Chapter 6

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Lindsey's POV (Two Weeks Later)

I texted Tanner and asked if he wanted to hang out. He said he had a friend over, but I could still come over and I assumed it was someone I didn't know. I got dressed into short shorts, my Jordans, and a t-shirt that showed off my bralette straps. "Mom, I'm going over Tanner's," I shouted and grabbed the keys to my car. When I pulled up I noticed that Kim's car was gone. I guess she went to the merch shop or something. I walked in the front door and grabbed a drink from the kitchen. "Hey Lindsey," Taylor came downstairs. "Hi," I smiled and put the blue drink back in the fridge. "I'm going down to Tanner's room. I'll see you later," I waved to Taylor. She waved and I pet Rose and Luna before going downstairs. "I helped myself to a blue drink Tanner," I walked into his room and putting it on his dresser. "Hey," an unfamiliar voice said. I looked up and saw Dylan Hawkins. "I hate you Tanner," I laughed and he shoved the camera in my face. "Hug," he screamed and pushed me towards Dylan. I laughed and hugged him. "Lindsey said she watched him on YouTube, so I brought him here," Tanner told the camera, "just kidding. We already planned for Dylan to come, but it makes it better that Lindsey is in love with him." My jaw dropped. "Tanner I am not," I screamed and smacked him. "Come film Dylan and I jumping off the platform," Tanner grabbed my arm. I grabbed the camera and made sure I wasn't recording my feet. We got outside and both the boys took their shirt off. I looked down and checked my phone. All I saw was my background of Dylan Mitchell and I laying down in the movie room and I smiled. I put my phone back in my pocket and turned the camera on. "Are you recording?" Tanner asked. "Rolling," I said and make a funny face. Hawkins and Tanner laughed and started to climb the 6 story platform. Tanner did a front flip and got out of the pool. He ran over to me and stood behind me looking through the lens as Dylan jumped off. "Enjoying the view?" Tanner poked me. "You asked me to record. That's what I'm doing," I kept my eye on the camera. "Mhm," he smirked and walked off. "Hey Lindsey?" Dylan came up to me. "What's up?" I asked putting the camera down. "Can you take a few pictures on my phone?" He smiled and wiped his hand across his soaking wet face. "Sure," I grinned and took his phone. I took a few pictures and put it in my back pocket so I wouldn't drop it. After they jumped in a few more times, I turned the camera off and Hawkins ran over to me. I handed him his phone and he looked through the pictures. "Whoa this is sick," he said looking at the picture. He showed me and I smiled at him. "Thank you," He smiled and put his phone down. "Do you want to go live in the pool?" Tanner ran over and tried to hug me. "Tanner stop it. You're wet," I shrieked. "Come on. Give me some love," he opened his arms. "Tanner Lane Braungardt, back up now," I shouted. "Oh damn," he laughed and stopped. "Yeah. Let's go live. I'll go live on my YouNow," Dylan smiled and started to set up something to lean the phone on. "Go get in your bathing suit, chica," Tanner winked and I rolled my eyes and went down to his room where I keep a bathing suit. I got dressed into the bikini and walked outside. Tanner was talking to the phone and Hawkins looked up and started staring at me. I blushed and got in the water. "Here, stand between us," Tanner pulled me over. I stood in between Dylan Hawkins and Tanner.

Dylan Mitchell's POV

I got back to my house after going to the gym and I planned on doing a Younow broadcast until I saw that Dylan Hawkins was live. I clicked on his broadcast and saw Tanner, Dylan, and my girl in the pool. "We just did crazy flips off of my platform and Lindsey recorded for us," Tanner laughed and showed the platform. "And Lindsey took a dope ass picture on my phone that I'm totally posting on Instagram real soon," Dylan Hawkins told the camera and put his arm around Lindsey. She laughed and fixed her hair. That laugh. The laugh I've fallen so madly in love with. Her hair. Her body that he was now touching. He's probably already kissed her, knowing him. My girl. I blew my damn chance. She's going to leave for this guy who hooks up with everyone in sight. All because I'm too chicken to ask her out. When I looked back the broadcast, Lindsey pushed herself away from the edge and swam to the other side. "Come on Rose," she cooed to the dog. Dylan Hawkins turned around and laughed as she tried to get Rose in the pool. She swam back with a sad expression. "Rose won't get in," she pouted. Hawkins laughed at her and she ended up laughing too. "Are Quentin and Mylan coming over tonight?" She asked leaning on Tanner. "I don't know. Maybe," he shrugged. I sure as hell am going over there. Lindsey reached for her phone and she texted someone. I looked down at my phone and it went off as if on cue.

