Chapter 18

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*Monday Morning*

"Pack your bags woman," Dylan shouted. "I'm already packed," I laughed and set my suitcase down. "Touché," he pouted and put my suitcase in his car. "I am sleeping in the car," I said and opened the passenger side door. "Whatever you want," He started the car. I leaned my head on the window and started to doze off. Dylan and I spent the rest of the weekend hanging out and talking about life."Wake up. We're at my house," Dylan tapped my leg and got out. I stretched out and opened my door. "I kept your suitcase in my trunk. I'll take it out when I drop you off later," he smiled. I thanked him and I heard the front door open. "Hi Lindsey," a voice said. I turned around and saw Dylan's mom. "Hi Karen," I grinned and walked over to give her a hug. "I'm happy to see you back with Dylan," she smiled. "We aren't really together," I told her awkwardly. "Mom! Do we not have Dr. Pepper?" Dylan yelled. "It's in the garage," she rolled her eyes. "Ugh," he groaned and I walked in. Dylan's brother was sitting on the couch and he turned around when I walked in. "Hey Lindsey," he waved. I walked to where the couch was and said hey. "How was the cabin?" he winked. "It was fun," I smiled politely since I had only met him once. Dylan walked in and handed me a can of Dr. Pepper. I thanked him and he linked our hands. "Come with me," he jerked his head and brought me to his bedroom door. "You thought the cabin was nice," he smiled. He opened the door and his room was the same as before. "It's the same as before," I laughed. "Lindsey," he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bed. "I know we had a mess up, but please forgive me. I still love you. Will you be my girlfriend again?" Dylan smiled hopefully. "Dylan," I pulled my hand away. His face dropped and I sighed. "You know I love you. So much, Dylan. I just don't think I can date you again right now! I need time to figure things out. I am still upset that you didn't believe me when I told you about Tanner. And I think we need to gain each other's trust before we commit again. Please understand," I told him. "I understand. Do you want to watch a movie?" He smiled. "I did tell Tanner I would go see him," I told him."Do you want me to drive you?" He turned to me. "Sure," I nodded. We walked out of his room and his mom smiled at us. "Where are you guys going?" She asked. "Tanner's house," Dylan told her. "Oh," she shrugged. "We're good mom," Dylan grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house. "What was that about?" I bit my nail. "I haven't talked to Tanner since you left," Dylan opened my door. "Dylan, I'm so sorry," I bit my lip. "For what?" he shrugged and leaned on the door. "I ruined one of your friendships with your best friend," I sighed. "No you didn't. He did, but we made up, didn't we Linds? Tanner and I will be okay," he told me as I got in the car. We drove to Tanner's house and I smiled when I saw his house. "I'm gonna stay here for right now," Dylan sighed when I got out of the car. I closed the door and ran up to the door. I knocked on the door and Taylor opened the door. Her jaw dropped and she hugged me. "Is Tanner here?" I smiled and she nodded and called for him. "Door is for you," she winked and moved out of the way. Tanner came around the corner in his basketball shorts and no shirt on. "Who is it?" He groaned and looked up. "Lindsey," his face lit up. "Hi," I grinned. He ran over to me and hugged me tightly. He picked me up and spun me. "Tanner," I laughed. "What are you doing here?" He put me down. I pointed to the car and he noticed Dylan. He looked back at me and pursed his lips. "You two back together?" He bit his lip. "No. Just friends," I ran my fingers through my hair. "Got it," he smiled. I nodded and looked back at the car. "He thinks you hate him," I told Tanner and looked at the ground. "I don't hate him. I thought he hated me," he admitted. "Please talk to him," I looked at Tanner. "Sure," he nodded. I stood on the front steps and watched Tanner walk to the car. They talked for a few seconds and Dylan got out of the car. Tanner walked passed me then Dylan smiled at me. We all went inside and sat in the movie room. "I don't hate you dude," Tanner said to Dylan. "I know bro. I donot hate you either. Sorry I blocked you on everything," he bit his lip and looked at me.

