Chapter 5

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Tanner's POV

I posted the video and I knew the comments weren't going to be good. I looked over and Lindsey and she was reading them. "Can I use your bathroom?" She asked standing up and walking out of my room. Quentin and Dylan both got up and I put my hand up. "I got it," I told them and ran after her. "Lindsey, those people are just jealous. Don't listen to what they say," I tell her. "I'm okay Tanner," she told me. I tilted my head and gave her a hug. "Don't listen to them," I said again. She nodded and smiled up at me. "A lot of them said you and Dylan would be cute," I poked her in her stomach and she laughed. "Do you like Dylan or Quentin?" I asked getting serious. "Umm I don't know if I really like anyone. I just am going through a lot," She told me. I nodded and we walked back into my room.

Lindsey's POV

Tanner and I walked back into his room and I sat down on the bean bag with Dylan. "Hey," Dylan smiled at me. I smiled and put my head back. After a minute I felt a warm feeling on my thigh and I looked down and noticed Dylan had his hand on my leg. I looked at him and he kept his eyes on the game. I moved my body and put my head on his shoulder. He turned his head and kissed the top of my head. "Let's go take Instagram pictures," Quentin screamed. So the four of us got up and went to drive to some place. "Lindsey go stand over there by the gate," Tanner pointed while Quentin and Dylan walked off to take pictures somewhere else. Tanner took a few pictures of me on my phone and then I took pictures of Tanner.

Quentin's POV

Dylan and I walked off while Tanner took pictures of Lindsey. "Bro, I know you met her first, but I really like Lindsey," Dylan looked at me. I cleared my throat and said, "Okay? What do you want me to do?" Dylan stood by a tree and posed. "Do you know if she likes me?" He asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. Probably," I took his picture. Dylan smiled and looked down as I took more pictures of him.

