Chapter 27

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(Y/n)'s POV

I stared in awe at the huge amusement park. Hatz ruffled my hair before pulling me inside. Khun had already paid for all of our tickets.

"Hey guys, I want to go on that ride!" Wangnan exclaimed excitedly as he pointed to a little kid's ride.
"Heh, he must be scared. Is this your first time coming here?" Rak asked, smirking.
"Obviously not. I'm not scared, that ride is actually really fun despite how it looks. Guys, come on."

Nobody moved towards the kids' ride. They doubted him, probably thinking he was just afraid to admit that he enjoyed rides for small children. Without warning, Wangnan pulled at my hand, dragging me towards the ride while poking his tongue out at the others.

"You idiots! You don't believe me! I'll just take (Y/n) then since she's my real friend!" he yelled, annoyed.

The others sighed as they watched us get on. I didn't mind going on this ride, as long as I got to go on something. I immediately held onto the hand rail as the ride started to move.

Omg, it was going so fast! I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to ignore the weird feeling in my stomach. The ride was so fast...I could barely see my surroundings. was fun. Wangnan was right. Despite its looks, it was actually a pretty fun ride...and almost a little scary. I swear this ride was not for children.

"(Y/n), was that fun?" Wangnan asked as he got off.
"See guys?! I wasn't lying," he stated fiercely.
"Okay, we get it. Let's go," Khun replied.
"Turtles, let's go on that big swirly banana-looking thing!" Rak said with sparkles in his eyes.
"You mean the roller coaster?" Endorsi asked.
"Roller coaster? What a pathetic name. It should be called a banana coaster!"

Everyone sweatdropped. We headed over to the massive attraction. It seemed like this ride was one of the biggest at the amusement park.

I swallowed down a big gulp of fear as we got on and fastened the not-so-secure seatbelts. There wasn't anything for us to hold on to. Was this safe? What if we fall off? Maybe I shouldn't ride this after all.

But it was too late. The little carriage-like thing had already began to move slowly up the high ramp. I looked at the others, who were surprisingly calm, then at the view. Omg, we were so high up...

Khun's hand tightened on mine as he gave me a reassuring smile. I didn't get a chance to say anything back as the ride shot straight down at an incredible speed.

~Some time later~

"Eww, Rak! Why did you have to puke?!" Endorsi asked angrily.
"What? It wasn't my fault!" he replied harshly.
"Geez, I should've brought my perfume. The stink's going to stay with me."
"G-guys, what's that?"
"That's cotton candy, want some?" Hatz asked.

I nodded. He bought me one and handed it to me. I smiled as I poked at it, it's so fluffy! The others laughed as I smiled at the round ball of fluff.

"(Y/n), you're supposed to eat it," said Ran.
"Yeah. See?"

Bam took a small piece off and placed it in his mouth. I did the same. My eyes widened as it melted into sweetness. Khun smiled at me before taking a piece for himself.

"Hey everyone, I found Rak's family!" Wangnan exclaimed while pointing to a crocodile statue.
"What?! I am not some weak crocodile!"

We all laughed and headed towards the water park. Everything was so blue. There were water rides everywhere we went and even artificial beaches. Stands were set up beside some of the massive wave pools.

"Come on, (Y/n). Let's go buy some swimmers," said Endorsi.

I followed her into a shop and looked around at all the little souvenirs. None of them seemed that 'special', but there were a few that caught my eye.

"Here, get changed," Endorsi exclaimed as she handed me a (f/c) bikini.
"Quit fussing. It's nothing to be embarrassed about."
"Hurry up, the others are waiting for us."

I reluctantly went into the change rooms. Once I was done, I headed back outside to the shop where Endorsi was waiting for me. We put our stuff away in some lockers.

"Here, wear this over when you're not swimming."

She handed me a see-through shirt and denim shorts. I gratefully took them and followed her to one of the water rides. The others were already there waiting for us.

"Everyone, we're going on the Rak ride," said Wangnan.
"Rak ride?"
"Yeah, Rak named it after himself because of the crocodile at the top," Hatz replied.
"Ha! You admitted that you're a crocodile," Khun mocked.
"Shut up!"

I laughed. We got on the ride while the guard told us some safety rules. I didn't really pay any attention to anything he said because of the way he was staring at me. I felt uncomfortable.

"Oi, I think we know. You've repeated the same things at least five times but just reworded the sentences. Stop staring at my girlfriend and start the ride," Khun exclaimed coldly with a glare.

The guard shivered in fear before running back to the control room.

"Getting protective, are we?" Endorsi asked with a smirk.
"Shut it. You're just jealous that he wasn't paying any attention to you," Khun replied, bored of arguing with her.

Before they could continue with their arguing, the ride started to move. I gripped the hand rails as it bumped onto the walls while sliding down the waterfall.

We were drenched by the time it stopped. Suddenly, I felt someone drop a towel on my head. I looked up and saw Hatz smiling at me. I smiled back.

The rest of the day was lots of fun. We basically went on all the rides in the water park, even the kids' rides...because of Wangnan. Did he only go on those types of rides?...

"Finally, I can actually relax," exclaimed Endorsi.
"We're going to go to the pool," Bam said before going off with the others.

Khun took my hand and gave me a small smile. He pulled me into a kiss. I immediately blushed as soon as I realised everyone could see. He ignored them, as if they weren't there at all.

"Don't leave my side."
"I promise I won't."

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