Chapter 8

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 I sat on the sidewalk and waited for Tanner Fox to pull up. He rolled down the window and I got in the car. "Lindsey why are you crying?" Fox turned to me. "Can you take me wherever you go to clear your mind?" I said quietly. He nodded and drove off. Soon enough we arrived at a beach and I opened the door. "What's wrong?" Tanner asked walking next to me. "Remember when you went inside to get whatever after filming your scooter tricks? Well Tanner and I kissed," I explained to Tanner Fox. "Oh boy," he said and lay a blanket down on the sand. "Yeah. And I love his best friend aka my boyfriend," I sat next to him. "Well I think you should talk to Tanner about it," he said looking at me. I looked over at him and then back at the water. "I'll go back soon," I sighed running my fingers through my hair. Tanner Fox and I sat there for a long time listening to the water crash on the shore. "It's already midnight. We should probably head back," Tanner Fox said checking his phone. "Yeah I guess," I sighed and got up. Tanner Fox drove me back to the hotel and I looked up at the roof of the building. "Thank you for helping me tonight," I smiled. "No problem. Text me if you need anything," he nodded and I stepped out of the car. I watched Tanner drive off and I turned to go into the hotel. "Welcome," the hotel lobby lady nodded. I smiled and got in the elevator. Once the doors opened I slowly walked out of the elevator and got my room key out. "Lindsey?" Tanner asked in a sleepy voice. "I'm back," I cleared my throat. "I've been waiting up for you. We need to talk," Tanner said standing up from the bed. I nodded and we walked onto the balcony. I am not at all ready for this conversation.

Tanner Braungardt's POV

I know kissing one of my best friends is a huge mistake especially because she's in love with my other best friend. But I couldn't stop myself. I watched Lindsey walk off and wipe her tears. I ran up to my hotel room and quickly opened the door. "Tanner, you're...what's wrong?" My mom had a worried look on her face. "Taylor, Tristan, go in the hallway now," my mom ordered them and they ran out of the room. I turned my head and noticed how terrible I looked. I had bags under my eyes and my face was soaked with tears. "What happened honey?" My mom sat me down on the bed. "I messed up so bad," I cried and hugged her. She rubbed my back and shushed me. "Sweetie, where is Lindsey?" my mom asked me. "I kissed her and she got mad at me. She said she was going for a walk," I cried. My mom hugged me harder and kissed my head. "I don't know why I kissed her mom," I sobbed. "Tanner, I've seen you around girls before. Even Paris never got you feeling this way. I know it might be a shock to hear this, but I truly think you love Lindsey," My mom told me. I pulled away and looked into her eyes. "I can't love Lindsey. She is head over heels in love with Dylan," I told her. "I know Tanner, but you can't help how you feel," my mom rubbed my arm. "It's already 9:30. Why don't you get some rest?" she said and kissed my cheek. "I won't be able to sleep until Lindsey comes back," I said looking up at her as she walked away. "Then stay up Tanner. She will come back," She assured me. I lay on my side and stared at the wall. I heard Taylor walk over to my bed and I felt the bed dip down. "Goodnight Tanner," she whispered and kissed my cheek. A tear slipped and I sobbed silently trying not to wake up anyone else. I looked at the time and the clock hit midnight. She isn't coming back. Just when I thought the worst, I heard the door open. "Lindsey?" I shot up. "I'm back," she said awkwardly. "I've been waiting up for you. We need to talk," I admitted. She simply nodded and I opened the balcony door for her. I am not at all prepared for this conversation.

Lindsey's POV

"Where did you go?" Tanner asked sitting down next to me on the bench. "Tanner Fox and I went to the beach," I sighed. He nodded and ran his fingers through his hair. "Look," we both said at the same time. "You go," he ushered. "No, you," I said not knowing what I wanted to say. "Lindsey, I know that you love Dylan. I see it when you're with him, but I think I feel the same way about you. I might be wrong, but that kiss did not feel like nothing to me. I understand that you are with Dylan and I respect that. Can we just go back to the way things were before the kiss?" Tanner confessed and I could see the glossiness in his eyes. He had been crying just as much as me. "Am I supposed to tell Dylan?" I asked looking down. "No!" He exclaimed. "Fine," I whispered and walked into the room and lay down in my spot. Five minutes later I felt the bed sink in which signaled that Tanner was now here. I slowly turned my head and realized he was facing the other way.

*Four days later*

I sat on the balcony on the phone with Dylan. "When are you coming home?" he groaned. "Tomorrow babe," I smiled. "Come over as soon as you get home," I could hear him smile across the phone. "Pick me up at the airport," I bit my nail. "Yes! I'll be there waiting," he exclaimed. I giggled and Tanner walked out onto the balcony. "Hey Dylan," he shouted into the phone and I laughed. "Hey Tan the man," Dylan yelled. "Eardrum babe," I laughed and pulled the phone away from my ear. "Sorry baby. I should get going. I have a stupid appointment for my knee," Dylan groaned. "Aw okay. Text me how that goes. I love you Dylan," I smiled into the phone. "I love you more," he grinned and we hung up. After that one night that Tanner and I kissed, we made up and we're best friends again. I haven't thought about that night since then. "Last day kiddos. Make it good," Kim smiled at us. We both smiled at each other. "Let's go to Tanner's for a bit. Then I need to check up on my car," Tanner informed me. I nodded and got dressed into a cute outfit and grabbed a bathing suit in case we went swimming at Tanner Fox's. The day went by extremely fast and we were back at the hotel. "We have to get up at 3am," Kim informed us as I packed my stuff up. Three in the morning came way sooner than I wanted and I was being shaken. I grabbed my Dylan's hoodie and threw it on as we went to the airport. I posted a picture of Tanner and me in the car on my snap story and made my caption "Following the jet streams all the way back to Lil Ol' Kansas." We all walked to our gate and sat down. When I looked at my phone I had a snapchat from Dylan. He put heart eyes and said he would be waiting at the airport. "Flight 768 is now boarding," the system said and I looked up. That was our flight. After a while on the plane I turned to Tanner and took his headphones out of his ear. "Could this flight go any slower?" I asked him. "We are already going like 300 miles per hour, Lindsey. How much faster do you want to go?" He asked. "400 should get me there faster," I crossed my arms and put my music on. I must have drifted off because Tanner was shaking me. "What do you want?" I groaned. "We're here," he said and I jumped up. He laughed at how excited I was. When we got our luggage, Tanner took his camera out and turned it on. "Lindsey say something," he turned it to me. "I'm trying to find Dylan," I pushed the camera away from me. I spotted Dylan and ran faster than ever. "Dylan," I yelled and jumped into his arms. "My god Lindsey. I missed you," he whispered and hugged me. I jumped down and kissed him. "I missed your lips," I sighed and threw my head back. Dylan hugged everyone else and we got into the car. "Bye guys. See you later," I smiled as the Braungardt's climbed out of the car. "What are you guys gonna do?" Tanner asked. "Go back to my place," Dylan smiled and put his hand on mine. "Oh I got you," Tanner nodded and winked at us. We laughed and Dylan drove off. 

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