Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up with a splitting headache. I pulled myself to go to the bathroom. "Oh god," I said as I looked at myself in the mirror. I put a brush through my hair and grabbed my phone. Quentin texted me and asked if I wanted to hang out and so did Dylan. Clay texted me to ask how I was doing. I ignored everyone and went downstairs to get breakfast. I sat down at my kitchen island and make myself a bowl of cereal. Once I sat down and ate, I went on Instagram and deleted all the pictures of Brooke and Derek. The front door opened and Clay walked into the kitchen. "Hey. How you doing?" Clay kissed my cheek and ate the cereal off my spoon. "Not happy. You ate my cereal," I pouted. He laughed with the food still in his mouth. "My house is a mess," he groaned. "I bet," I spooned cereal in my mouth. Clay recorded a video of me on his snapchat and posted it on his story. "Stop I look so bad," I laughed and put my bowl in the sink. Clay and I went up to my room and I got dressed into something cute. "Can we go shopping?" Clay asked laying on my bed. "I guess. I don't have money," I said putting mascara on. "Lies," he sat up. I laughed because I knew he was right. My family has good money, but I'm not the type of person to waste my money. Clay and I went to the mall and I texted Dylan and Quentin back.

To: Quentin

Hey. I'm going to the mall with Clay. How about ice cream later?

To: Dylan Mitchell ;)

I'm going to the mall with Clay and then ice cream with Q later. Come over tonight.

I locked my phone and sang along to the song on the radio. Clay recorded another video of me on snapchat and I covered the camera. "Don't post that," I whined. "You're singing is so good Linds," Clay told me as he put his phone on the dash. We pulled up to the mall and walked around for a little bit. "So I'm going on a date tonight," Clay smiled as we sat down in the food court. "No way! With who?" I giggled. "Her name is Taylor," he blushed. "Aw you're blushing! How'd you meet her?" I ask taking a bite of my salad. "She plays softball," He told me. I nodded and said, "Well I'm happy for you Clay." He smiled and we continued to eat our food. My phone went off and Clay looked over. I flipped my phone and he raised an eyebrow. "Is that Mr. Dylan?" He wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and checked my phone.

From: Dylan Mitchell ;)

Whoa there. Are you flirting with me? ;)

I answered him and put my phone down. "You two a thing?" Clay asked. "I just met him," I laughed. "He wanted to bring your jacket over. Did he?" Clay sat back. "Yes he did," I nodded. "Cute," he winked. I rolled my eyes and we finished eating. I dropped Clay off at his house so he could clean up then I made my way over to Quentin's. I knocked on their front door and Tanner opened up without a shirt on. "Hey Lindsey," he smiled running his fingers through his hair. "Hey Tanner. Is Quentin here?" I cleared my throat. Tanner opened the door wider and I walked in. "Quentin! Lindsey is here," Tanner shouted and I jumped a little. "Come downstairs," Quentin yelled. Tanner started to walk and I followed him. When we reached the bottom, I saw Quentin lifting a huge weight. He was sweaty and didn't have a shirt on. Tanner walked away and sat on a yoga ball. "Hey Lindsey," Quentin smiled. "Hey. This is an intense work out set," I looked around. "Swole is the goal," Quentin winked. I laughed and he said, "Just give me a few to shower and get changed." Quentin ran upstairs and I looked over at Tanner. He smiled and looked down at his phone. "I'm gonna go with swole isn't your goal?" I giggled and touched some of the equipment. "I'm not as dedicated as Q," Tanner laughed and threw his phone on the ground. The two of us stood there silently since we had only met at the party and the only thing we've said to each other was do you want a drink. "So how'd you really meet Quentin?" Tanner questioned. "What?" I furrowed my brows. "I know you didn't meet him at Walmart," Tanner raised his eyebrows. "He found me outside the gym crying because my ex cheated on me," I admitted. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry," Tanner ran over and gave me a hug. I slowly hugged him back and we pulled away. "My last girlfriend cheated on me. I was a complete mess and Q was the only one there for me," Tanner smiled weakly. I gave him a half smile and Quentin came running down the stairs. "Ready. You staying here Tanner or do you want to come?" Quentin asked walking up next to me. "I think I'm gonna head home. I have to film some stuff, but I'll catch you guys later," Tanner told us. Quentin and I walked up the stairs and towards the front door. "Film?" I asked. "Tanner does YouTube too. He's just better at it than me," Quentin laughed. I nodded and we got into Quentin's jeep. Throughout the car ride, we listened to music and I sang along. Quentin and I walked into the ice cream shop and ordered our ice cream. "How was the mall with Clay?" Quentin asked reaching for our ice cream. "Good," I told him while taking mine from his hand. We sat on the benches outside and talked for a long time. After our long ice cream date, Quentin and I drove back to his house, so I could get my car and go home. Dylan said he would be over at around 6:30 and it was 6:20 now. Soon enough the doorbell rang and I opened it to see Dylan. He was wearing a blue Pink Floyd shirt, grey shorts, and a white and black hat. "You look good," I told him. "What? This old thing?" He smirked. I laughed and he walked in. "What do you wanna do?" I asked skipping over to the couch. "Binge watch Netflix," he smiled. I nodded and turned on my television. Later on we heard a knock on the door. I looked and Dylan and we walked to the front door. "Connor oh my god," I yelled when I opened the door to reveal Connor with a bloody nose and a black eye. "I didn't know where else to go," he admitted. I pulled him in and sat him at the kitchen counter. "Are you two on a date?" He asked as I grabbed a wet washcloth. "I don't know," Dylan said and I agreed. I stood in front of Connor and dabbed the washcloth on his cut. He winced in pain and I apologized. "What happened?" I asked. "Derek found out that I liked Brooke and he beat me up," Connor looked down. I looked at Dylan and then back at Connor. "Sticking up for Brooke?" I said biting my lip. "Linds," Connor put his hand on my elbow. "I'm okay," I smiled and cleaned him up. "Do you need a ride?" I asked as Dylan and I walked Connor to the front door. "No. I'm only two blocks from here," he shrugged. I nodded and said, "Be careful." He nodded and said bye to us. "Am I stupid for being upset?" I asked Dylan once I closed the front door. Dylan opened his arms and hugged me. "It's already 11. Do you want me to leave?" Dylan asked looked down at me. "No," I whispered looking up at him. He smiled and kissed my forehead. Dylan and I walked up to my room and he looked at all the pictures on my wall. "This is cute," he pointed at a picture of Clay and me on the Santa Monica Pier when we went to Cali together. I smiled remembering that trip. "Who's that?" Dylan pointed to a picture. "That is Brooke," I said taking the picture down and ripping it up. He gave me a half smile. "You can sit," I pointed. He sat on my bed and I sat next to him then put Netflix on. After about twenty minutes of the show, I started to drift off.

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