Chapter 16

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Lindsey's POV

After sitting at the beach for a while, I drove back to Tanner's and he was sitting on the couch. "Hey stranger," he laughed. "We had a lot of catching up to do," I plopped on the couch and lay my head on his lap. "Did you have fun?" He asked. "Yeah," I nodded. "Then what are the tears for?" He asked poking my face. "My mom texted me and I saw a picture of Dylan and I," I shrugged. Tanner put his hand on my arm and I opened my eyes. He gave me a half smile and I pursed my lips together. My phone rang and I got it out of my back pocket. "Who's that?" Tanner asked scrolling through Instagram. "Quentin. I wonder why he's calling me," I sat up and put my feet next to Tanner's.

Phone Call Q. Quentin L. Lindsey

L. Quincy!

Q. Lizzy, hey!

L. What's up?

Q. How much do you love your best friend?

L. I don't know. It depends on what you're about to say next.

Q. Come back to Kansas for a weekend.

L. No.

Q. Yes.

L. Literally no Quentin.

Q. Come on Lindsey. My mom won't let me fly out to San Diego and I want to see you.

L. Quentin, I can't

Q. We won't hang out with anyone else! Just the two of us! And Clay if you really want

L. Just the two of us?

Q. Yes! Please. I'll pay for your plane ticket!

L. Fine!!

Q. YAY! You leave Thursday.

L. What?!

Q. I was figuring you'd say yes

L. You're the worst

Q. Love you!

L. See you Thursday. Love you

I hung up and Tanner looked at me. "Thursday?" He questioned. "Apparently I'm flying out to Kansas for the weekend," I shrugged. "Aw I'll miss you," he pouted. "One weekend," I squished his face. He laughed and we both went to his room so I could pack.

*Thursday Morning*

My alarm went off and I quickly shut it off. I groaned and cuddled into Tanner more. "Was that your alarm?" He groaned and rubbed my back. "Yeah," I sighed. He let out a big breath and tapped my back. "Let's go. I'm driving you," he said and started to stand up. I threw on leggings and grabbed a hoodie off of Tanner's bed. "Hey! I was gonna wear that," He laughed. "Please," I pouted and he smiled and opened his arms. "Whatever," he hugged me and rocked me back and forth. Tanner and I walked out to his car and loaded my suitcase into the trunk. Tanner put some music on and I went on my phone during the drive.

From: Jake Angeles💕

Come over today?❤

To: Jake Angeles💕

Omg! I'm sooo sorry Jake! I'm going to Kansas for the weekend. It snuck up so fast I forgot to tell you. I'll be back Monday or Tuesday

From: Jake Angeles💕

Why are you going to Kansas?

To: Jake Angeles💕

I missed my friends. Quentin bought me a ticket.

From: Jake Angeles💕


To: Jake Angeles💕

Are you okay?

From: Jake Angeles💕

Yeah. Just text me when you aren't busy.

To: Jake Angeles💕


            Read at 4:02am

I rolled my eyes and locked my phone. I couldn't believe he was mad that I was going to Kansas. Did he think I was going to see Dylan or something? Guys are so stupid! "We're here," Tanner stopped the car. We both leaned our heads back and looked at each other. "You ready to go back?" He put his hand on mine. "I think," I bit my lip. He half smiled at me and got out of the car. "Bye Lindsey. I'll see you in a few days," he put my suitcase down on the curb. I sighed and hugged him really tightly. "Bye Tanner. I'll text you," I smiled into his shoulder. I went through security and went to my gate. Some people stopped me a few times to ask for pictures. "Where are you going? Oh my god wait! Is that Tanner's hoodie? So cute," A girl screamed. "Yes this is Tanner's. And I'm going back to Kansas for the weekend," I told the girl. "No way," she said slowly. "Yeah," I bit my lip. "Are you gonna see Quentin, Tanner, and Dylan?" She squealed. "Well I'll see Quentin. Not so sure about the other two," I said awkwardly. The fans know that Dylan and I broke up, but they don't know why. They've noticed that I haven't been talking to the boys much and some have asked. "Please post pictures," she smiled. "Will do," I nodded. "Bye," she waved and ran off. I waved and walked to an open seat. God damn. It's so hard to hear the fans talk to me about Dylan and Tanner. They called my flight and I started to board. Thankfully the plane ride was pretty short and I walked off with my carry-on bag. When I got my suitcase I walked outside and saw Quentin's JEEP. His music was blaring and you could practically feel the bass. I laughed and Quentin jumped out of the car. "Lindsey," he shouted and ran over to me. He picked me up and spun me around. "Hey Q," I smiled. "How are you? Did you get prettier?" He looked at me. "I've been gone for like two weeks," I laughed. "Feels longer," he yelled. I shushed him and we got into his car. "Where are we going?" I asked looking up from my phone. "Ice cream," he stuck his tongue out. I smiled and we continued to drive. We parked the car and Quentin went on his phone. "Guess whoseBACK IN KANSAS!" Quentin screamed at his phone and turned it to me. "Ahhhh!" I laughed and he stopped the video. Quentin posted the video on his snapchat story and we got out to get ice cream. "You guys still want ice cream when it's this cold out?" Jimmy, the cashier, asked. "Duh," Quentin laughed. "Welcome back Lindsey," Jimmy smiled. "Thank you. I'm only here for the weekend though," I informed him. "Well it's good to see your face around here again even if it is for a short time," he nodded and handed us our ice cream. Quentin threw his arm around me and we walked back to the car. Once we finished our ice cream we started to head back to Quentin's house. By the time we pulled into the driveway it was 8pm. "Lindsey," Quentin's mom ran out and hugged me. "Oh my god hi!" I shouted and hugged her back. "I'm so glad you're here," she smiled. "Did you go see your mom yet?" She asked. "Omg no I didn't. I'll go visit her tomorrow," I nodded. "No! Let's go now," Quentin shouted. "Why?" I furrowed my brows. "Oh yeah you should really go tonight," Quentin's mom told me. "Why?" I asked again. "She told my mom about some big meeting thing or something. I don't know. But let's go now," He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house. "Meeting?" I questioned. "Yeah I don't know," Quentin shrugged and started to drive to my house. I looked at my house and smiled. "I missed it here," I sighed. "We missed you here," Quentin told me. "Who's we?" I laughed and opened the door. "Everyone Linds," he said closing his door. I rolled my eyes and walked up to the door. My mom opened the door and gave me a huge hug. "Lindsey!" She shouted. "Quentin bought me a plane ticket. It was a last minute kind of thing," I smiled. We talked to my mom for a little while and I yawned. "Tired?" Quentin asked. I nodded and leaned on his chest. He rubbed my arm and sighed. "I guess we should go," He looked down at me. I closed my eyes and let out a big breath. "Yeah I guess so. I'll call you tomorrow mom," I smiled and got up to give her a hug. We said bye to my mom and went back to Quentin's. By the time we got back it was already 10 and I was exhausted. "I'm going to sleep," I plopped on his bed. "Go ahead. I have to edit and I'll be in soon," he sat at his computer desk. I nodded and fell asleep immediately.

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