From: My Girl

Come to Tanner's later. I miss you

I smiled a little and told her I would be there and to save a spot on the bean bags for me. When I looked at the broadcast she was smiling at her phone and then she put it off to the side. She and Dylan Hawkins started to mess around and a lot of the comments asked if they were dating. My smile faded and I knew that if it came down to me or Dylan Hawkins, he would easily win. But god damn, I love that girl so much.

Lindsey's POV

"Mylan said he would come over," I smiled. Tanner smirked at me and I blushed. After we ended the live stream I ran to Tanner's room and the two boys followed me. "Does Dyl keep any hoodies here?" I asked Tanner. "Bottom right," he pointed and started to dry his hair. I opened the door and picked out a hoodie that said "Mitchell" on the back. I went into the bathroom and got changed. "Don't you look cute?" Tanner said in a baby voice. "Yes, she does," someone came behind me and put his hands on my hips. The person kissed my neck and I turned around. "Mylan!" I grinned and hugged him. "Hey baby," he hugged back. "I like your hoodie. It's comfy," I said unraveling myself from his arms. "You look cute in it," he winked and sat on a beanbag. I walked over and sat on the same bean bag as him. "I'm tired," I yawned and put my head on Dylan's lap and closed my eyes. After a few minutes, Dylan started to play with my hair. I heard movement so I opened the eyes. Dylan Hawkins walked out of the bathroom with no shirt on and I closed my eyes again. "Ew put a shirt on," I yelled making a grossed out face. I sat up and Dylan put his arm around me. "You like it," Hawkins said striking a pose. "No," I shook my head. "What if Mitchell took his shirt off?" Tanner wiggled his eyebrows. "Now that's an investment I would love," I smirked and looked at Dylan. "I'll take my shirt off right here Lindsey," Dylan said seriously. "So will I," I winked and his face looked shocked. "Don't do that. No one is allowed to see that except me," he smirked and hugged me. "Are you guys dating?" Dylan Hawkins asked. "Kind of," I laughed and looked at Dylan. He was giving Hawkins the death stare and I nudged him. "Dyl, you good?" I whispered. "What? Yeah babe. I'm fine," He smiled at me. "You'll tell me later?" I asked putting my hand on his leg. He nodded and kissed me. I got up and signaled for Dylan to follow me. He got up and started to walk. "Be safe you two," Tanner shouted. "I hate you," I screamed. I walked into the movie room and sat down on one of the seats. Dylan sat down and ran his fingers through his hair. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "Nothing," he said. I moved closer to him and he looked over at me. "Dylan, I know you. What is wrong? You looked like you wanted to kill Dylan Hawkins," I said and put my hand on his upper arm. "I didn't want him to steal you from me," Dylan groaned. "Dylan, listen to me. I like you more than anything. You make me extremely happy. Dylan Hawkins and I are just friends. I only want to be with you, Dylan Mitchell," I explained. Dylan turned to look at me and his eyes were watering. "Lindsey, I love you," he choked. He grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. I slid my hand up to his neck and behind him. His hands found his way to my hips. He licked my lips asking for entrance and I allowed it. Dylan gently pushed me down so I was under him as her hovered over me. He pulled away for a second and looked me in the eyes. "Please be my girlfriend," Dylan said hovering above me. I nodded and bit my lip. Dylan leaned down and started to kiss me again. He pulled away and started to kiss my neck. "Yo Lindsey! Dylan!" Tanner shouted and we both shot up. He raised his eyebrows and Hawkins walked in after him. "I asked her out," Dylan smiled and so did I. "Finally," Tanner laughed and bro hugged Dylan. Tanner turned to me and hugged me. "Go put makeup on your neck," he whispered. "No way," I looked at him with wide eyes. He nodded and I ran into the bathroom and looked at my neck. "Damn Dylan," I groaned putting makeup on. I came back into the movie room and saw Quentin. "Hey Q," I smiled and sat next to Dylan. "How's the neck?" Dylan laughed. "So bad Dylan oh my god," I pushed him. He kissed my cheek and laughed. "You're welcome," he winked. I shook my head and cuddled into him. "Come to my house tomorrow," he whispered into my ear. "Okay," I smiled and kissed him.

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