Lindsey's POV

"These looks really good," Tanner said scrolling through the pictures I took of him. Dylan and Quentin came over and they smiled at me. We got back in the car and Quentin called shotgun. Dylan moved next to me and I smiled up at him. "Post this one," Dylan said clicking on a picture of me laughing and running my fingers through my hair. "I like it," I smiled and opened Instagram. My caption was "best thing you ever had." Dylan opened Instagram and commented, "I picked this😍." I smiled and watched as Quentin and Tanner commented heart eyes on my picture. I replied to them all and more comments rolled in. Some of the comments were nice and others were rude, but I closed the app and hung out with my new best friends. "I'm hungry," Quentin whined. Tanner laughed and pulled into the IHOP parking lot. "Do you like IHOP Lindsey?" Tanner turned around. I nodded and we got out of the car. "Hi Tanner. Hi Quentin," the IHOP employee smiled. "Hi Jess," Tanner waved. "You boys know the workers?" I laughed. "They come here too often," Dylan said sitting in the booth next to me. For the next hour we sat there laughing and talking about random stuff. I started to get money out and Tanner goes, "What are you doing?" I looked up and furrowed my eyes. "I'm getting my money," I laughed. "No, I'll pay for you," he waved me off. "Tanner, no," I told him. "Lindsey, yes," he mocked me and smirked. "Tanner come on," I groaned. "Linds, we are friends. I'm buying your food. It was only like five dollars anyway," he explained. I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "Linds, you have school tomorrow?" Dylan asked. "No honey. Tomorrow is Sunday," I laughed. "Oh yay," he smiled. "Do you want to stay over tonight?" Tanner asked me. "Umm sure. I have to grab clothes from my house," I told them. We all got into Tanner's car and he drove to my house. "You guys can come in," I said and we all got out and walked to my door. The boys followed me up to my room and I grabbed all my clothes. Once I packed my clothes we walked downstairs. "Lindsey?" I heard a voice from the kitchen. "Go," I whisper-yelled and pushed the boys towards the door. "Lindsey," my mom walked in, "who are they?" I turned around and smiled. "These are my friends, Tanner, Quentin, and Dylan," I pointed and put my weight on my right leg. "Where is Derek?" My mom asked. "He cheated on me with Brooke. You won't be seeing them anymore. These are my friends now. I'm going over Tanner's," I rolled my eyes and walked out of the house with the boys following me. We got to Tanner's house and I plopped on his bed. "Damn! Quentin can you give me a ride to my house?" Dylan screamed and sat up. "Ugh I hate you. Let's go," Quentin rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys. "Linds you coming?" Quentin asked. "No I don't want to get up," I laughed. "You suck," Dylan shoved me. Quentin and Dylan left and I sat up. Tanner was sitting on his beanbag playing Guitar Hero and I got up and sat next to him. "Tanner," I sighed. "Yes Lindsey?" He asked finishing his song. "I think I like Dylan," I pursed my lips. He slowly turned his head and smiled at me. "What?" I asked as he took the guitar off his body. "Finally," Tanner yelled and hugged me. "Tanner you're crushing me," I yelled since he was laying on me. "It ain't my fault," he laughed and picked his head up. His face was really close to mine and he cleared his throat then sat up. "Are you gonna ask him out?" Tanner asked fixing his hair. "Probably not," I laughed. "Please do," Tanner pleaded. "I don't even know if he likes me," I looked down. "Really," Tanner said and tilted his head. "Just play your game," I laughed and pushed him. He laughed and grabbed his guitar. Ten minutes later Dylan and Quentin walked in. "Lindsey get away from my boyfriend," Quentin yelled. I laughed and got up to sit next to Dylan. "Do you want to watch a movie in the movie room?" Dylan looked at me. "Sure!" Quentin shouted. We all looking over at him and Tanner goes, "Nah, I don't feel like it." I could tell Tanner gave Quentin the look saying I wanted to be alone with Dylan. "Me neither," Quentin shrugged and sat next to Tanner. "You two are weird," Dylan got up and stretched his arms making his shirt rise a little. I couldn't stop myself from staring. "Come on Linds," Dylan put his hand out and I grabbed it. I smiled at Tanner and walked with Dylan to the movie room. Dylan sat down and put his arm up. "What do you want to watch?" I asked sitting next to, and close to, Dylan. "I don't know. Do you have anything in mind?" He asked looking at me. I looked at him and noticed his eyes traveled to the lips. He was leaning in and I moved closer to him. He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me. We pulled away and I smiled. "I don't wanna watch a movie," I told him. "Me neither," he shook his head and we kissed again. His hand traveled to my hip and I slid my arm behind his neck. "You are so beautiful Lindsey. I've liked you since the moment I saw you," Dylan admitted when we pulled away. "I like you too Dylan," I smiled. He pulled me closer