Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Its early morning of the day I finally get to go home. It was really hard to sleep but I managed.

The stitches on the back of my head are a little sore, but the doctor said within a week or two they will fall out.

"Ready to go, sweetie?" His voice was so happy, filled with love, so soothing. I nodded and he helped me up from the hospital bed.

My legs felt like jello. They did a jiggle dance before I collapsed to the floor. Luckily Daniel was there to catch me. "Careful" he whispered bringing me back up to my feet.

"Its hard trying to walk after being in a bed for 72 hours."

"Mhm. Don't worry I wont let you fall." He smiled and we kept walking.

After what seemed like forever of wobbling we finally made it to his car. He gently lifted me from my feet and placed me in the car.

I buckled up as he made his way around to the driver's side and got in. Seconds later he started the engine and we were off.


"Do I have to? I really think I should be able to stay here and not go." I kept groaning Because Daniel came into my dorm room and was making me go to school.

"Yes you have to." He reached down and kissed my cheek with his warm lips.

I slowly sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes. "Ok, I'm up." I yawned and stretched. "Leave so I can get dressed." I motioned my hand gesturing for him to leave the room. He nodded and walked out.

I walked into the bathroom and took a shower, dried my hair and got into my cloths. I stepped back to look at my outfit before putting on my make-up.

I was wearing some dark blue jeans that hugged my hips. A bright green T-shirt with a smiley face on it. Last my awesome black converses.

I grabbed my things and headed out the door. "Cute shirt."

A voice said as I stepped into the hallway. I jumped in startled shock, looking in the direction of the voice. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his muscular chest.

"Oh, it's just you." I smiled then locked the door. "Good morning to you to?" He commented pecking me on the lips and grabbing my hand.

We were walking down the hall in silence nothing to talk about I guess? "Is that who I think it is?" A squeal came from behind me along with running footsteps.

I turned around and saw Kristen running towards me with her arms spread wide.

"Janet!" She yelled. "Kristen!" I yelled back, dropping my books and running to her with my arms wide open.

We met in the middle hugging each other very tightly. "Oh my gosh I've missed you so much!"

"I know Kristen I've missed you too." She backed up a little bit to look at me. "I don't see too much damage done by the witch." She smiled looking me up and down.

I looked behind her looking expectantly. "Where's Roger?" I looked back at her curiously.

Kristen's excited face suddenly turned sad. "H-he cheated on m-me" My mouth dropped open in shock.

"W-what! With who?" She looked down at her feet. "With that bitch." She looked back up at me with fire in her chocolate brown eyes.

"I went to go see him while you were gone, and well I heard noises coming from inside but I thought it was the TV.... But it wasn't..." The fire in here eyes was replaced by tears as they started rolling down her cheeks.

"Don't worry Kristen, you will find someone even better than him. I promise." She slightly smiled giving me another hug.

I turned around to pick up my things I dropped. Daniel was standing there holding my things and handing them to me. "Aw thanks." I cooed. He smiled "No problem babe."

I took my things from him and started walking with my arm tied with Kristen.


"Welcome back Ms. Clark." Mr. Parker said as I walked into the room. Everyone turned and stared at me as I took my seat.

I felt weird having everyone stare at me? I turned around in my seat facing the front of the room trying to ignore all the eyes watching every move I made.

Suddenly I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I just ignored it until someone tapped me again.

"What?" I turned in my seat facing Jeremy Wclaim the most amazing and smartest non-nerd person you could ever find. It may sound impossible for him not to be a nerd and be really smart, but trust me it is.

His black shaggy hair made him look emo, and his blue eyes shining threw the light curls that fell over his eyes. Today he was wearing his lucky sweatshirt.

It actually is lucky, once when I didn't study for Mr. Parkers exam, and it was really cold outside, he let me barrow his sweatshirt. I made a B+ on that exam no lie!

He had a smirk on his face and a note in his hand. "Here." His scruffy voice echoed in my ears.

"What am I suppose to do with this?" He shrugged his shoulders

"Read it?"

"Well I could have figured that out?"

His eyes twinkled as he continued to smile "glad to have you back Net!"

I smiled and grabbed the note from his hand and turned back around in my sat.

"I love it when he calls me net." I mumbled under my breath lower than a whisper.

I slowly unfolded the note anxious to see what it said.


I'm glad you're back and looking well.

I was wondering if you would like to go to a

Café with me during lunch?




:O what do you think? will she go to the cafe with jeremy?

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