Chapter 13

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"There's a party tonight. Do you want to go?" Tanner asked as we lay on the trampoline. "Sure. Who's party?" I asked. "One of my friends," he shrugged. I nodded and sighed. "What time?" I played with my nail. "It starts at 7," He informed me. "Okay," I said checking the time. I figured I could start getting ready at 5:30 and have a little extra time before we left. Tanner and I chilled on the trampoline for the rest of the day until 5:30 when I got up to get ready. I looked in my suitcase and decided on dark blue ripped, skinny jeans and a lacey white shirt. I grabbed my white wedges and started to curl my hair. "You look good," Tanner walked in on his phone. "Thank you," I smiled and put lip-gloss on. "Is it too much?" I asked looking at my outfit in the mirror. Tanner stood next to me and looked me up and down. "Nope," he shook his head. "Oh goodie," I grinned and took selfies before we left. "We are picking up Jake," Tanner informed me as we made a left turn. I nodded and took a picture of me and posted it on my snap story with the caption, "just a little get up for a party tn."We pulled up to Jake's and I got out of the car so he could climb into the back seat. "Damn girl. You look fire," Jake smiled and I laughed. He climbed in and I got in after him. "Dylan texted me and said he got some kegs, so maybe don't post much or record anything tonight," Jake said looking down at his phone. Tanner sighed and touched my hand. He knew I would get upset that he mentioned Dylan. I knew he wasn't talking about my, or rather not my, Dylan. Tanner looked over at me long enough to give me a weak smile and then look back at the road.

Jake's POV

"Dylan texted me and said he got some kegs, so maybe don't post much or record anything tonight," I told Tanner. When I looked up from my phone I saw Tanner reach for Lindsey's hand. He looked over at her and smiled. She smiled back and they both looked at the road. Tanner looked in the rear view mirror and looked at me. I jerked my head as if I was saying "hey" even though I wanted to punch him. Tanner didn't tell me to back off Lindsey because she just broke up with her boyfriend. He told me to back off because he wanted her. We pulled up to Dylan Hawkin's house and once Lindsey got out and jumped out of the car and stormed inside. I went straight to the kitchen and took a shot of whatever alcohol was in front of me. "Yo Jake," Hawkins hopped over to me. "Where's the kegs?" I asked downing another shot. "Over there. Bad day?" He asked. "You could say that," I cleared my throat and walked over to get a drink.

Lindsey's POV

I got out of the car and before I could say anything Jake was inside the house. "I guess he's excited," Tanner shrugged and locked the car. "Let me know if you want to leave and we can go," he put his arm around me. I smiled up at him and we walked in together. Tanner had dropped his arm off of me when we walked in. "Tanner!" A familiar voice shouted. I looked up and saw Dylan Hawkins. "Dylan!" I yelled. He looked over at me and smiled really wide. He hugged me and picked me up. "Lindsey," he grinned into my shoulder. "How are you?" He asked. "Well," I bit my lip. "What?" He furrowed his brows. "Dylan and I broke up," I told him. "Aw I'm so sorry," He gave me a sympathetic look. "It's whatever. Things happen for a reason right," I shrugged acting like I wasn't upset. "Well drinks are in the kitchen and outback. And non-alcohol is in the fridge," He told us. Tanner and I walked into the kitchen and he went to the fridge. I looked at the shots on the table and bit my lip.

"I'm Lindsey. Want a drink?" I asked everyone. "Sure," Dylan smiled and I handed him a drink.

"Lindsey," Tanner shook me. "What?" I asked snapping out of my trance. "Do you want a drink?" He pointed. I shook my head and he closed the fridge. I looked at the shots again as we walked away. Tanner and I talked to some of his friends for a while. "I'm going to find a bathroom. I'll be back," I touched Tanner's arm. He nodded and I walked away. I sighed and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed one of the shot glasses and downed it. I ran my fingers through my hair and started to walk back to Tanner. I looked outside and saw Jake sitting by himself. I walked outside and a burst of cold wind hit me. "Hey," I sat next to him. Jake looked at me and I could tell he had been drinking a lot. I grabbed his cup and took a big sip. I handed him the drink back and he set it down beside him. "What's wrong? Why are you out here all alone?" I asked him. "Just not up to party I guess," He shrugged. "Doesn't sound likely," I grinned. He looked over at me and I stopped smiling. "Okay really            Jake," I sighed. "Are you and Tanner together?" He asked breaking the silence. "What? No! He is comforting me because my ex and I just broke up," I told him. "Yeah that's what he said, but holding hands everywhere. And the guy at the skate park! God, I was supposed to be protecting you," Jake put his head in his hands and pulled on his hair. "Jake," I whispered. "Lindsey, I know you and your boyfriend just got into a huge fight and you're here to get your mind off of it, but god damn. I know we have only known each other for like two days, but you make me feel this way that no one else does. You make me so happy. I'm always smiling and laughing around you. I constantly want to be around you because you make me into this person that I always want to be," Jake confessed. I gulped and he looked over at me. Jake started to lean in and I sighed. "Jake," I whispered. "Shh," He shushed me and pressed his lips onto mine. I kissed back and put my arms around his neck. He set his one hand on my hip and the other on the concrete. We pulled away and he looked me in the eye. "Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't feel anything. And if you didn't, then I leave you alone. If you did and you want to wait, I'd wait forever for you Lindsey," he rubbed my hip with his thumb. "I'm not ready yet," I bit my lip. "Let me know when you are. I'm always here," he kissed my forehead. I looked up at him and he smiled weakly. Jake and I sat outside a little while looking at the sky and talking about random things. He pulled his phone out and took a picture of us and posted it on his snap story. "There you guys are! I've been looking everywhere for you two," Tanner laughed coming outside. "We were just chilling," I shrugged. "Are you guys ready to go?" He asked. We nodded and walked back inside. "Bye Hawkie," I grinned and hugged him tightly. "Bye Linds. Text me," He hugged back. The boys said goodbye and we walked out to Tanner's GTR. We pulled up to Jake's house and I got out of the car so he could climb out. "See you later man," he waved to Tanner and grabbed my hand so that Tanner wouldn't see. "Bye Lindsey," he smiled. He let go of my hand and I grinned. "Bye Jake," I waved. I got back in the car and closed my eyes. "I'm tired," I yawned and Tanner laughed. We got back to Tanner's house and I got changed into sweatpants and I took one of Tanner's merch shirts. I sat on Tanner's bed and he got his phone out. "Lindsey," he said. I looked up and he was recording me. "What?" I asked and covered my face. He stopped recording and walked over to the bed. He made the caption 'always stealing my clothes wtf' and posted it on his snapchat story. I playfully rolled my eyes and he laughed.

From: Jake Angeles

Any chance you'd want to go out on a date with me tomorrow? I'll pick you up

To: Jake Angeles

Sounds amazing

I smiled and plugged my phone in and closed my eyes. Am I rushing into this too much? I'm clearly still upset about Dylan, but kissing Jake really did feel good. I ignored my thoughts and fell asleep. I woke up before Tanner again and I quickly got a shower and got changed. I put on my light wash skinny jeans and a cute crop top. I grabbed my phone off the charge and ran outside of the house. I called Jake and got into Tanner's FRS. I figured if he wanted to go somewhere he could take Guac Zilla.

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