Chapter 18

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(Y/n)'s POV


Where am I? Was this a memory? But I don't remember this...

"Mum, look! I found a (favourite flower)! Isn't it pretty?"

Was that little girl me?

"Don't touch me! You're filthy!"
"But love these flowers..."
"I don't like flowers that have been touched by the devil. Now get lost!"
"*sobs* I..."
"Are you going to get out of my sight?! If not, I'll harm your brother!"

The little girl ran past the middle-aged woman, running towards the dark forest. She kept going and going as if there was no end to how much she could run.

Meanwhile, the 'mother' was looking after another young boy. Was that the little girl's brother? Why?...why does the mother do this? Weren't they both her own children? Why does she favour one more than the other?

"I don't get it...why does mother hate me? I haven't done anything wrong so why does she call me the devil?..."
"(Y/n)! *pants* You run too fast! I'm sorry for how mother has been treating you."
"Bam...why did you leave mum? She'll be lonely since dad isn't here with us."
"Don't worry, I promised her that I'd go back. Now I have time to play with you."
"But I'm not human...mum calls me a devil..."
"Do you really believe that? No matter how many times she says that, I'd never believe her because my sister could never be someone as evil as the devil."

Bam...was my brother? Why didn't I remember anything? And why did our mother hate me? What did I do wrong? I wanted to know more...I wanted to know why I was like this.

"There you are! Get away from your sister! She's evil! Her innocence is fake!"
"Mum, she-"
"She was never supposed to be born! Her existence in itself was a mistake! I never wanted her!"

I watched sadly as the little girl was left alone in tears. She broke down, crying her heart out. I wanted to comfort her, but I couldn't. She wasn't able to see or hear me. I was just like an invisible wall...

"I never wanted to be like this...mum...please tell me what to do to make you love me..."

The plants and trees around her body started losing its life and colour. They were dying...everything around her became dead and lifeless...

~Dream end~

I woke up and felt something wet on my cheeks. Tears? Was I crying because of what I saw before? Grabbing a tissue from the table beside me, I used it to wipe my tears away before anyone could see.

Khun was asleep beside me. Since when did he sleep right beside me? Well, not like I cared. I carefully put the blanket over his body before getting off the bed and walking towards the window.

It was day time but I still felt a little tired. The dream I had before was still playing in my mind. Was Bam actually my brother? Was that dream one of my lost memories?

Ugh, my head! I felt dizzy all of a sudden and stumbled on my feet till I felt myself falling. I squeezed my eyes shut, but the feeling of the cold, hard ground never came.

"You should be careful when walking around," exclaimed Khun.

He had used his lighthouse to support my body. I quickly stood upright and said a quiet 'sorry'. He simply sighed and walked over to me.

I looked away from his gaze, feeling a little scared for some odd reason. I don't know why but I just couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye.

"You...why were you crying before?" he asked.
"C-crying? I wasn't crying."
"Don't lie to me. Your eyes are red and puffy. Also, that tissue on the table is scrunched up and wet. You were obviously crying."
"T-that...I wasn't crying. My eyes were just itchy..."
"I can see through your lies. Now tell me...why were you crying?"
"I... don't have a reason to tell you."
"Why not? I gave you so much and you can't even tell me a simple reason?"

I took a few steps back, feeling uncomfortable about all this. Khun just came forward, and reached out. Eh?

"Oi! Stop ticking me! *laughs*"

I couldn't stop laughing, nor pry his hands off.

"P-please stop! I'm begging you!"
"Why should I?" he asked with a smirk.

I was laughing so hard that tears were forming in the corner of my eyes. He finally stopped and lay down beside me.

"You know, that was the first time I've heard you laugh so much."
"*blush* S-sorry, I'm not used to laughing..."
"Well, you should smile more. It suits you."

I could feel my face heat up. Suddenly, I felt his hand grab mine. This caused my heart to beat harder. Why was he doing this to me?

"Your hands are warm..." he exclaimed softly.
"W-why are yours so cold?..."
"*sigh* I don't know. Maybe I've been too lonely with no one by my side to give me any warmth."

There was a knock on the door, causing the both of us to sit up. Khun quickly stood up and went to get the door. Hatz came in and immediately pulled me into a hug.

"(Y/n), thank god you're okay..."
"Khun told me everything. I'm sorry for not being there for you."
"That's okay, you were busy with work."
"But you would've been lonely..."
"*smiles* Don't worry, Khun was here with me. I wasn't alone."
"Khun...was with you?"

I nodded and looked over at him. Khun just quietly left the room. Did he forget to do something? Hatz gave me one last hug before leaving the room. He seemed like he was a little annoyed for some reason...

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