Dylan's POV

I watched Lindsey knock on the door with the biggest smile on her face. Taylor opened the door and the two girls hugged. I assume Lindsey asked for Tanner because Taylor disappeared. A few minutes later, Tanner ran out of the house and gave Lindsey a huge hug. Lindsey jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist and I quickly looked away. After a few minutes of me being on my phone to distract myself from the jealousy, someone tapped on my window. Tanner stood next to my car and jerked his head. I rolled the window down and he leaned on the car. "Come inside. Lindsey is coming in," Tanner informed me and walked away from the car. I got out of the car and followed his up the front steps. I smiled at Lindsey and we went into Tanner's movie room. "I don't hate you dude," Tanner said after the silence. "I know bro. I do not hate you either. Sorry I blocked you on everything," I bit my lip and looked at Lindsey to see her reaction."I'm so beyond sorry for what happened with Lindsey and me. I know she's yours and I should've never done that," Tanner confessed. "Agreed," I nodded. Lindsey looked back at me and I shrugged.

From: Mom

Dinner is ready. Is Lindsey coming?

"Are you coming to dinner at my house?" I looked down at Lindsey. "No. I think I'm gonna stay and talk to Tanner for a little if that's okay with you," she smiled at me. Hell, no it is not fine with me. "Yeah that's fine," I nodded. She grinned and I sighed. I do not care how rude that sounds, but tell me you would not be pissed if your girl, who isnot technically yours, was hanging with your best friend that she has kissed before. "Text me when you leave," I told her. She nodded and started talking to Tanner about California. I walked upstairs and Kim looked taken back. "Dylan, haven't seen you in a while," Kim said looking up from the kitchen counter. "Yeah. Lindsey is downstairs," I told her since she loved Lindsey. She smiled and waved goodbye as she made her way downstairs.

Lindsey's POV

"So you were with Tanner Fox and Jake Angeles?" Tanner wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed and nodded. "Yeah I was, and kind of still am, living with Tanner Fox. It was so fun," I explained. "How did you meet up with Dylan again?" He played with his fingers. "Quentin helped him set up a cabin. He asked me out again, but I said no. I feel like he still doesn't trust me and I can't be in a relationship with someone who doesn't trust me, you know?" I informed him. "Totally," he nodded. "Lindsey!" Someone yelled. I turned around and saw Kim. I smiled and gave her a big hug. "I'm so happy to see you again," she smiled. "Aw I missed you guys," I grinned. "Stay for dinner tonight," she ushered. "Oh I don't know," I bit my lip. "Come on," she smiled. I looked back at Tanner and he gave me a cheeky smile. "Fine," I laughed. Kim went upstairs and I sat next to Tanner. "She wasn't going to give up," he laughed. "I know," I smiled. Tanner took his phone out and went on snapchat. "Look," he tapped my side and I turned my head. We took a cute picture and he posted it to his story with the caption 'welcome back stranger💕.' I smiled and we watched a movie. My phone dinged and I looked down to see Quentin snapchatted me. He sent me Tanner's story and put a question mark and a smirk face. I texted back and asked whom he wanted me to date with a laughing crying face. "Can I charge my phone?" I asked Tanner. "Yeah. You know where the cord is," he pointed. I got up, went into his room, and plugged my phone in. When I walked back into the movie room, Tanner looked like he was falling asleep. I laughed and put a blanket on him. I watched the rest of the movie and put on Riverdale. Tanner jerked awake and looked over at me. "You good?" I laughed. "Bad dream," he laughed too and sat up next to me. "When are going leaving again?" he looked at me. "Tomorrow, but I'm coming back soon," I told him. "Can I drive you to the airport?" He bit his lip. "I think everyone wants to come," I nodded. "I'll drive everyone," he ushered. "Okay," I smiled. 

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