to him and I lay my head on his chest while his arm rested around my waist. "Should we tell the guys?" Dylan played with my hair. "I don't know. Do you want to?" I asked looked up at him. "We'll keep it a secret for a little longer before we never hear the end of it," he kissed my lips. I smiled and we heard them walk in. I jumped away from Dylan. "You guys! There's no movie on," Quentin yelled and plopped in between Dylan and me. Tanner sat next to me and raised his eyebrows. I smiled at him and he shook his head, "oh my god. On my movie room couch?" My jaw dropped and I pushed his shoulder. "I hate you," I laughed. He laughed too and gave me a hug. Quentin put his arm around me and pulled me close to him. I looked at Dylan and he looked pissed. "Linds you look beautiful," Quentin looked down at me. "Lindsey and I like each other!" Dylan yelled and stood up. He pulled me away from Quentin and kissed me on the lips. "We both admitted our feelings for each other," Dylan ran his fingers through his hair and wrapped his arm around me in a protective way. Quentin and Tanner looked at each other and fist bumped. "What was that for?" I asked. "We weren't sure if Dylan had told you how he felt, so we figured if Quentin flirted with you enough, Dylan would eventually admit it," Tanner laughed. I giggled and Dylan rolled his eyes. "Aw baby cheer up," I giggled and wrapped my eyes around Dylan's neck. He smiled and put his hands on my hips as he kissed me. "Get a room," Quentin pretended to puke. I laughed and rested my head on Dylan's chest. "Okay let's start a movie," Tanner shouted. Dylan and I cuddled the whole movie and Tanner took our picture. "Do you care if I put this on my story?" Tanner asked showing us. "It's up to Lindsey. Are you prepared for the haters?" Dylan looked down at me. "I think so. I'm happy; that's all that matters," I smiled. Dylan wrapped his arms around my torso and put his head in the crook of my neck. Dylan and I ended up falling asleep in the movie room and Tanner started to shake me. "Do you want to go to my room?" He asked. "No were fine here," I groaned and cuddled up next to Dylan. "You two are cute," he said and went to bed. I woke up in the morning and I was alone in the movie room. I walked into Tanner's room and no one was there. It was pretty cold, so I found one of Dylan's hoodies and put it on. I walked upstairs and heard talking. "Taylor, no. I'm not driving you. Ask Dylan or Quentin," Tanner groaned. "Don't look at me," I heard Quentin. "Dylan please! I'll love you forever," the girl whined. At that point I walked up the stairs and everyone's heads turned to me. "Hey babe. Sorry Taylor. I'm hanging with my girl today," Dylan got up and kissed me. "What's going on?" I asked. "Hi. I'm Taylor, Tanner's sister. He didn't introduce us before because he sucks," the girl smiled. "I'm Lindsey," I grinned. "Want something to eat?" Dylan asked. I shrugged. "I'll get you McDonald's if you want," he sat in his seat. I walked over and stood between his legs and he set his hands on my hips. "McDonald's sounds amazing," I threw my head back. He laughed and kissed my cheek. "Not fair. I want McDonalds," Quentin crossed his arms. "We can get you some McDonalds too Q," I giggled and he smiled. I grabbed the only open seat next to Tanner and went on my phone. "Whoa who's this guy on your Instagram Tanner? He's hot," I shouted. Dylan snatched the phone out of my hand and rolled his eyes when he saw it was a picture of him. I stuck my tongue out at him and theyall laughed. "Who is driving me to Casey's?" Taylor asked. "I don't know Taylor! Ask mom or Tristan," Tanner shouted getting annoyed. "I say the goal for today is go to Best Buy," Quentin ate a spoonful of cereal. "Why?" Dylan asked leaning back. "Well Lindsey need a camera if she's gonna do YouTube," he stated like it was obvious. "Who said Lindsey was doing YouTube?" I ask in third person. "Me," he wiggled his eyebrows. "I don't want to. I'm not going to be good at it," I groaned. "It's simple, Linds. And you can get out of school and away from Derek," Tanner said looking at me. "Tempting," I laughed. "Trust me it's super fun," Tanner smiled. "I've only watched a few people on YouTube. And they do seem to be having fun," I shrugged. "Who?" Dylan asked putting his elbows on the counter. "Dylan Hawkins, Tanner Fox, and Alissa Violet," I ran my fingers through my hair. Quentin and Dylan looked at Tanner and I furrowed my brows. "What?" I asked confused. "Tanner," Quentin laughed. "I know Dylan and Tanner," He told me. "Really?" I asked getting excited. He nodded and laughed. "Dylan is so hot!" I screamed. "Umm, better be talking about Dylan Mitchell," Dylan jumped. "You are too babe," I grinned. He smiled and rolled his eyes playfully.

Tanner's POV

Lindsey went into the bathroom. "Guys, Dylan Hawkins is coming here in two weeks," I told them. "He better not steal Lindsey from me," Dylan rolled his eyes. "Ask her out then dumbass. Don't hold off any longer," Quentin punched his arm. I agreed and went on my phone.

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