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Park Jimin

Who is she? Is she really going to jump yesterday?

My thoughts were interrupted by an arm around my shoulder. I looked to my side and saw Taehyung and his square smile.

'What are you thinking? Is that a girl? Hmm?' And he wiggled his eyebrows. I frowned at him.

'Yeah...' I told him and he turned me around.

'A girl?! Who is she?!' He said and he looked shock. I shrugged his hands on my shoulders.

'No! Not like that!' I told him and sighed.

We're walking to the cafeteria. I'm with Taehyungie and Jungkookie. The hyungs are waiting for us.

'What do you mean?' I looked at Jungkook.

'Well, you see yesterday, I saw a girl on the rooftop.' I said to him.

'And then?' I looked at Taehyung and looked confused.

'And... I saw that... She was about to... Jump...' I told them.

'What?!' They said in chorus. I looked at them booth and nodded.

'Well, what happen to her?' Jungkook asked. I scratched my nose.

'Well, because I kind of interrupted her, she didn't do it.' I told him.

'Who is she anyway?' Taehyung asked.

'That's what I like to know. And it's so frustrating!' I told them.

Seriously, who is she? Where can I get her name?

'Well, why don't you ask Namjoonie-hyung? After all, he's the school's president.' Kookie said, as if he read my mind.

'Yeah! Let's tell them! They might help you.' Taehyungie said.

We were at the entrance of cafeteria. And the fangirls go wild.

'Kkyyaahh~! Jimin-oppa!' Some girl whispered, but I can still hear her.

'OMG, Jungkookie-oppa~.' Another fangirl.

'Ugh, this girls.' Kookie whispered. I laughed at him.

'I thought you're the international Playboy?' He looked at me.

'Hyung, I'm still the international Playboy, but I don't like those girls. Look at what they're wearing. I like simple.' He said. I just laughed at him.

We saw the hyungs on the usual seat we had, which is farther to students. We approached the table. I sat beside Yoongi-hyung.

'Hyung! Jiminie-hyung is going to say something.' Jungkook said as we sat.

'What? Is there something wrong?' Namjoonie-hyung asked. The others looked at me. I sighed.

'Well, before I went to the restaurant yesterday, I saw someone on the school's rooftop...' I told them what happen yesterday.

'She was about to jump?' Namjoonie-hyung asked. I nodded.

'Yes, hyung. When I told her not to do it, she got mad.' I told him.

'Well, because you stopped her from taking her life.' Yoongi-hyung said. I looked at him.

'That might me the reason, but she said I almost killed her.' I told them.

'What? Killed her?' Hobi-hyung said.

'Yeah. She said I almost killed her.' I told them, emphasizing her words.

'But you're just helping her.' Namjoonie-hyung said.

'Exactly! And I'm really confused right now.' I leaned on my chair.

'Don't stress yourself, Jiminie. Let's be grateful you saw her and nothing bad happen.' Jin-hyung said. I sighed loudly.

I really can't get off her in my mind. Aish~!

I was in my deep thoughts when a figure on the counter caught my attention. I squinted my eyes because it is somehow familiar. And when the figure turned around, I saw that she's the girl on the rooftop. My eyes widen.

'Hyung! That's her!' I told them.

'Who?' Yoongi-hyung said. I looked at them.

'The girl I was talking about. She's there.' I pointed where she is and when I looked back, she's not there anymore.

'Where?' Jungkook asked. I looked around to see if she's one of the tables.

'She was there, I swear.' I kept on darting my eyes around the cafeteria.

'Just let it slide, Jimin. Maybe you saw the wrong person.' Jin-hyung said.

'Just eat, Jiminie.' Taehyungie said. I looked down on my food.

I'm sure its her. Then it hit me. Maybe she's back to the rooftop.

I took my bag and stood up.

'Where are you going?' Namjoonie-hyung asked

'I might know, where she is. I'll go first. See you later!' And I leave them on the cafeteria and run to where the rooftop is.

I'm panting for air as I grabbed for the doors knob. As I opened it, I saw a figure leaning on the balcony. She looked at my direction and I saw her frowned.

'What are you doing here?' She asked. I was still gasping for my breath.

'You...'. I pointed at her. 'What are you doing here?' I asked.

She just looked at me and drunk her coffee.

'You're going to do it, aren't you?' I asked.

She put down the can and to my surprise, she climbed up on the pavement.

'He– Hey!' I panicked, then she faced me.

She just looking at me intently and I felt my hands trembles.

'Please, come down here.' I said to her. 'Don't do this—'

'Why do you care?' She suddenly asked. I froze on my spot.

She jumped off from the pavement and walked towards me. She looked me in the eyes, and I was speechless. I was composing the words on my head when she suddenly speak.

'Don't ever come back here and leave me alone.' She said in an emotionless face and a cold voice that shut me up.

She walked passed me. I was left standing here. I looked at her walking away. I frowned.

What's wrong with her?

[myshatae, I don't know if the meaning of focusing on one pov is this. But thanks~! Hope you read this. 😘😘😘]

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