제1장 (Chapter 1)

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I put a teaspoon of sugar to add some sweetness in my hot coco while thinking of him. Yes, him. To make my morning be a wonderful day, I'll be thinking of him.

I stirred my coco to mix up the taste and there I realized that I was smiling. I looked like a crazy puppy, smiling for my owner who doesn't even love me.

"Hey Lee Haneul, what are you smiling there?" my mom teased. I put out the spoon from the cup and tasted it before answering her.

"Huh? Me? Nothing, am I smiling?" I asked giggling.

I dragged a chair from the dining and sat while drinking my hot coco. My mom placed a plate in front of me and went to the kitchen to get the pancakes. She was looking at my bare face while giving me a smile. I chuckled.

"Omma, stop looking at me like that!" I chuckled and sip another hot coco. She placed the pancake that's still hot in my plate and sprinkled some maple syrup.

I grabbed a slice and ate it. My eyes smiled while chewing it. I looked at my mom and, "Mashitaaa~" (delicious~)

She smirked and, "Who is that special lad? May I know who is he?"

I chocked what I was eating and looked at her. I went to the kitchen to get some glass of water. I quickly drunk the fresh water while my mom was looking at me, waiting for an answer.

"Omma, I wasn't smiling because of a man. That's so impossible, I've never been in love for about 16 years to be exact," I told her and took another sip. Her eyes squinted and her hands on her waist telling me she wasn't believing me.

"Are you sure?" she said looking at me. I swallowed.

"Yeah..." is all I can answer. Yes, you're right. I lied.

I went back to the dining and continued eating my breakfast. Actually, I'm just trying to escape. My mom knows everything about me. She knows when I'm in love, when I have a problem, and lastly, when I'm lying. Well, of course, she knows me because she's the one who took care of me for 10 years. Alone. My father left us when I was 6. He said that he will be back and get us but she broke that promise that I was hoping he would grant.

"You're lying," she giggled. "Remember the boy you've fallen for when you're in 6th grade? You cried because he's a gay,"

"Omma! I didn't know that he's a homosexual because he wasn't speaking and he looked so manly. I just prove that when my classmates tried to put spiders in his locker and he screamed like there's no tomorrow. Yeah, you're right" I told her.

She dragged another chair and positioned herself in front of me. She held my hand and smiled, "I wasn't asking what happened, I was asking who's the new boy who made your heart flutter again after 4 years,"

I breathe heavily and finally answered her, "He's Jeon Jungkook. I think if he's a gay, it doesn't matter to me. Is this wrong mom? I love him already," I looked down but I can barely see her face; wearing a smile.

"Jeon Haneul, sounds good!" she said. "It's not wrong, what's wrong is, if he doesn't love you, like who wouldn't fall for a girl who's beautiful and smart!" she added.

I smiled and hugged her, "Omma! Saranghaeyo!" (i love you)

She smiled and put away the plates out of the table and put it in the dishwasher. I tried to help her but she refused, "It's okay, you better leave or else you'll get late!" I nodded and hugged her again.

I grabbed my bag and wore my school shoes and went out of the house.

I walked through the streets, it's cold. The fog is still covering the sun, I think I'm a bit early. The school is just a few meters away from house so I'll just walk. I'm taking the bus when I'm near getting late.

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