Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was left in a very dark place. My body was still stinging in pain from the shocks they gave me. This was where resisting got me...hurt and locked up in a scary place.

Chains bound my feet and hands together, preventing me from escaping. My ability to use shinsu was also useless because of them. I couldn't do anything...

My clothed were ripped severely, with dirty blood stains damping the fabric. But I managed to keep the necklace safe at least. Although my face had cuts and bruises, like all over my body, I couldn't help but feel relieved that the necklace that Khun gave me was safe...

They wouldn't stop...the villagers wouldn't stop. No matter how much I yelled, they kept going. They kept attacking me as if I was an evil spirit that needed to be purified. I was trapped.

"You still won't talk even after all that?" asked the blonde-haired girl named Rachel.

I stayed quiet, afraid that I'd reveal something important if I spoke.

"Fine then. You'll only regret remaining silent."

She clicked her fingers. A large helmet dropped onto my head, the straps fastening themselves around my face. What is this? I couldn't take it off...

"That machine will go through the deepest part of your mind and bring out your worst nightmares and fears. I'll give you one more chance. Are you going to answer my questions?" Rachel asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I'd rather go to hell."
"Suit yourself. Don't blame me for the choices you made."

Suddenly, the memories from back then were brought back to life. I could see Lesha and Heath being killed right in front of my eyes.! Stop! The villagers threw rocks and torches at me...I felt so helpless. They were dead because of me...

"You monster! How could you kill your own friends?!"
"Yeah! That's exactly what a demon would do!"
"Say something! What? Are you scared? Ha!"
"Look. Her face is priceless!"

No...stop! I didn't do anything wrong! Make this stop! Please...someone make this stop...

"This girl? Ugh, she's definitely the monster. I mean, look at her face! It clearly says 'I am the devil'," exclaimed Endorsi.
"Yeah, I know right. Be careful, we'll have to kill her," added Wangnan.
"Turtles! You can't leave me out of this! I want to kill the monster turtle!" yelled Rak.
"Guys, I have a plan to get rid of its existence forever," Khun said with a smirk.
"I can't believe I got fooled by her. She's just a wolf in sheep's clothing," said Hatz.

Tears slid down my cheeks at the scene I saw in front of me. Was this what they really thought of me? A monster? I buried my face in my knees to hide my tears. What did I do to deserve this?...

Khun's POV

"How the hell did you two fail to bring (Y/n) here?!"
"Khun, we've already said sorry! How many times do we have to say it?! Huh? We already feel bad about it so don't make us feel even worse! Please!" Wangnan yelled angrily.
"Why are you so obsessed with her anyway? She's just some random girl," Endorsi said.
"What...did you just say? 'She's just some random girl'?" Hatz asked with a glare.
"*sigh* If (Y/n) gets into Rachel's hands, there's no saying what could happen. I'm going to save her. Follow me if you want to. I can't tell you all to come because this is my own problem."
"You blue turtle! Are you an idiot? Of course we'd come with you! I have to save my team's friend!"

I just grinned. I knew Rak'd say that...he was sometimes so easy to predict. But for now, we needed to focus on saving (Y/n). Although Endorsi does have a point. Why am I so obsessed with her?...

~Some time later~

"Khun, they're all in position," Shibisu exclaimed.
"Good. Once the guards show up, we're starting to move."

It didn't take long to find Rachel's secret lair. Honestly, she needed better education. In my opinion, her mindset and problem solving skills are like a little kid's.

The structure of the building was a little more complicated than I had expected. Of course, the plan didn't need much changing but still. The rest of the team were just distractions to give us more time to save (Y/n).

Shibisu nodded at me. I guess everyone already started moving according to plan. Then we should get going too before it was too late.

To be honest, I would've put Shibisu in charge of the others because his intuitions and predictions were good. The reason he was with me was because he wanted (Y/n) to see him as her hero or something. *sigh* He still can't get little kids' fantasies out of his head.

"We meet again, Khun."
"You expected this, didn't you? (Y/n)'s in the room behind me but I don't know if she'll be in her right state of mind."
"What did you do?"
"Nothing much, just manipulated her fears."
"Do you really think I will? We need her in order to kill Jahad."
"Kill Jahad? A weakling like you? You must be crazy."
"I don't care what you think of me. Even in this cruel world, I get to see the stars. But then I thought of something...what if I could become the ultimate ruler? I'll be able to get whatever I want."
"Sorry to ruin your plans, but (Y/n) is coming back with us whether you like it or not."
"What makes you so sure?"
"Hmm, the fact that the door behind you is open and that your guards are dead?"

Geez, I was so scared that she would notice. That blueberry (Hatzling) is actually useful for once. I owed him one. Now time to get (Y/n).

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