Chapter 7

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*A Week Later*

"Do you have to leave?" I asked Dylan Hawkins as he packed his bag. "Yes," he laughed. "We will miss you," I told him and cuddled in Dylan Mitchell. "I'll miss you all too," he looked up at us. "Are you coming to the airport with us?" Tanner asked grabbing his lanyard. I looked at Dylan and he goes, "I can't. I have a dentist appointment." I pouted and sighed. "I'll go," I said. Tanner nodded and we all walked outside. "Bye baby. Text me after your appointment," I kissed Dylan and he kissed said he would. Hawkins, Tanner, and I hopped into Tanner's R8 and I grabbed the aux. We drove to the airport and all got out. "Guys! Dylan is leaving us," Tanner fake cried into his camera and hugged Dylan. He turned the camera off and actually hugged him. "I'll miss you bro. It's been fun. I'll hit you up when I'm in LA," Tanner told him. "For sure bro," Dylan nodded and looked at me. "Hawkieeee," I said and walked over to him. He gave me a hug and I looked at him. "Text me whenever," I smiled. He nodded and walked off. "No fair. I wanna go to California," I laughed as I got into Tanner's car. "You wanna go when I go?" He asked opening his door. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah. I already brought Quentin and Dylan," he shrugged starting. "Yes! I wanna go!" I yelled and hugged him. He laughed and we drove back to his house.

Two Months Later

"Yo Tanner," I screamed as I ran down the stairs. "Hey Linds," he laughed. "Hey beautiful," Dylan walked over and kissed me. "I didn't know you were here," I smiled. He smiled back and we watched Tanner play his XBOX. "Did you start packing yet?" Tanner asked handing Dylan the remote. "Not yet. I have to get my suitcase," I told Tanner. "Are you excited?" He grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "Yes I'm so excited," I giggled. It's been two months since Tanner told me I could go to California with him and I'm super happy. The only bad thing is that I'll be away from Dylan for a week or so. "I'm gonna miss you," Dylan pouts. I laughed and kissed his cheek. "Let's go to your house so you can pack," Tanner said and grabbed his keys. I nodded and Dylan grabbed my hand and we walked up together. We got to my house and packed my suitcase to the top. "I think I'm done," I groaned and plopped on my bed. "We leave tomorrow early in the morning. I'll pick you up at 5," Tanner told me. "Dylan you coming with me or staying here?" Tanner asked picking up his phone and keys. "Staying here," he smiled at me and I grinned. We said goodbye to Tanner and I got ready for bed. I cuddled up next to Dylan and it felt like I got five minutes of sleep. "Linds your alarm," Dylan groaned. "I know. I hear it," I sighed and turned it off. "I don't want to get up," Dylan covered hisface with my pillow. "Are you wearing that? I can wake you up when Tanner gets here," I said getting up and walking to my bathroom. "Yeah wake me up then," he said and rolled over to go to sleep. I smiled at him and jumped in the shower. I got out and threw on some leggings and Dylan's hoodie.

From: Tan the Man

On my way!

