Chapter 21

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Khun's POV

"What do you mean 'make (Y/n) disappear'? Why would you come to me for that?"
"Because you love her, don't you?" the demon asked.
"Love her?"
"Hmph, you idiot! I need you to love her, got it? That way, I can get stronger. There's no point in hating her because I'll get weaker if that happens. So help me out, okay?"
"Tch, you really are a demon. Controlling people's emotions, is that how you play?"
"It'll be futile if you say you hate her. You know they're not your true feelings."
"Hmm, seems like you get your power from people's inner thoughts. So what they say or do on the outside is completely useless."
"I guess, if that's how you want to put it."
"But why are you telling me this? Won't it be disadvantageous for you later if you reveal all your weaknesses to me?"
"No, do you really think I'm that stupid? Besides, you will always love her, no matter what."

Damn it! How? do I get (Y/n) back and make that demon disappear for good? *sigh* There was no way for me to deny it. (Y/n) really has stolen my heart.

"Hey Khun, the thing flew away. What do we do now?" asked Shibisu.
"I need some time to think."

What was I supposed to do? There was a nagging feeling that kept on tugging at my heart, as if telling me to save (Y/n) now. I wanted to, but I didn't have enough information and besides, there was no way for 'me' to save her.

~Some time later~

I was in my office. Shibisu had already sent a message to everyone, informing them of this situation. With the limited knowledge I had on this demon, I couldn't do anything. But maybe, even if it was just a small chance, the fact about her power depending on everyone's feelings towards (Y/n) may be the solution.

I sat here, thinking. Seconds turned into minutes, those minutes turned into hours and yet, I still couldn't come up with a suitable plan. Ugh, I couldn't do this. I needed to go out to investigate.

"...Rachel. You have some nerve, walking in here without any bodyguards."
"Who said I didn't have any?"

The demon came in and sat down casually on my sofa. Rachel just smirked and did the same. Tch, were they working together? Since when?

"You must be wondering how I know this demon, right?" Rachel asked.
"How do you know her?"
"I guess you could say it was a coincidence. She happened to be the demon hidden by Bam's mother, the enemy of Jahad."
"What? Bam's mother?"
"You really know nothing. Who do you think (Y/n) is? A random homeless girl that Hatz just happened to take in?"
"What are you talking about?"
"In order in help you understand, 'Mr Khun', I'll have to tell you this first. (Y/n) Bam's sister."
"(Y/n) really is a sweet girl. How did she not hate everyone after being kicked aside by the world? Why is she still so kind? It's likely that if she was told to die for the sake of someone else, she'd do it without any hesitation."
"What are you saying?"
"Nothing much. I'm just wondering why everyone would hate a girl like that. Maybe it was because of her dark power or because of the demon possessing her body."

Now that she mentioned it, everyone who knew about her power treated her with hatred and disrespect. With the exception of my friends, I'd say everyone thought the world was better off without her.

"But aren't you curious? Curious about how she has this demon or how she got this mysterious, dark power. Maybe even curious about why her mother was lured into the devil's trap. What about the demon's connection with Fug? Well, I guess you'd be too shocked to ask anything right now."
"Rachel, how the hell do you know this much?"
"I have my ways, just like how you have yours."

So many questions filled my mind. What happened in (Y/n)'s past? What was her mother like? How come she never told me about Bam being her brother? Did she lose her memories? So many questions remained unanswered.

"Well, I guess we'll get going now," Rachel exclaimed.
"What? You came here just to talk to me?"
"I just thought it would be amusing to see your reaction."
"...did you really think I'd let you go just like that?"
"I doubt you'll be able to defeat that demon."
"You're right, I probably can't."

The door opened with a loud bang. Endorsi stood in the doorway with an annoyed expression. Geez, why was she always so mad whenever I asked her to come?...

"Khun, you better pay me for this! I left my date early because of you!"
"Wow, that's surprising. Did you really love me that much? But isn't dating against the law for Jahad princesses?"
"Khun! If you want me to help you, shut the hell up!"
"Whatever, just make sure Rachel doesn't get away."

The demon stood in front of Endorsi, cracking her knuckles. Endorsi simply smirked.

"But it'll be better if you guys fight outside. I don't want my building destroyed because of this."
"Ugh! You annoying jerk!"

Endorsi grabbed onto the demon and dragged her through the window. She punched her, sending the demon flying towards the ground. A loud crash could be heard.

*sigh* But did she seriously have to break my windows? Now I'd have to use more of my money to pay for the damage.

"Rachel, where do you think you're going?"

She simply glared at me as I trapped her with my lighthouse. I cut through her weak lighthouse barrier and headed towards her. I pointed a gun at her head, smirking. I'd feel so great after shooting this annoying girl.

"Khun, no!"

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