Chapter 23

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Ran's POV

What the hell did that Daniel bastard want? Why would he start a useless fight right before the match? Of course I wanted to punch him in that smug face of his, but that'd just cause trouble.

"Hey Ran, why aren't you doing anything? Scared I'll beat you?" he mocked with a smirk.
"What about you? Don't you think Roen would be sad if she saw you starting fights?"
"Roen...why would she care? Dead people can't feel sadness."
"Seems like you've changed. I don't want to talk to jerks like you."
"Ran! Daniel! The match is starting!" yelled the coach.

We went up to the starting line, waiting for the coach to blow the whistle. I just wanted to end this as quickly as possible. Honestly, I would've never entered college if it wasn't for AA. It was too much work.

He put me under physical activities. I wasn't sure if that was good or not. In my opinion, both academic and sports-related activities required effort and I didn't like wasting effort on useless things.

"Don't whine when you lose, kid," exclaimed Daniel.
"I am not a kid!"

(Y/n)'s POV

Apparently I didn't have much time left. Rachel had locked me up in a very dark, frightening place. The large, metal bars electrocuted me whenever I touched them. It was extremely painful, but I wanted to escape.

"How are you, (Y/n)?" Rachel asked as if I was perfectly fine.
"I don't want to talk to you."
"To be honest, I hate you. Why do you act so kind after all you've been through? Why?! Why do you pretend to be fine?! Huh?! I hate you because you're like that! And yet, you still make friends that are willing to save you!"

She hated me?...I guess that was to be expected. No one ever liked me from the moment I was born. Maybe I was just deluded into thinking that I had friends.

Suddenly, Khun popped into my mind. I missed him...I hadn't seen him for a while, but I still missed him. Why?...Why was he the first one I thought of?

"You must be thinking about Khun. Well, let me tell you a little secret...he hates you. He absolutely loathes you," said Rachel.
"N-no...that's not true..."
"How would you know? Has he ever said that he would die for you?"
"See? Haha, your face is priceless. I forgot the feeling of torturing someone, so I guess I should thank you for giving it back to me."

She walked away with a small smirk on her face, shutting the door behind her. I looked at my pocket, no new messages had come up. Khun...why are you ignoring me? Did you really hate me?...

I didn't realise it till warm tears had slid down my cheeks. No, I can't cry now. Khun didn't hate me. I won't believe it.

Khun's POV

"No, Khun. Don't be stupid, you're not going there," exclaimed Shibisu.
"He's right, it's too dangerous," added Hatz.
"You guys really don't get it...I'm going there to get (Y/n) back. With Bam, it'll be possible to force the demon out of her body when it gets weak."
"And how do you plan to weaken her?" Endorsi asked.
"I'm going to use Rachel. It'll be simple."
"Use Rachel? What do you mean?"
"She probably hates (Y/n). We'll use that against her."
"Khun, I want answers. There's still a lot I don't understand," Bam said.
"Yeah, I know. Hopefully we'll be able to ask that demon."

'Khun, it's you, right? This girl's really missing you. She's thinking about you so much that it's getting annoying' ~(Y/n)

Why would (Y/n) miss me that much? Tch, that damn demon. I hated her, she took (Y/n) away from me. I would never forgive her. Rachel too...I still haven't gotten back at her from before, when she wrecked this building.

"Khun, when do you plan to go there?" Bam asked.
"Whenever everyone's ready. The sooner the better. I don't know when the demon will completely take over (Y/n)'s body."
"Then we can go now. We came here prepared to leave straight away, since we know what you're like," exclaimed Hatz.
"Okay, it's good that you're all ready."

We headed outside, where I had already prepared two cars to take us to Rachel's hideout. Bam had asked Yuri to go there first so that Rachel would hopefully be distracted when we got there. As for the demon...well, we'd let Urek handle that for now.

The moment we arrived, a large boulder came flying our way. Bam shot multiple bangs at the rock, breaking it into a thousand pieces. Yuri glanced at us, as if telling us to quickly go in.

As we went down the endless paths and hallways, we took out their guards and security cameras. Anything else that got in our way was destroyed. I honestly couldn't care less about some stranger's life. To me, (Y/n)'s was far more important.

"Who are you? Have you come rescue your friend?" asked Karaka, one of the slayers of Fug.

Damn it! I didn't see this coming. How were we supposed to get to (Y/n) now? Endorsi looked at me, as if she was annoyed that I hadn't thought of this possibility. Who did she think I was?! A god?! I couldn't predict everything that was going to happen, geez...

"I'm sorry, friends of (Y/n), but I'll have to stop you here. That demon needs to regain its full power," the slayer exclaimed.
"We can't let you do that. We need to save (Y/n)," replied Bam.
"Then I will have to kill you all. It'll be fun, especially killing you, Viole."
"We can't let you do that either. We didn't come here to die nor get defeated by some weird tin can. If I have to fight you here, then I will."
"Bam, what are you thinking?! He's-"
"Yo! Haven't seen you guys in a while!" Urek said with a grin.

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