I smiled and shook Dylan. "Babe, Tanner is on his way," I told him and he rolled over. He smiled and hugged me. "You look good when you wake up," I smirked and kissed him. "You too," he rubbed my arm. I laughed and he got up. "Do you want breakfast?" I asked him as he walked down the stairs. "I guess," he shrugged. I made him a bowl of cereal and put a spoon in it. "You take such good care of me," He ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm gonna miss you," I started to tear up. "Babe come here," he opened his armsand I stood between his legs since he was sitting at the island. I know you're probably thinking,it's only a week guys calm down. But Dylan and I haven't been away from each other for more than two days. Tanner walked in the kitchen a few minutes later and took a bite of my cereal. "Hey," I pushed him and he laughed. "You ready?" he asked and I nodded. Dylan grabbed my suitcase and I put on my Louis Vitonbook bag. We got into the car and Dylan offered to drive the car back to the Braungardt's house. "See you man," Tanner bro hugged Dylan. Dylan looked at me and half smiled. "Bye Linds. I'll see you in a week. Don't go Hollywood on me," he nudged me. I smiled and hugged him. I watched Dylan drive off and Tanner draped his arm around me. "Let's go. I'm sleeping on this plane," he groaned and I laughed as I put my arm around his waist. "Thank you so much for bringing me, Kim," I said for the third time as we walked up to the gate. "Don't even thank me, Lindsey," she smiled and I hugged her. Tanner and I got in our seats and he let me have the window seat. I soon fell asleep and was being shaken. "Lindsey we are here," Tanner said getting up. "Already?" I yawned. I grabbed my bag and checked the time. It was currently 9:15 am. "So we can go back to the hotel, take a nap, then go down to the pier," Kim explained. "Nap," I smiled and they all laughed. "Lindsey do you want to sleep with Taylor or Tanner?" Kim asked me. "Doesn't matter," I shrugged. "She can stay with me," Tanner shrugged grabbing his bag and mine. "Thanks," I thanked him for grabbing my bag. "Mhm," he mumbled and started to ride away on his Heelys. I laughed and recorded him on snapchat. "Tanner," I shouted in the video. He tried to turn around on the wheels and he fell on his face. I laughed and stopped the video. "The floor came out of nowhere," he rubbed his head while I laughed uncontrollably. We got a ride to the rent a car place and Tanner recorded a little bit for his vlog. "This time I brought Lindsey, so that means no Ferris wheel with Quaylor and no cuddling with Quentin," Tanner sighed. Taylor rolled her eyes and I laughed. We got back to the hotel and we all took a nap. "Everyone is sleeping. I think Lindsey is sleeping," Tanner said shoving the camera in my face. "Get out," I groaned and pushed it away. "She's awake and cranky," Tanner laughed. "Mom can Lindsey and I go down to the pier? We have to take Instagram pictures," Tanner woke his mom. "Sure," she waved us off. "Wait I want to get dressed if we're taking pictures," I said and opened my suitcase. I decided on white shorts and an orange ombre shirt. I grabbed my phone and told Tanner I was ready. We walked to the pier since our hotel was really close. "Go stand over there,"Tanner pointed. I obeyed and he took a bunch of pictures then we switched. After a few hours and walking around, Tanner and I met up with Kim, Taylor, and Tristan at a restaurant. "Lindsey and I are gonna hang with Tanner tomorrow mom," Tanner told Kim. She nodded and we headed back to the hotel.

To: My Boyfriend

Hey it's been a long day. I'm going to sleep now. I love you.

I texted Dylan and closed my eyes. "Linds, wakey wakey eggs and bakey," Tanner shook me. "Get dressed we are meeting Tanner in an hour," he told me. I groaned and got up to choose my outfit. I got out my black leggings with a green top, a black crop top that showed off my belly button ring, pink Nike shoes, and my choker with a diamond on it. "Let's go girl," Tanner smiled and we walked out of the hotel room trying not to disturb everyone else. We grabbed McDonald's on the way and I ate it in the car. We arrived at Tanner's house. "Yo TFox," Tanner yelled walking into his house. I followed and Tanner Fox ran from around the corner. "Yo," he yelled and bro hugged Tanner. Tanner Fox turned to me and smiled. "Little Fox," he smiled and stuck his hand out. "Lindsey," I shook his hand. "That's my sister's name," he laughed. "We should go to a trampoline park," Tanner B suggested. Tanner Fox nodded and smiled at me again."Can you record me doing a few scooter tricks first?" Tanner Fox asked. Tanner B nodded and grabbed the camera. "Great videography," I teased Tanner B as he flipped the camera around. Tanner Fox went inside to get everything he needed. Tanner B stuck his tongue out at me and I stuck mine out getting close to his face. I put my tongue back in and Tanner B looked me in the eyes. And then I was shocked. Tanner Braungardt kissed me. "Lindsey," Tanner B started. "I'm ready," Tanner Fox walked out. "Me too," I cleared my throat and walked fast away from Tanner B. I barely talked to Tanner B for the rest of the day. I spent the whole day with Tanner Fox. Eventually we had to leave Tanner Fox's house and I got his number. We got into the rental car and we just sat there. "Lindsey, I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I don't know what I was thinking. I know you're pissed at me," Tanner B explained. "I'm not mad at you Tanner," I choked. "You didn't talk to me at all today," he looked over at me. "I'm mad at myself," I turned my head. "Why?" He asked so quiet I could barely hear. "Because I felt something, Tanner. Because I didn't stop you," I yelled and looked out the front window. "You felt something too?" He asked. "It doesn't matter. I love Dylan," I said and a tear slipped. "Just drive back to the hotel," I wiped my tear. Tanner started the car and drove back. I got out and walked away from the hotel. "Lindsey where are you going?" He called after me. "For a walk. I need to think," I shouted. "You don't know where you're going," he yelled. "I'll figure it out," I snapped my head. He backed off and went into the hotel. I got out my phone and texted someone.

To: Lil Fox

Hey, can you come pick me up? I'm at Broadway St.

Tanner Fox textedback and said he'd be there in ten minutes.

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