Chapter 14

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(Y/n)'s POV

This must be the boys' dorms. They all stopped their conversations and studies as soon as they saw me turn the corner. Almost immediately, I felt very small and weak. So many boys in one place...all staring at me as if I was a monster...

Suddenly, Ran shot one of his spears down the hallway. Everyone quickly stopped staring at me weirdly and went back to doing their own thing. I looked at Ran, his hand held mine more tightly.

"Well, would you look at that...the 'popular' Khun Ran is disobeying the rules," exclaimed a brown-haired guy with freckles.
"Like you can say that, Daniel Hatchid, the well-known bad boy," Ran snapped back with a glare.
"Who's this girl? Why'd you bring her to the boys' dorms? Here to have some fun?" Daniel asked with a smirk.
"Shut the hell up. She's just a friend, none of your concern. There's nothing here for you to look at so get your eyes the hell away from her body," Ran said threateningly.
"Hmm, seems unfair that you get to keep her to yourself."
"Let's go."

Ran pulled at my hand, pushing past that Daniel guy. I was stopped as he put his hand on my shoulder. *gulp* This was giving me a bad feeling.

"Hey miss, why don't you leave that loser and come to me instead?"
"Is that a fight you want, Daniel? Leave her out of this."
"Why? Want to protect your girlfriend?"
"We are not in a relationship!"

Ran started to attack Daniel after eating some kind of pill. Sweat covered my hands as they continued to fight, inflicting wounds on each other with every attack.

What am I going to do? I hated seeing my friends get hurt, and I couldn't let the college get destroyed like this. This was all my fault. If only I'd just given the folder to Ran at the information desk.

"Stop it, both of you!"

I manipulated the shinsu around their bodies to push them back a few feet.

"Listen, I may not know who you are but you can't just pick a fight like that! If you were in my position, how would you feel about all this?! I don't appreciate you speaking to Ran like that! I can accept the fact that you may be rivals and may hate each other, but please don't fight each other!"

Daniel suddenly came right up to my face and lifted my chin up.

"Hey girl, I don't like the way you look at me. It's as if you're scolding a child. Well, get this into your head. You can't control everything that happens. Not everything can go according to how you want it to, got that? sure are interesting," he said before placing a light kiss on my hand.
"I came here to see what was taking (Y/n) so long to hand a few documents to Ran and this is what happens? Daniel, since when have you started flirting with pretty girls whenever you see them?" asked Khun.
"What the hell?"
"That girl whom's hand you just kissed is one of my most valuable weapons. What? You like her? Is this your habit now? Flirting with girls? Have you been doing this ever since Roen died?-"
"Shut up! What the hell do you know?!" Daniel asked angrily while grabbing onto Khun's shirt.
"D-Daniel, please let him go."
"Why should I? After that, I can't just..."
"Damn it!"

He disappeared but I felt something went on my hands. Tears?... Who was this Roen? His first love?...

I was brought back to earth as Khun clicked his fingers, getting my attention. He gestured towards the folder in my hands. I quickly handed it to Ran before running off to catch up with Khun.

"(Y/n), don't worry about that guy. He just lost the love of his life so he's being an idiotic moron," Khun exclaimed while getting in the car.
"T-then was it necessary to say such harsh things to him?..."
"You're worrying about a guy that tried to flirt with you?"
"But it must be painful to lose someone you's so painful, where it may eventually break you apart..."
"I can understand why he'd do that, but I don't appreciate him toying with my feelings..."

Khun gave my hand a tight squeeze before flashing me a reassuring smile. *blush* I looked down, allowing my long hair to cover my face. What was happening to me?...

Khun's POV

What...? Did I just hold her hand casually like that? I looked at her reaction...cute. Wait, what was I saying? Ugh, this girl was making me lose my mind. I seriously cannot fall for her, no matter how sweet and pretty she may be- damn, I was thinking about her again. Okay, I should just stop.

'Khun, I felt a very familiar feeling at my college earlier. Ran said he was there. Who was the other person with him?' ~Bam

'You mean (Y/n), Hatz's sister? Why would you feel a familiar feeling from her?'

*sigh* I needed to go rest at home. This job has gotten even more tiring ever since (Y/n) came...not that I minded though. Surprisingly, Rachel hasn't been as much attacking as usual, but that didn't mean that it was a good thing. She could be planning something big...

"K-Khun, I feel dizzy..."
"(Y/n)? (Y/n)?"

She was unconscious. Geez, I thought Shibisu said that she was fine...was this from tiredness? Exhaustion? Lack of sleep? Wait, why was I worrying so much? She was just my assistant...

(Y/n)'s breathing was a little shallow and fast. I touched her forehead. It was a few degrees higher than the average human body temperature. Does she have a fever? But why all of a sudden? Strange...I have to investigate this.

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