Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Summer seems to be coming to an end way to soon?

I seem to be getting fat? My ankles are swollen and I get sick in the mornings. I haven't been in a happy mood all summer although Daniel has been there by my side the whole way through. I love that guy.

"Morning sweetheart." I slowly open my eyes to a smiling bright face an inch away from mine. He leaned in and gently kissed my lips.

The sun was bright today for an early July morning. "How are you feeling today?" He leaned in again and kissed my forehead.

"Actually really good and happy." He chuckled. "Well then we should celebrate?" He literally jumped out of bed sprinting over to the other side of the bed.

He picks me up bride style and places me on the ground. "What do you have in mind?" He was quite happy today and I wanted to know what he was thinking about.

"Well, the forth of July is coming up, and I was wondering if you wanted to celebrate it with my family? Your family is welcomed as well and then we can tell them about the engagement?"

I completely forgot that this whole summer I've spent with Daniel it never scoured to me that I haven't told my mother.

I started to get butterflies just thinking about meeting his family. I have heard a lot of stories and all but never actually met them.

What will they think of me? Will they hate me? Will they like me?

While all these questions kept popping in my head a ripping sense of pain tore through my lower abdomen.

I bent over in pain clenching my stomach. "What's wrong Janet?" He sounded so scared and worried.

I started to sob and I knelt down on the ground wishing the pain to go away. Everything seemed to slowly disappear, or was it my imagination?

I could feel myself hypervenalate. Suddenly I felt myself being lifted in the air and carried out of the house.

I didn't know when I was placed in Daniels car, but when I started to calm down some I saw that we were driving somewhere?

I felt a cold hand on my forehead. "Janet, you're burning up!" My hand lifted to feel my face. It was sticky and unnaturally hot. "Wh-What's going on?"

Fear started to build inside of me. "I wish I knew Janet, that's why I'm taking you to the hospital and find out. Hush now get to sleep it might do you some good." He reached over and turned the AC on high to try and help cool me off. "Ugh, I think I'm going to be sick." I quickly rolled the window down and then puked all my guts out. I was a wreck.


My body was numb and sore. A beeping sound was heard in the background. My eyes were heavy, I started to blink and slowly open my eye lids.

The lights were bright and pure white. "Mm Wh-where am I?" I looked around the room. I was lying in a hospital bed. I started to freak out. I sat up real quick but soon regretted it.

My head started throbbing in pain. "Shh, lay back down everything will be ok." I started to relax a lot once I heard his soothing voice. His hand lightly touched my shoulder as he gently pushed me to lie back down.

I looked at his hazel nut eyes with a splash of green; a worried expression was on his face. "You're in the hospital Janet. Do you remember anything?" I tried to think back as far as I could remember.

"I-I remember being.... in the car with you." He smiled weakly. "Ok good."

"Had the doctor said anything yet?" I started to feel myself regain conscious. He looked reached over and grabbed my hand, as he started to play with my fingers.

He lightly shook his head. "No, not yet at least."

I lied back and tried to relax, feeling the soothing circles that Daniel was making on the palm of my hand.

A stream of silence washed through the room but was soon interrupted to a knock at the door as it opened.

A tall lanky man walked in with a white coat on. His hair was like a salt and pepper look. He was wearing big dorky glasses that made him look even more unappealing.

"Hello Janet, I'm Doctor Hallwell." He came over to my side and stuck his hand out gesturing me to shake it.

My weak hand rose slowly as he grabbed it and shook it. "So, what's the news Doc.?" Daniel spoke as the Doctor was going through a vanilla looking folder that had my name on the outside.

"Well there is definitely a lot to tell, so I'm just going to get straight to the point." Me and Daniel nodded in union, although I was quite nervous, what did he mean by there being a lot to tell?

"Well to start off, you're pregnant. About 2 months exact." My mouth dropped open wide in shock.

"Are you serious? Wh-what? H-How? I-" "Its' ok Janet." Daniels whispered voice reached my ears; it calmed me down a little.

I looked at the doctor, waiting for him to continue. "I'm sure you are wondering what caused the fever and the pain." "I nodded in total agreement.

"You have the flu. That's what the fever came from, as the pains the baby was under some stress, we will give you some antibiotics that will help you get over the flu, yet they won't harm the baby at all."

A big sigh of relief escaped my lips. It all made so much sense now, how could I not have known? Yet see all the sign's that were there?

"Is that all?" Daniels voice sounded relieved that it wasn't serious or anything.

The doctor nodded. "I will send a nurse in here soon to check on things." We nodded and then the doctor finally left.

I relaxed and closed my eyes trying to retain all of what the doctor just told me, and feeling the soothing circled that Daniel was rubbing on my hand.

"Wow pregnant? How are we going to be able to take care of a baby? How are we going to feed it and take it to get checkups when it's sick?" I kept rambling on and on until Daniel put his finger over my lips gesturing me to hush.

"It's going to be ok Janet; we will be able to do this as a team." I looked at him; he had determination in his perfect eyes.

I looked at my stomach; I placed my hand on it and slowly started to rub it making circles. "Welcome to the family baby." I whispered under my breath.


WOW!! thats a lot going on! lol, I hope you liked it i will try to upload the next one soon!! thanks to all the readers and all of you!! i lovwe you all!

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