Chapter 24

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Lindsey's POV

I sat in the hospital emergency room biting my nail. "Lindsey," Quentin and Dylan ran into the hospital. I stood up and hugged them. Dylan rubbed my back and sat us down on one of the benches. "What happened?" Dylan whispered while rubbing circles on my back. "Derek found me, so I secretly called Tanner. Then Tanner tried to get him to leave and he punched him, but he hit the concrete really hard," I sobbed. Dylan continued to comfort me while a bunch of other people came into the emergency room. Taylor walked up to me and gave me a big hug. "I love you Lindsey. It's gonna be okay," She whispered. I nodded and went back to hugging Dylan. It seemed as if everything around me was in slow motion. I looked up and saw Quentin hugging his girlfriend, Breanna. "I want to say something," I heard her say. "Now isn't the time Bri," Quentin said looking down at her. "Lindsey," Dylan looked down. I looked up at him signaling for him to talk. "Why don't you take a nap? We'll be waiting for a while," He smiled weakly. I nodded and hugged into his torso.

"Sweetie," someone shook me. "Do you want anything to eat? You should probably eat," Kim asked. "I'm okay," I struggled getting the words out. "Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded and sat up straight. "Any word?" I choked. "Not yet," He stroked my hair. I looked over at Kim asking everyone else if they wanted food. By then so many people where there. Quentin and Breanna sat on a bench looking at something on his phone. Taylor and Tristan sat next to each other with Taylor sleeping. Jamie, Tanner's father who I never met but knew about, stood next to Kim. Tanner Fox and Jake sat next to each other on their phones. Dylan and I sat a few seats away from everyone else. "Tanner Braungardt's Family," the nurse read her board. Kim looked over at me and nodded. I jumped up and walked with her. "Only family can go back," She sighed. "I promise to bring you back as soon as I can," Kim looked at me. I nodded and walked back to Dylan. "I can't go back yet," I whispered. He rubbed my back and I watched as Kim, Jamie, Tristan, and Taylor walked back. About twenty minutes later, Kim walked over to Dylan and I. "You two and Quentin," she nodded. I grabbed onto Quentin and Dylan's arms' and we followed Kim. When we walked in, Tanner was sitting up on the bed drinking a water. "Are you hungry?" The nurse asked him. "Always," he smiled at her. She was a young nurse, so my heart jumped a few beats. "I'll get you something to eat right away Mr. Braungardt," she shot a flirty smile at him. Quentin looked down at me and I gripped onto his arm a little bit tighter. "Quentin! Dylan! Thank god you are here. Do you see how hot my nurse is?" Tanner nodded. My jaw dropped and the two boys plus Kim looked at me. "Who are you?" Tanner said looking straight at me. I turned around hopping someone was behind me. "Me?" I exclaimed. He nodded slowly and furrowed his brows. "I'm your girlfriend! What do you mean?" I shouted. "Sweetie," Kim tried to quiet me. "I don't have a girlfriend," Tanner laughed lightly. I could feel tears forming and the nurse came back in. "Here you go cutie," the nurse said handing him some food. My eyes shot to her like darts. Oh god if looks could kill. I snapped around and furiously walked out of the room. I tried to avoid the waiting room so that no one questioned me. I drove Tanner's car to a liquor store and got someone to buy me some hard alcohol. I paid the person and drove to the place where we normally took pictures. I sat on the rusty fence and opened the drink. If he can't remember me, then I don't want to remember me either.

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