Chapter 15

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Dylan Mitchell's POV

"Dylan here's your dinner," my mom walked into my dark room. "Not hungry," I said quietly and rolled over in bed. "Dylan," my mom sighed as she sat on my bed. "I'm not hungry mom," I snapped. "You've barely eaten anything the last few days," She rested her hand on my leg. "It all hurt," I choked. "I know Dylan. I know what a break up feels like," my mom sighed. I could tell she was worried about me. My mom had never seen me in any pain. I had never cried in front of her except for when I was a baby. "It wasn't just a break up mom. I'm head over heels in love with her. I still am. I'm completely heart broken," I sobbed. "Do something special to prove that then," She told me. I rolled over and looked at her. "She's gone. I don't know where she is," I informed her. "Dylan, if you are truly head over heels for her, then you know exactly where she is," she moved the hair from my face and walked out of my room. I pulled on my hair a little bit and grabbed my car keys. "I'll be back," I said walking out of my house. I got into my car and drove to the river. Immediately I go in the trunk and look for a hoodie since it was cold in Kansas. I finally found a hoodie and when I took it out I realized it was Lindsey's. A tear fell and landed on her hoodie. I threw it back in the car and walked down to the water anyways. Once I got near the river bank, I sat down and started to cry. I pulled my phone out and looked through my camera roll. My favorite picture came up. I looked at the photo of Lindsey kissing my cheek and me doing a weird smile. A tear fell onto the phone screen and I put it away. All the water I built up in me started flowing. No matter how mad I was about Lindsey kissing Tanner, I still miss her like crazy. She was and still is my entire world. There's no way I can get her back.

I hopped into my car and drove to Quentin's house.

Phone Call Q. Quentin D. Dylan

D. Yo

Q. Hey what's up bro?

D. You home?

Q. Yeah. Why?

D. Is Tanner there?

Q. No

D. I'm coming in.

I hit the red button and put my phone on the passenger's seat. I got out of my car and knocked on the front door. "Dylan, honey," Quentin's mom opened her arms for a hug. I hugged her and she rubbed my back. "I heard what happened. I'm so sorry," She comforted me. "Thank you. Is Quentin in his room?" I asked and shivered. She nodded and opened the door. I smiled weakly and walked into his house. The warm air hit me and I felt a little better. I made my way to Quentin's room and opened the door. "What's-whoa dude. You look terrible," Quentin told me. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the floor. "Where is she?" I asked him. "What?" Quentin played dumb. "Don't act stupid. You're her best friend. I know that you know where she is. I need her back. I'm a mess without her. Obviously," I gestured to my sweatpants, tank top, tear stained face, and messy hair. "I can't tell you bro," Quentin ran his fingers through his hair. "Screw you then," I stood up. "I can't tell you where she is, but I can get her to you," He blurted out. "What?" I turned out. "There's a few cabins for rent upstate. I'm not sure how happy she will be to see you, but I can get her to the cabins," He bit his thumb. "Deal. Thank you so much bro," I ran over and hugged him. "You're welcome. Now go shower. I'll rent the cabin and call her. I'll let you know when to be there," he patted my back. I nodded and quickly drove home to shower and pack for the weekend.

From: Q

You have the cabin Friday-Monday this week. I'm bringing her Saturday, if I can get her there. Address is 768 Riverview in Milford. Don't post anything about it or say anything to her.

I texted him back and thanked him so much. I checked the date and realized it was Sunday so I had a whole week ahead of me. I plan to go to the cabin and set up something amazing before she gets there. I really hope she agrees to go. 

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