Chapter 8

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Khun's POV

'There is a chance that (Y/n) may get nightmares so please help her if she does. I'm begging you.' ~Hatz

*sigh* How bothersome...I should've never agreed to let her stay here if he was going to order me around like a slave. I'm sure she can deal with it by herself, she wasn't a child anymore. And besides, I was too tired to go out of my room.

The thing that Hwaryun told me before still bothered me. It's not like I trust her since she was a former member of Fug, but her advice was, at times, helpful.


"Khun, look after (Y/n) well. That is the path which you must take," exclaimed Hwaryun.
"What do you mean?"
"You're a pretty perceptive man. I'm sure you'll know the answer soon since a guide can only tell you so much. (Y/n) will definitely be the key to what you're looking for."
"The key to what I'm looking for?..."

Should I trust her? I mean, the only thing I knew about (Y/n) was that she was Hatz's 'sister'. There was nothing else that could be found with my lighthouse. And I've never even seen her before so why would Hwaryun say something like that?...

Was there some kind of connection between (Y/n) and myself? *sigh* I don't know, my mind was too tired from dealing with annoying girls everyday.

~Flashback end~

I looked out the window at the colourful lights in the city. Maybe there was a connection just like how those lights were connected through the endless supply of electricity.

(Y/n)'s POV

~The next day~

A maid had come in to give me breakfast and help me dress, although I could do it myself. The breakfast consisted of two fried eggs, two slices of toast and a bowl of fruit.

After I finished, the maid immediately pulled me into the giant bathroom. I was told to wash up and brush my teeth. The bath was already prepared for me. It smelt like (favourite flower).

"Miss (Y/n), please hurry. Time is not on our side at the moment. Please get in before the water goes cold," said the maid.

She helped me with my clothes before motioning for me to go into the bath. Flower petals floated on the water's surface, hiding themselves amongst the little bubbles.

~After getting ready~

Khun was already waiting for me by the car. He opened the door for me once he saw me coming.

"How was your morning?" he asked.
"I-it was fine."
"I hope the outfit I bought for you is the right size. Do you like it?"

I nodded happily. He had prepared a black miniskirt, cream-coloured woolly sweater and knee-high boots. My hair was done up in a high ponytail with some strands left down by the sides of my face.

"Here, I forgot to give this to the maid this morning," Khun exclaimed.

He handed me a necklace that had a diamond pendant on a thin silver chain. It was beautiful...but I couldn't just use him to get all this. This didn't feel right.

"K-Khun, I don't think I should accept any more from you. It feels like-"
"You're using my money? I don't mind. There's nowhere else I can use all my money, with the exception of my company and some friends."
"...thank you."

He looked at me, holding the necklace in my hands. Before I could say anything, he took it from me and helped put it on.

"I-if you don't mind me asking, why do you do these things for me? I mean, to you, I'm just your friend's sister..."
"Don't misunderstand. I'm doing this for myself. From now on, you are going to do whatever I tell you to do, just like a doll without a soul."

When we arrived, a horde of girls and paparazzi crowded the car. Suddenly, I felt very intimidated. So many people...I wasn't used to it. This was making me feel dizzy...

The door opened. Hatz stood there, holding out his hand with a smile. All the nervousness and sickness went away as I gratefully took his hand with a smile.

"Mr Hatz, who is she? She came out of Mr Khun's car!"
"Young lady, please give us some words on your identity."
"Over here! Who are you? How are you related to Hatz and Khun?"
"(Y/n), don't mind them. Just continue walking," Hatz said quietly.

He gave my hand a squeeze, as if reassuring my worrying mind. Was it like this every morning? Was it because of Khun?

The moment we stepped into the building, all the people disappeared. I sighed in relief as I realised that I didn't have to face them.

"How's Khun treating you?" asked Hatz.
"He's been too good to me."
"Then that's good. Anyway, I'll let Shibisu guide you around. I have to go back."

He waved before going out the door. Suddenly, a hand turned me around by my shoulder. I stood back a little, surprised by the sudden contact with a stranger.

"Hi, I'm Shibisu, Khun's secretary and friend. He already went up to his office so I'll talk you through some things."
"Please excuse my rudeness, but can you use shinsu to make us fly? You know, like some kind of shield we can get on. I have a friend who can do it but I forgot the name of the thing..."
"Y-yeah, I can."
"That's great! Now we can travel around this massive building faster."

Before I even got a chance to do anything, a girl walked in with somewhat angry vibes.

"Shibisu, I told you to make that blue freak order me the newest fashion trend outfits on sale! Why didn't you tell him?!" asked the angry girl.
"E-Endorsi, you have enough money to buy it yourself since you're a top model-"
"How many times do I have to tell you?! My manager forbade me to use my money for a week because I spent too much!"
"That's sorta your own fault for wanting so much..."
"What was that?!"

I stood awkwardly to the side, afraid that I would get dragged into their argument. This was good, I was unnoticed in the corner...till she made eye contact with me.

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