Chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s POV

Huh? Where am I? I sat up slowly, my whole body feeling a sore and uncomfortable. I felt someone holding onto my hand. Khun...he had fallen asleep with his head on the bed. His hand was still holding onto mine loosely. *blush*

What happened? Did I black out? But that's strange. I didn't feel tired or dizzy till after I got into Khun's car. Why was that? There must be some reason for this.

"'re awake."
"Khun, please forgive me. I did not mean to black out like that. Sorry for bothering your work," I said while trying to bow.
"Geez, please worry about yourself for once. I don't mind, work is just too tiring. I got to rest thanks to you."
"Oh...but would you mind letting go of my hand now?"
"Ah, sorry!"

I giggled at him acting all flustered. It sure was strange to see him like that. I looked at him and caught him staring at me. Immediately, I looked away, trying to hide my red cheeks.

"Are you feeling okay now? I ordered the suite room for you so it should be good," he exclaimed.
"Y-yeah, I feel better now. Thank you."
"Also, Hatz came over. He told me to give this to you," he said while handing me my favourite candy.

I smiled and gratefully took it. I still remembered the first time Hatz gave me one of these. It was something I could never forget the taste of. Heh, he used to sneak these in all the time when we were younger.

"Well, I'll get going now. Some of my friends are going to come so don't worry," Khun said while standing up.
"...what happened to your arm?"
"My arm? *pulls sleeve down* Ah, nothing you need to worry about."
" fight with Hatz?"
"No, don't worry."
"Anyone would have believed you. You're good at lying, but I can tell. That wound is from Hatz's sword, isn't it? I've lived with him long enough to know this."
"*sigh* I guess I can't hide it from you. Yes, I did fight with him. He was angered...that you were hospitalised."
"I'm sorry. Let me apologise on his behalf-"
"There's no need for that. I guess I deserved that...for not looking after you."
"No, that's not true. You-"
"Just...please look after yourself. *chuckles slightly* I hate getting scolded by your brother, it hurts my pride. Anyway, I'll get going now. See you later."

He left through the door. I looked down at the candy in my hands. Did I do something to upset him?...I didn't mean to. I just didn't want him to feel bad...

~Some time later~

The nurse had already came to check up on me. I could leave the hospital any time I wanted, but I got a message from Khun telling me to stay for another day. I was actually feeling fine now, but he wouldn't listen.

"*knock knock* It's me, your great leader, Rak! Blue turtle sent me!"

He opened the door loudly and came in, with another person following him.

"Hello, my name's Bam. Nice to meet you."
"I-I'm (Y/n)."
"This is quiet turtle. And that is black turtle. Okay, now that everyone is introduced, I will begin my small talk."
"Rak, I don't think Miss (Y/n) would like to listen to your talk," Bam replied a little nervously.
"What?! But my talks are awesome! Everyone that doesn't listen to them are all idiots!"
"Um...Rak, do you mind being a little quieter?"
"Ah, was I too loud? Then the great Rak shall be more quiet...though I was being quiet from the beginning."
"(Y/n), here. Hatz said to give these to you," Bam exclaimed while handing me a bag full of snacks.

His fingers touched mine. Suddenly, my head started to hurt like it was about to explode. Ugh!

"(Y/n), are you okay?! What's wrong?!" Bam asked worriedly.

No one's POV

(Y/n) soon blacked out. Bam and Rak called for the doctor but he couldn't find the cause for her sudden headache. It was as if a hidden force had blunged itself into her mind.

"I think this has something to do with me," said Bam.
"What do you mean?" Rak asked.
"She fainted straight after her fingers touched mine. And before, I sensed a familiar power from her. It felt like...ah, nevermind."
"Are you going to tell the idiot blue turtle?"
"Yeah, I think Khun might know something about this."

The two waited on the sofa for (Y/n) to wake up. But she slept till evening, so the two had to leave because they had other things to do. Khun was busy with handling problems in his company so there was no chance for him to come visit.

The only other who knew about her being hospitalised was Hatz, but he still had students to teach, so (Y/n) was left all alone. She remained asleep until the next morning.

The sunlight creeping in from behind the curtains managed to wake her up. But something was different. (Y/n) was no longer the (Y/n) that everyone knew. Her long brown was now pitch black and her vibrant green eyes were blood red. Her skin was deathly pale and cold.

"I'm finally awake..." she whispered quietly to herself.

Small horns grew out of head while black dragon-like wings spread out from her back. She turned her head, cracking her fingers.

"I want to free myself from this girl."

It was strange...this 'girl' was still (Y/n) but it wasn't. The dark force within her was beginning to wake up and that was something that should never happen.

Khun, completely unaware of all this, came into the room.

"Who...are you?"

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