Chapter 3

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(Y/n)'s POV

This was unfair...I didn't do anything wrong. What was so wrong with talking to a boy?! I crept into a corner as soon as Hatz's father left the room with the walking stick.

The pain still stuck to my skin as if it was an infectious disease. I wiped the blood from my chin and put my arms around my knees. Just think, there were worse things in this cruel world. I only had to deal with this never ending pain.


Hatz rushed in, stopping when he was in front of me. He clenched his fists in frustration and stared at me with a guilty expression.

"H-Hatz, don't start a fight with your dad. It's not worth it..."
"(Y/n), I'm sorry..."
"Why are you apologising? You're always like that when I'm like this. I'm-"
"Wait here."

He left and came back a few minutes later with some supplies. I winced as he cleaned my wounds and bandaged them up.

"What happened this time?" he asked.
"I was only talking to someone."
"He said his name was Khun Ran."
"Do you know him?"
"I know his brother."

Once he was done, he sat down beside me while leaning against the wall. All we did was stare at the ceiling in silence. This wasn't the first time this has happened. Every time, I regretted making Hatz worry about me.

"Hey (Y/n), do you want to see the outside world?" Hatz suddenly asked.
"Yes, I would love to."
"Then how do you feel about getting a job?"
" be honest, my parents were planning to kick you out..."
"...I was expecting that to happen one day."
"But I talked to a friend, and got you a job. He already knows everything."
"What about you?"
"Don't worry about me, I'll visit you at work. And I already work here."
"...I'm sorry."
"You're always looking out for me and yet, I can't do anything for you. That's why I'm going to earn a lot of money and pay you back."
"You dummy. You're my sister, why would you have to pay me back? I'm fine just like this."

I looked at him and smiled. He ruffled my hair before closing his eyes. Was he tired? I guess he was under a lot of stress because of me...

~The next day~

Hatz had given me one of his black hoodies to put over my raggedy dress. I put the hood over my head, a little nervous about going to the outside world. My shoes were just worn out ballet flats.

"Come on, let's go. I've already told my parents," exclaimed Hatz.

I nodded and took his hand, following him outside. We got into a taxi to go to our destination. While on the road, I couldn't help but look out the window at the tall buildings and shops lining the busy streets. Wow, was this what you'd call a city?

Khun's POV

"Mr Khun, sir, she has changed our stock numbers."
"Go tell the management department."
"CEO, sir, please sign this."
"Give it here."
"The reports from before have arrived."
"Tell Shibisu to take care of it."

*sigh* Being the CEO wasn't easy, but I had to maintain my position. Rachel needed to be stopped and my friends had pushed the job on me.

I was on my way to see Hatz with his sister. Geez, if he hadn't begged me before, I swear I wouldn't be this busy. Having to cancel all my meetings today just because of him...

The guards opened the door for me when I was almost at the door. They had already arrived and were waiting by the stairs at the entrance.

"Earrings, look after her. Don't you dare leave her alone, got it?" Hatz asked.
"Don't worry, she'll be safe. (Y/n), let's go."

She waved goodbye to Hatz before following me back inside.

"I'm Khun Aguero Agnes. Hatz has already told me everything so there's no need to worry. Here, get on."
"Get on the lighthouse?" she asked softly.
"Yeah, it'll be faster than walking."

She hesitantly sat on one while I stood on another.

"First, we'll be buying you some new clothes. You also need a pocket if you want to survive out here. What's your position?"
"A wave controller..."
"So you can use shinsu? You're going to work as my personal assistant. Can you fight well?"
"I...don't know..."
"Well, I'm gonna have to test your skills later. Anyway, what clothes do you want?"
"Anything is fine."

Once we reached the other side of the building, I got off the lighthouse and held out my hand. (Y/n) timidly grabbed onto it and hopped off.

I gestured for a car to come over. Almost immediately, a black ferrari arrived in front of us. The man opened the door for us.

"(Y/n), go in first."

She got on while I followed. Did she not ride a car before? *sigh* I reached over and put the seatbelt on for her. Her face turned slightly red in embarrassment. I just smiled to myself.

"Sir, where are you going?"
"The department store."

I looked at (Y/n), watching her look outside in awe. It was as if there was she was a little kid getting candy for the first time.

"(Y/n), what's Hatz like to you?"
"H-he's like my older brother."
"I see."
" you have a brother named Ran?"
"Yeah, why? Do you know him?"
"Not really. If you meet him, can you please tell him that I said sorry?"
"'Sorry'? Did something happen?"

She fidgeted with her fingers, unsure of whether to tell me or not. The situation at home must be hard. But why did Hatz's parents treat her so harshly? For some reason, she seemed similar to Bam in a way...

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