Chapter 19

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"Get up," Tanner shook me. "Why?" I groaned. "Airport," he sighed. I rolled my eyes and stood up. I walked out of the front door and stopped immediately. Tanner ran into my back and sighed. "Lindsey what?" He laughed. "It's freezing out here," I yelled. "Here," he handed me a hoodie and locked the door. I put the jacket on and got into the R8. We drove to Quentin's house and he got into the back seat. Then we pulled up to Dylan's house and he ran out of the house. I got out of the car so he could get it. When he looked at me, I saw his eyes shoot to the hoodie and I got in right after him. "When are you coming back?" Dylan asked after a few minutes of driving. "Friday," I informed them. "That's two more whole days without you not including today," Quentin shouted. I laughed and Tanner looked at him through the mirror. Once we got to the airport, everyone piled out of the car. "It's only two days guys," I laughed as Quentin hugged me. Quentin pulled again and Dylan walked up to me. "Hug," he opened his arms. I smiled and gave him a hug. "Give me some love," Tanner yelled and opened his arms wide. I laughed and walked towards his body. "Oh do you want your hoodie back?" I said looking up at him. "No keep it," he looked down. I smiled and pulled away from him. "Alright guys. See you Friday," I smiled and walked into the airport.

When I landed in San Diego, I texted Tanner Fox and told him to pick me up. I grabbed my luggage and went outside. A few fans recognized me, so I took pictures with them and I saw the GTR. I smiled widely and saw Tanner get out of the car. I ran over and gave him a hug. "I missed you and it's only been a few days," I laughed. "And you're moving back there? How are we going to live?" he threw his head back dramatically. "I don't know," I smiled. We went back to Tanner Fox's house and I packed up my suitcase. "Anyone you want to say goodbye to before you leave us forever?" Tanner smirked. "Not forever," I pushed him. "There's a party tonight. Want to end it how we started it?" He winked. "Sounds like fun," I nodded.

