshole?" He looked at me and I nodded. "At least you have Clay," Dylanleaned back. I looked at the clock and it was 1 am. "You're here all byyourself?" Dylan turned to me. "Yeah. I'm used to it," I shrugged. "Why don'tyou stay at a friend's house?" Dylan asked. "My only real friend was Brooke," Ilooked down. "Oh. What about all those people who called me your boy toy?" Helaughed. I laughed too. "All just people at school. I guess you could say I'mpretty popular, so everyone knows me, but not everyone knows me," I explained. He nodded and sighed. "I guess I should getgoing. I told my mom I'd be home at midnight," he said checking his phone. Inodded and walked him to the door. "Goodnight Lindsey," Dylan smiled. I smiledand he walked to his car. "Goodnight Dylan," I whispered leaning against the frontdoor. I went back upstairs and decided to go to sleep. "

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