Chapter 6

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(Y/n)'s POV


Khun was deep in thought. We had come back to the training room because he felt like there was still something we needed to do. Hatz opposed the idea, but after I reassured him, he reluctantly let us go. And for some weird reason, the crocodile decided to follow us.

"Quiet turtle, why don't you use shinsu? I heard from blue turtle that you're pretty strong," exclaimed Rak.
"You stupid crocodile! Don't ask sensitive questions!" Khun said, frustrated that Rak was here.
"...i-it's fine, I should probably tell you since you've done a lot for me."
"But (Y/n)-"
"Shut up, blue turtle. I want to hear the story. As her great leader, I deserve to hear it."
"A long time ago, when I first met Hatz..."


"You monster! Get away from us!"
"P-please, I beg you! D-don't curse our family!"
"Who does she think she is? Acting like some kind of powerful ruler..."

I ran past the villagers, blocking out all the yells and curses they spat at me. It wasn't my fault that I was like this...I didn't choose to get this power. I never wanted power to step over others and spread fear! wasn't my fault...

"(Y/n), let's go play," exclaimed the black-haired boy.

Everyone cursed me and feared me, except for this one swordsman. He saw through the lies and saw me as who I actually was.

I happily nodded and grabbed Hatz's hand, letting him lead me to our secret hideout. There were two others waiting for us, Lesha and Heath. They were the only two, other than Hatz, that had accepted me as a person.

"(Y/n), Hatz! You guys promised, remember? We'd play hide and seek today!" Heath said with a grin.
"Yeah, let's play!" Lesha added.
"Okay, so who's counting?" asked Hatz.
"I'll count!"

Everyone nodded before going their separate ways, looking for a place to hide. I started counting, forgetting everything around me as time went by.

That was the first mistake I made. I never should've agreed to play. I never should've made that promise. I had no idea that this simple game of hide and seek would be the game that would change my life.

I had already finished counting, and had already began looking for them. There were lots of trees and bushes, so it was almost like a perfect place to hide. Instead of using our sight, our other senses were needed more.

I used shinsu to strengthen my body before running across the forest floor, searching for any kind of suspicious movement. After a while, I decided to look up in the trees.

There! I spotted Lesha's flowing red hair hiding amongst the orange leaves. I quickly went down and ran towards her location.

But it was all a trap. Indeed, Lesha was there...but she was being held captive by the many villagers that hated me. I was too young back then, but now I know. Now I know not to get too close to anyone and not to ever use my power again.

Without thinking, I used a bang to attack them. All I had on my mind was 'save Lesha'. The villagers smirked as if this was all part of their plan.

"Give Lesha back! She's got nothing to do with this!"
"But she's perfect as a hostage!"

I used shinsu to attack again and again. This wasn't going anywhere...until they used Lesha's limp body to block one of my attacks. It was already too late to pull back.

That was when I realised that...she was already dead. They killed her...they killed an innocent person! I couldn't forgive them!

"You killed Lesha!"
"What are you talking about? You were the one that killed her!" was all part of their plan. Lesha and Heath had been captured and killed, but I was too blinded by anger that I couldn't think straight. I let myself get provoked, doing what they wanted me to do.

That was it! These villagers...I could no longer think of them as 'innocent' and 'trying to protect their family'. They were made of devils! They killed Lesha and Heath!

I gathered all of the shinsu I could muster. All the plants and wildlife around me began to lose their life. This power...I couldn't control it anymore. Those villagers...deserved to die.

"No (Y/n)! Stop it! They want you to attack! They're gonna blame it on you, so stop before it gets any worse!" yelled Hatz.
" you not hate me? Lesha and Heath are dead because of me. In the was actually me that drove them to their deaths!"
"None of this is your fault!"
"Shut it, young boy! That girl is a witch sent by the devil to kill us all! Look! Everything around us is losing its life!"
"That's only because you forced her to! You know it's not her fault! You're the real devils! So get the hell away from her!" Hatz yelled, standing protectively in front of me.

In the end, I almost ended up killing those people. The dark power that I had tried so desperately to control...was released, destroying the surrounding forest.

~Flashback end~

"So that's what happened..."
"Who are those crazy turtles?! I'm gonna kill them! How could they-"
"No,'s probably my fault. Of course, humans are very simple-minded creatures, finding the easiest solution for everything even though it may not be true. But the fact that I showed up in their village one day most likely triggered this instinct that humans I've learnt to forgive them."
"To me, it sounds like you've abandoned your friends. Letting your anger die down and slowly turn into fear and regret, I'd hate to live like that," Khun exclaimed.
"...maybe I have..."
"Don't worry, turtles! Your great leader, Rak, will lead you to a better life!"
"...what are you talking about?" Khun asked with a sigh.

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