Chapter 12

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"You want to go inside?" Tanner asked me. I didn't realize both boys were standing over me and I nodded. I got changed into the clothes I was wearing before and I put my hair in a side braid. "Here you go," Tanner walked into the room and handed me a hoodie. I shrugged and put on the TFOX brand hoodie. "It's big on me," I pouted. "It's mine. Sorry," he laughed. Tanner and I sat on Jake's bed and Jake walked in and jumped next to me. "I'm tired," he yelled. I laughed and he sat up. "I didn't film much today," Tanner realized. "Let's go to skate park," Jake shrugged. "Are you cool with that?" Tanner looked at me. "Yeah. I'm fine with anything," I shrug and smile. Tanner smiles and grabs his keys. "Can I drive?" I jumped. "You want to drive my car? Guaczilla? You want to drive her?" Tanner asked holding the keys back. "Yes. I've driven Tanner's R8," I looked at him. "My baby is way different than his R8," he put his hand on his heart. "Come on," I rolled my eyes. "Fine! I'm recording it in case we die," he said and grabbed his camera. "Me too!" Jake yelled and ran inside to get his camera. I sat in the driver's seat and held the keys knowing the boys would want a video of me starting it. "Guys, I'm letting Lindsey drive my GTR and I'm nervous. Jake are you nervous?" Tanner said and turned the camera to Jake. "Very," he made a weird face. I rolled my eyes when he put the camera on me. They recorded me starting the car and smiled. I put the address in my phone and started to drive. "Pay attention to the road!" Tanner yelled recording me. "Well you boys are too busy recording! Someone has to look at the directions," I laughed and made a turn. We made it to the skate park and Tanner looked at the camera. "We made it alive!" Tanner yelled. "Hey I did well," I smiled and he turned the camera off. "Yes you did," He laughed and got out. The boys grabbed their scooters and did tricks and stuff. "Can I teach you how to scooter for one of my videos?" Jake asked sitting next to me. I looked over at him and he was sweaty and he took his headphones out. "Sure," I shrugged and he smiled. "Yay," he grinned and got up. He did a flare and looked over at me to see if I was impressed. I looked at him and clapped my hands to make him happy. He smiled and started to ride again. "Hi," a random kid sat down next to me. "Umm hi?" I shifted away from him. "What's a pretty girl like you doing here?" he asked and moved closer to me. "Watching my boyfriend," I scooted away. He scooted closer and goes, "Oh which one is he?" Tanner looked over at me and smiled. "Him," I pointed to Tanner. "Psh. The YouTube kid? You could do better baby," he put his arm around me. "Get off of me," I pushed him and got up. I walked over to Tanner and he tilted his head. "What's wrong?" he dropped his scooter. I hugged him and he hugged back. "Who was that?" I heard the anger in his voice. "I don't know. But he was flirting with me and I kind of told him that you were my boyfriend," I looked up at him. "It's okay," he rubbed my back and looked down at me. "Jake, we're leaving," Tanner yelled at Jake. He took his headphones out and asked why. "Don't ask. Just leave," he gritted through his teeth. Tanner linked our hands and we left the park. "Yo Fox," The guy yelled. I turned around and looked back at Tanner. "Battle for the girl," he winked at me. "No way," Tanner growled. I stood behind Tanner and grabbed onto his arm. "She's hot," the guy shrugged. "Stand with Jake," Tanner told me. I ran over to Jake and hugged him. "Stop talking about her like that. She's a human being. Not an object," Tanner walked towards the boy. "I'll snatch her right from you within minutes," He grinned. Before I could react Tanner punched the guy in his face. "Get in the car," Jake panicked. I got into the seat and Jake ran over to pull Tanner off of the guy. Tanner got in the passenger's seat and Jake started driving. Jake pulled over and got out of the car. "I need to pee," he informed us. Tanner got out and leaned on the car. I got out of the driver's side and walked over to Tanner. He had a cut on his face and I looked up at him. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that," he put his head down. I hugged him and he hugged me tighter. "Thank you," I sobbed into his shoulder. We pulled away and he looked at me. "You're bleeding Tanner," I bit the side of my cheek. He touched his face and winced. "We'll drop Jake off and go home," I told him. He nodded and Jake came back. I told Jake that we would drop him off and we got home quickly. "Sit on the kitchen stool," I pointed and walked to the sink to get a wet paper towel. I made sure the towel was damp and I walked over to Tanner. I stood between his legs and sighed. "This might hurt," I told him. I dabbed the paper towel on his cut and he grabbed my hand. He realized what he was doing and he loosened his grip. He let go of my hand all together and I put my hand on his cheek. I dabbed the cut again and he winced in pain. "All done," I threw the paper towel out and looked at him. He walked to his room and I followed. When I walked in, he was looking at his cut in the mirror. I leaned on the door frame and he saw me from the mirror. "You should see the other guy," He lightly laughed. I grinned and sat on his bed. Tanner put a band aid on the cut which was right below his right eye. Tanner lay in bed next to me and sighed. "You tired?" I asked. He nodded and I sighed. "Take a nap," I told him. He closed his eyes and after a few minutes he sat up. "Lindsey," he said quietly. I looked over at him and put my phone down. "I'm sorry that I got so angry. He was talking about you like you weren't there. Like you were an object," he said disgusted. I put my hand on his and smiled. "Trust me. You saved me," I gently laughed. Tanner nodded and lay back down. Tanner took a nap and I heard the door open. I walked out of Tanner's room trying not to wake him. "Hi Ronda," I grinned. She smiled at me. "Where's Tanner?" She asked setting down the groceries. "He's taking a nap," I told her and started unloading the bags. "Honey, you don't need to help me," She waved me off and unloaded too. "I don't mind," I smiled and continued to put things away. "Do you need helping with dinner?" I asked after we unloaded the bags. "If you want to help, I could always use it," She shrugged. I nodded and started to help. After a little while, Tanner walked out of his room with sweatpants and no shirt on. I guess he woke up and made himself more comfortable. "Are you already cooking with my mom?" Tanner laughed and leaned on the counter. "Try it," I gave him a fork with chicken on it. "Oh my god," he said while eating it. "That's amazing," He said shocked. I smiled and raised my eyebrows. "Glad you like it. Lindsey made it," Ronda said walking into the kitchen. "What happened to your face?" Ronda asked seeing Tanner's Band-Aid. "Some guy was harassing Lindsey at the skate park," Tanner told her and reached up to touch the Band-Aid. "I'm sorry Ronda," I bit my lip. "No honey don't be sorry. As long as you two are okay," She hugged both of us. I smiled and Tanner looked over at me. "Yeah we're good. I'm just a little sore. The other guy is beat up though," Tanner told her. "I bet," She nodded. Ronda, Tanner, and I sat down and ate dinner and talked for a little bit. "Lindsey, I have to say. I'm really glad you're staying with us. And not just because you help me unload groceries and cook dinner," Ronda laughed. "Aw thank you so much Ronda," I smiled. Tanner smiled at me and I ate my food. After we ate, I walked into the kitchen to help clean up when Tanner grabbed my hand."Come on," He pulled me. "Lindsey you cooked and unloaded. I'm cleaning," Ronda told me. I tilted my head. "Go," She waved me away. I smiled and Tanner pulled me into his room. "What movie?" He asked. "What?" I asked. "I told you earlier that we were going to watch movies when we get home," he turned around. "I don't care what movie," I shrugged. I grabbed my phone and saw I had a text from Quentin.