Later on into the night, I decided that I needed to start getting ready for this party. I decided on a black crop top, black skinny jean that had fishnets in the rips and above the waist, and a jean jacket. Tanner smiled at me and sat on his bed. "So," he started. I put my lip-gloss on and turned around. "So what?" I questioned. "I've been talking to this girl. And she's coming tonight," he told me. "No way! What's her name?" I smiled. "Taylor," he smiled thinking about her. "Aw I'm so happy for you," I jumped. "I don't know if it will even work out yet Linds. Don't start making wedding plans now," he laughed. "Whatever. I have a good feeling it will," I rolled my eyes. "I need your opinion on her since you're my best friend," he picked up his phone. "Aw I'm your best friend," I blushed. "Duh," he shrugged. "Alright let's go," He pulled me out of the house. We pulled up the house and it was a big house. "Whose party is this?" I asked. "I'm not sure. Taylor knows some of the friends of the guys and she asked if we could go," He shrugged. "Oh," I said closing my car door. "Are we going to know anyone here?" I laughed. "Yeah. Tons," he nudged me. I nodded and we walked in together. "Yo Tanner," someone yelled. "Come on," Tanner pulled me along with him. Tanner walked up to a person who had brown hair with blonde highlights in it. "Hey. I am Brennen Taylor. Do you want a drink?" The person stuck his hand out. "Lindsey Miller and yes," I smiled. He nodded and got me a drink from the fridge. "I'm going to go find Taylor. Do you want to come?" Tanner touched my back and yelled over the music. "Umm," I hesitated. "You can hang with me," Brennen smiled. "I'll be here," I smiled and took a sip of my drink. Tanner looked at Brennen with a skeptical look and then back at me. "Alright," he nodded and walked off. "Is this your house?" I asked. "No this is my buddies," He informed me. I nodded and looked to my right. My face must have frozen because Brennen grabbed my arm. "Are you okay?" He shook me. "What? Umm yeah," I said downing my drink. "No you aren't. What happened?" Brennen asked putting his drink down to make sure that I was okay. I looked at Brennen and then back to Jake. Jake was all over a girl and they were making out. "Just an ex that's here. I didn't think he would be here," I told him. "Which one?" he asked looking at the crowd. "Brown hair against the wall with the Bimbo," I rolled my eyes. "He's an ass," Brennen looked at me. I laughed and we continued to talk for a little while. "Brennen can you hand me that?" Someone pointed. "Thanks. Umm hi I'm Colby," a person a little shorter than Brennen smiled at me. "Lindsey," I smiled. "I've never seen you around here," he observed. "I live in Kansas. I was staying with my friend for a little," I told him. He nodded. "You wanna dance?" He asked. "Sure," I shrugged. Brennen laughed as Colby pulled me onto the dance floor. "So how old are you?" Colby asked dancing. "16," I shouted over the music. "Dammit," he laughed. "Why?" I furrowed my brows. "I'm 18," he informed me. I shrugged and he laughed. "I'm thirsty already," I told him. We walked off and Brennen pulled me aside. "Your ex was staring when you and Colby were dancing," he winked. "Really?" I asked. He nodded and I downed two shots. "I'm ready," I grabbed Colby's hand and danced closer to him. "Lindsey," Colby yelled grabbing my hips, but still dancing. "Yeah?" I asked slowing down. "Brennen told me about your ex," He laughed. "I'm sorry. I swear I'm not doing this to make him mad," I admitted. "So you honestly want to be on this floor dancing with me right now?" Colby asked. I nodded and Colby nodded too. "Good," he smiled. We danced a little more and he goes, "What the heck." I looked up and he smiled. "Who says we can't give this jerk a show at the same time," he winked and he leaned in to kiss me. I hesitated, but I kissed him anyway. "I don't wanna dance anymore," I laughed. "Me neither," he shook his head. Colby and I walked over to where Brennen was standing and he looked at us and laughed. "Quality," Brennen laughed. I leaned on the counter and Colby leaned right behind me. "Lindsey," Tanner shouted and walked over with a girl on his arm. "Omg you must be Taylor," I smiled. "Yes! You must be Lindsey! I've heard so much about you," She gushed and hugged me. "You're so pretty," I complimented her. "I was going to say the same about you," she smiled. "Hey. Did you see Jake yet?" Tanner nudged me. "Oh I saw him," I rolled my eyes. "What's that for?" He asked. "He moves on quick," I pointed to Jake with some other girl. "Linds, I'm sorry," he sighed. "It's whatever," I looked down at my drink. Tanner gave me a hug and walked off with Taylor. I turned around and Colby was still standing behind me. "You okay?" He asked sipping his drink. "I guess. I don't know. He got pissed at me because I went back to Kansas without telling him," I shrugged. "Damn," Colby sighed. "Need a hug?" He smiled. I laughed and hugged him. "Lindsey, can we talk?" a voice came from behind me. I turned around and Jake stood in front of me. Colby put his hand on my hip and Jake rolled his eyes. "Without your little boyfriend," he sighed. "It's fine," I looked up at Colby. He half smiled and I walked outside with Jake. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to Kansas?" He crossed his arms. "It was so short noticed I didn't even think about it," I confessed. "That's why we aren't together," he ran his fingers through his hair. "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked defensively. "'I didn't even think about it,'" He mimicked me. "You didn't even think about telling me. How could I trust you to think about me at all? Tell Dylan I said hi," he rolled his eyes and started to walk back to the party. "You do not get to say that to me and then walk away," I yelled. "I just did," he sighed and went inside the house. "Ugh," I screamed. I sat on the concrete outside and listened to the faint music in the background. "Is someone not having fun at my party?" A voice asked from above me. "Sorry," I shrugged. "It was a joke hon," the boy sat next to me. "I'm Kian Lawley," he stuck his hand out. "Lindsey Miller," I exhaled. "Cheer up," he nudged me. "My ex-boyfriend just yelled at me for something dumb," I rolled my eyes. "I see. Well I think the key word is EX. Meaning not anymore. Free girl now," He laughed. "I don't feel free," I ran my fingers through my hair. "Want some? You need it more than me," he offered his cup. I looked at him and then down to his cup. I took the cup from his hand and took a sip. I handed him the cup back and he laughed when I made a sour face. "Ugh what is this?" I made a gross face. "Some rum thing. I'm not sure," he laughed. "Gross," I laughed. He took a sip and made a disgusted face. We laughed and he dumped the rest out. "So Lindsey Miller," Kian said setting his cup down. "Yes Kian Lawley," I sighed. "What are you doing tomorrow?" he asked. "Nursing this hangover I'm about to have. Why?" I asked. "Well," he put his hands together. "How about you come over here and nurse your hangover," he smiled. "Hmm, is there a catch?" I asked. "No why would there be? You just have to help clean up," he said fast. "That's what I thought. I'll be here," I laughed and got his number.

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