Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The next day my classes were boring as usual, Mr. Parker kept talking and talking. He even showed us some video and I managed to fall asleep through it!

The bell rang for lunch and I headed to the lunch room.

Suddenly someone's warm hand found mine and grabbed it, twining their fingers into mine.

"Hey babe." His sweet soothing voice sent tingles of explosion running up and down my body. His warm lips peeked mine. The same sweet lollypop taste came.

I looked at him with a sweet smile "Since when did I become your babe?" I commented

He had a stunned look on his face. "Well... I-I ......umm...." He was stuttering, he didn't know what to say.

I chuckled "Its ok, I'm just kidding." I literally thought he was going to have a heart attack. He let out a relief sigh as he stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close.

We got our food and headed for the table where I saw Kristen and Roger sitting at.

"Hey!" Kristen's voice reached my ears. I smiled and sat across from her.

"So? What's up?" Roger's deep voice made me ump inside.

"Not much? You?" Daniel replied.

"I heard that Jackie is on a rampage!" Kristen glanced at me in fear.

I had a questioned look on my face. "What? Is she after me?" She then shrugged and went back to eating.

"You're very helpful." I commented. "I try." She replied with an innocent smile on her face.

"Oh do you guys want to go on a boat and sail to this Island my parents bought not to long ago?" Kristen's glance was directed at me and Daniel again.

"Your parents bought an Island?" My jaw nearly hit the table.

"Close you mouth sweetie, this isn't Looney Toons where your mouth is so wide it hits the table, and yes they did, for me actually."

Daniel and roger both roared with laughter as I slowly closed my mouth.

"S-sounds fun K-Kristen." Daniel was trying so hard to stop laughing but failed miserably.

Both the guys slowly came to a stop on the laughing. "Well I guess we better go to class huh?" I turned and looked at Daniel.

"Yea I guess so..." He frowned. I gently ran my slim fingers through his soft dirty blonde hair. It looked so fragile.

M and Daniel both got up at the same time and threw out trash away in the cans. We also recycled the bottles.

As we were walking hand in hand towards the exit, I heard a faint voice yell across the cafeteria "Hey bitch!"

It was hard to recognize the voice right away because after that instant pain suddenly hit the back of my neck.

The pain was unbearable! Suddenly the room started to darken, my sight started to blur and fade. The last thing that I heard before slipping away into the darkness was I think Daniel yelling "Janet!"


I know that this chapter is extremly shrt! im sorry! but i wanted to get the suspence in! chapter 14 will defenetly be longer just for you guys :D Im writing chapter 14 as you read this :D

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