Chapter 16

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Khun's POV

Was that (Y/n)? I'm pretty sure this was the correct room...but that girl...was not (Y/n). She may look unusually similar but she was definitely not (Y/n). Something must've happened to her.

"What did you do to (Y/n)?"
"(Y/n) mean this girl who's body I am currently taking over? She's going to disappear soon," replied the girl.
"What the hell do you mean? Who are you?"
"I am a part of the devil, the evil lurking in this cruel world. I am Satan's shadow."
"The devil?..."
"This girl, (Y/n), was simply my vessel. Once I obtain my full power, she will no longer be able to come back."
"What?! Why?!"
"You seriously are a little dense, Khun Aguero Agnes. Have you never wondered about where this girl came from? Or how she got her mysterious, dark power?"
"What does that have to do with you?"
"It was all a part of her mother's plan. I can't reveal more than that, but if you really want someone to blame, then blame her mother. She was the one that caused (Y/n) to suffer."

~Some time later~

The mysterious girl had disappeared and (Y/n) was now back to her usual self. She didn't seem to remember anything, but I don't know if that is good or not. It may be since sometimes things just aren't meant to be revealed.

I moved her hair away from her face and watched as she continued to sleep. Instead of the usual peaceful expression she had on her face, it was one of pain. Was she having a nightmare?

"*knock knock* Khun, did you call for me?"
"Yeah, come in Shibisu."

He opened the door and sat down on the sofa.

"How are things with Rachel?"
"Nothing's changed," he replied.
"Did you tell Bam and the others?"
"Yeah, I told them to meet up at Hatz's place."
"Good. We had better get going."

We headed outside and got into my car. Just like Shibisu said, everyone was here. They waited until we got out before going inside. Hatz's parents were away for some time so it'd be okay for us to talk freely. But it was always better to be cautious in case there are enemies.

"So why'd you call us here? I have a photo shoot starting in an hour so make it quick," Endorsi exclaimed.
"Bam, you told them what happened before, right?"
"Yeah, but that's not all, is it?"

I explained to them what happened to (Y/n) and the strange girl that appeared before. Everyone listened quietly, thinking deeply about this.

'Mr Khun, sir, she's attacking the company! Our defence systems and security are all down!' ~Staff no.25

"What is it?" asked Hatz.
"Rachel...she's attacking the company."
"Yo! How is everyone?"

Urek?! What was he doing here?! I looked over at Bam, who simply gave me a shrug. *sigh* Why do more and more problems keep coming up?...

"Oi! Don't hurt them! Anyway, Bam called me here so I decided to bring this nutcase along," exclaimed Yuri.
"Yuri Ha Jahad?! As in one of the princesses with the 13 month series?!" Wangnan asked, surprised.
"Yeah, nothing to be surprised about. Well, I've decided to help you since Bam asked for it."
"Hehe, thanks Yuri," Bam said with a smile.
"No problem. Now what do I need to do?"
"You work as one of the top government spies in the world, right? If that's correct, then the government has your back. If you show up amidst all the chaos, Rachel may back off for now. But that's just my prediction. I don't know if she has some hidden card up her sleeve."
"Evan, have you checked the surroundings of the attack? Any unusual things you've noticed?" Yuri asked.
"No, nothing that I can see. It doesn't look like she's got any specific plan other than to wreck your company. If there's some secret weapon, then I can't detect it. Fug definitely hides their hidden cards well enough so that even I can't detect them."
"Well, we'll go check it out first."

~At the company~

Everything was in chaos. Usually, I'd only hire skilled employees that are above average in my company but even they were panicking over this.

Just like I said, Yuri appeared in the middle of it all and got out her Black March. The attacks were stopped as Rachel stepped out from her hideout.

"Well, if it isn't Yuri Ha Jahad. Have you come to protect that rude man's company? Why? Did Bam ask you to?" she asked.
"Hey, I don't think that's how you're supposed to be talking to her, if you don't want to be killed that is," said Urek.
"I've even brought along one of the strongest people alive. For now, I'll back down but that's just because my goal has been reached. Next time, it won't end like this."

Rachel pulled back and disappeared, along with her minions and underlings. A sigh of relief escaped my lips. At least she didn't pull out some sort of destructive weapon...

Yuri, Evan and Urek left after saying bye to Bam. As expected, they had other things to do, being the high rankers they were.

Things have gotten completely out of hand. First, a strange demon thing possesses (Y/n)'s body and now my company was a mess thanks to Rachel. Tch, I'll have to get her back. She humiliated me like this so it wouldn't be too bad to do the same to her.

"Khun, I've already took care of the charges and bills for the destruction. The robots are on their way now to fix the building. Some people are currently trying to calm the staff," Shibisu said.
"At least that's out of the way."

'AA, (Y/n)'s awake...but she's out of control. You need to come now.' ~Ran

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