From: Quentin

Hey Lizzy. I know where you are. Tanner and Dylan don't, but trust me I know you're in Cali with Tanner Fox. I'm not going to tell them, but please keep in touch with me and let me know that you're okay. Just because Dylan and Tanner are jerks doesn't mean I love you any less. You're my best friend and I can't lose you.

I smiled and Tanner plopped next to me. "Who is it?" He asked. "Quentin," I smiled at him. He nodded and I texted back real quick.

To: Quentin

I'm okay Quincy! Come visit soon. I love you too and I will definitely text you.

I locked my phone and plugged it in. "Oh where am I sleeping?" I asked Tanner. "Right there," he told me. "Oh okay," I nodded. "Are you okay sleeping in my bed? I can sleep on the couch," He sat up. "No, it is okay," I told him. We started watching the movie and I started to drift off. When I woke up Tanner had his arm around my body and I tried to wiggle out, but he had a tight grip. "Mmmm, not time to wake up yet," Tanner groaned and pulled me closer to him. "Tanner," I whispered and turned my body so I was facing him. He opened his eyes and smiled. "I want to sleep in," he groaned. "Then you sleep in. Let me up," I giggled. "No you're my cuddle buddy," he buried his face in my shoulder. "Tanner," I giggled quietly. "I'll make you breakfast if you let me up," I whispered. "Fine," he moved his arm and I got up. "Just kidding. I'm not making you breakfast," I stuck my tongue out and ran into his bathroom. "You suck," he yelled and I laughed to myself. I stripped my clothes off and got into the shower. I wrapped my towel around me and realized I didn't bring clothes in here. I bit my lip and slowly walked back in Tanner's room. He was in the same spot as I left him and his eyes were closed. I opened my suitcase and started to pull close out. "You move in for one day and you're already naked in my room," Tanner laughed. "Just close your eyes. I forgot my clothes," I groaned and grabbed my clothes. Once I ran back into the bathroom, I got changed and started brushing my teeth. Tanner knocked on the door. "Are you clothed?" He asked. I opened the door and he smiled at me. He stood next to me and started brushing his teeth. "What do you want to do today?" He asked looking at me through the mirror. "Whatever you want," I shrugged. "How about we just chill here?" He suggested. "Sounds good," I spit my toothpaste out. "Indeed," he did the same.

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