Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I stood back looking at the reflection staring back at me. The reflection smiled back at me and was copying every motion I made. I was wearing an average style blue T-shirt that read 'they all up in my bizznazz' with a glass of milk and little Oreos with a cute face on them. I got the shirt from 'rue21'. I was also wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with my converses. My hair was halfway up in a half ponytail.

I walked out my room and down the hall towards room 330. I had no idea where we were going but I thought it should be fun.


"Who is it?"

"It's Janet"

"It's open"

I walked in slowly and looked around, her room was simply more colorful than mine but it was ok.

"Hey there-......what are you wearing?" She had her eyebrow cocked up and looked at me strangely. "What I thought we were going to the mall or something?" I replied.

"Oh no... we are going somewhere other than that, somewhere more fun!! And you need new clothes. Follow me." She made a motion with her hand gesturing me to follow her into the bedroom.

"Ok I really do love that shirt but here put this on." She tossed me a short purple cocktail dress that was strapless with some elegant beading near the top. She styled my hair with a type bun that sat on top of my head. She also did my make-up for like a party or something.

"There, now we can go." Kristen said standing back and looking at me with a smile.

Kristen was wearing a black dress with a light blue outlining on the top same with the straps. She straightened her hair she looked really pretty.

Roger walked in and escorted us to his car. "You both look really pretty this evening." He commented as we got in the car. "Thank you." We both replied in union.

"Kristen?" I turned in my seat facing her. "Where exactly is e going? You never said?" She had almost like a devilish smile on her face? "Well Janet ......we are going to a club." My mouth literally dropped open. "A, A... cl-club?" I started so stutter. "But I'm not old-" "Here." She cut me off showing me a piece of plastic with my name on it. "A fake ID? Kristen your crazy were going get caught?" "Well we are with an attitude like that?" she nearly barked. "Now we are going to have some fun ok?" "Fine" I replied.

I sat back straight in my seat with my hands folded in my lap. After about 30 minutes we had arrived, there were lights flashing in the sky, the whole building was covered in blue and green and red lights. And on the top of the building it said 'Zinger' what an interesting name for a club.... this should be a lot of fun.....

We all got out of the car and started to walk up to the doors, before we were aloud to enter there was this big buff dude standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. "ID's please." He barked. He started glaring at me since I was the first one at the door. I tried to swallow this lump in my throat I was so nervous to show him my fake ID. He continued to glare at me with one eyebrow cocked. "ID please" he repeated. I slowly unzipped my purse and reached in there. I felt the thin plastic card and pulled it out and handed it to him.

The lump in my throat seemed to have gotten bigger. He glanced at me again with a smile. "Thank you ma'am, have a nice time." He handed me the card back. A big sigh of relief washed over me as I entered the club.

Inside it was completely packed. There was a big dance floor right in the middle, a big bar on the left side with two bartenders, and on the right were some chairs and tables you can sit at and talk. Although I am not sure how you would be able to talk over the LOUD music?

I peered behind me as Kristen and Roger walked up. "SO WHO DO YOU LIKE?" Kristen said as she pointed to all of the guys in the building. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" I glanced at her with a confused face. "YOU ARE HERE TO HAVE SOME FUN THAT MEANS TRY TO HOOK YOU UP WITH A GUY HERE." She replied. I don't want to 'hook' up with some drunk dude I met at a club, Because I'm sure after he gets sober he isn't going to remember who I was?


Slowly I started to walk towards the bar with Kristen and Roger closely behind me.

I finally reached the bar and sat on one of the small bar chairs with no backs and that spin. "How can I help you pretty lady." One of the bar tenders asked. He had a black mustache on and he was bold. On his right arm he had a tattoo with a fancy heart with the word 'MOM' on it? "Some red wine please." He nodded and went to go get the wine.

While I was waiting I spun around in the chair to look at everyone on the dance floor. The music was really good, and my foot started to move along with the beat.

"Here you are missing." The bartender said while placing a glass of red wine on the counter. "Thanks" I replied spinning back around and stated to sip it. While I was sipping it Kristen's voice was ringing in my ears 'your hear to have fun, your hear to have fun.' I looked back down at my glass. All of a sudden I started to chug the drink down until my glass was empty. The bartender must have watched me because he came over and asked me if I wanted another glass, I nodded and wet to refill my glass. He came back very quickly with the bottle and refilled it. I nodded once again and chugged that sucker down.

After about five glasses I could feel the alcohol going through my veins. "WWWWOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW HAHA, EVERYTHING IS FUZZY!" I practically shouted. My eyes were fully dilated. I jumped off the spinning chair and almost fell when I caught myself and stood up. "Ha, that would have been a nasty fall." I commented as I wobbled to the dance floor.

When I made it to the dance floor I was trying to dance but failed miserably. Suddenly someone bumped in to me. I turned to look at the person, I couldn't tell what the person looked like but I could tell it was a male hence he was tall. I smiled at him stood on my tip toes grabbed his cheeks and kissed him smack on the lips. The kiss felt totally meaningless for there was something missing? But I couldn't tell what?

I backed off of him then winked. I turned around and started to walk the other way when someone grabbed my arm. "Hey hottie, how about a kiss for me eh?" I somehow had no sense of what was going on so I turned around and reached in and kissed this stranger also on the lips.

I backed off once again then winked. But when I turned to walk away he pulled me back. "No I want a little more from you then a kiss babe." He whispered in my ear. A sudden cold shiver of fear went down my back. I f I had the chance since I was so drunk I probably would of said 'yes' but before I could say or do anything a hand was placed on my shoulder? "Hey honey there you are, I have been looking for you all night?"


thank you to all who have been reading this,it really means a lot to me!! please vote and comment :D

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