Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Daddy, where are you?"

I called into the emptiness; I was looking around the backyard. Searching around every tree and under every rock.

I ran over to my favorite red wagon, it was so shiny I could see my reflection. My hair was in cute pigtails. I was wearing my all time favorite Cinderella dress. It was blue and stopped at my knees. My shoes were red and shinny like Dorothy's in the 'wizard of oz.'

"Daddy I don't want to play 'hide and seek' no more!"

Suddenly I was in the air, I was flying! "Here I am angel girl, daddy's got you." His voice was so youthful, so happy, so loving.

"Higher Daddy higher!" My voice sounded young and squeaky. I looked to be about 5 years old.

He was swinging me around and around. Everything seemed to have been spinning very fast because I started to get dizzy.

I was gently placed on the ground; my pigtails were messy and matted.

"Daddy, do you really have to leave? I want you to stay here with me and we can play some more."

He knelt down in front of me. His brown eyes leveled mine. He placed a gentle hand on my tiny shoulder.

"Yes honey, I do. But I will see you soon ok? Then we can play some more. Here is something for you to always remember me by." He handed me a golden necklace that hand an angel carved in the gold. It was beautiful.

My eyes started to blur as I saw my daddy walk away. I tightened my little hand around the necklace.

"Daddy, No!"

I started running after him; the path seemed to never end. I was running for what seemed like forever.

"Daddy, please.... don't.....go." My voice trailed off into the emptiness once more....


My eyes quickly shot opened. I sat up in bed all hot. The sheets were sticking to me. I was heavily breathing, my heart bounding, my head aching.

"Oh, it was just a dream." I mumbled under my breath.

"Hey are you ok?" The voice came from my door. It was a familiar voice that sent tingles through my spine, tickling me, giving me goose bumps.

I turned to the door and staring back at me were some amazing hazel nut eyes with a splash of green. "I-I'm fine." I lied, I was not fine? How could I be fine?

He came in and gently closed the door behind him. He sat down on the bed. the expression on his face was a real worried look. He looked down at his hands where they were folded in his lap.

"I-I just had a bad dream th-that's all." I reached over and grabbed my necklace my dad gave me. It was still shining as bright as the moon outside. It was taken so well cared for over the years.

He looked at me. The moon was shining on his face. It brought out every feature that existed on his face. It made him even more handsome. If it was possible I would want this moment to last forever. Our eye's holding each others in a gaze that was indescribable.

His hand reached over. His soft fingers brushed my face as he moved my hair off of my face and behind my ear. I often wonder what Daniel was thinking in a perfect moment like this.

"What was the dream about?" His voice was quiet and calm, so soothing. His gaze continued, I felt like I was starting to melt inside.

"Well, it was about me and my dad, when I was about 5 years old. He had to leave me because he was going off to war at the time. I always hated it when he had to lave me. Yet this time was different. Its like I knew deep down that he was leaving me forever and that I was never going to see him again?" my voice started to tremble a little bit as I spoke.

"So that explains the screaming I heard?" He gently smiled so that every teeth were showing.

"Yes, sorry about that. He gave me this before he left." Our gaze was finally broken as I looked down at my necklace in the palm of my hand. I gently placed it in his hand making sure he held it like it was a fragile child.

"Sow it's beautiful. I've never seen anything like this? What does that angel stand for?"

"The angel is me. He always called me his little angel girl." I could help but smile, remembering my dad and all the times he called me that.

"Aw, that's so sweet." His eyes looked up at mine. They were twinkling in the moonlight. We had another moment again as our eyes gazed into each others.

I couldn't help but look at the clock to see what time it was. I looked back at Daniel who was now looking out the window.

"Have you ever seen the moon so bright?"

I crawled out of the covers, my bare feet touching the cold wood floor. I tip toed over to him staring at the moon. It was simply beautiful. It looked as if it was bigger than the sun you could almost see the craters.

My hand reached up and I unlatched the look on the window. I placed my hand on the bottom of the window gently pulling upward opening it.

"What are you doing?" He gently whispered into my ear.

"Don't worry I use to so this all the time." I quickly slipped out the window, now standing on the roof looking out into the backyard.

The air was chilly yet still. You could see out as far as the moon was shining.

I walked down to about halfway down, then I sat down crossing my lags in front of me. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned where Daniel was trying to keep his balance.

I couldn't help but giggle. He looked at me and smiled. "Here let me help you." I reached out my arm gesturing him to hold on to it.

He gently grabbed on and came over to sit next to me. Our hands were still locked together.

He looked over at me the moon shining on his hair, his face glowing like the moon, his eyes sparkling like the stars in the sky.

"I use to come up here al the time, this was like hideout away from the world, away from everything that existed."

"Yea, I have my own little place I go to during the summer and just chill. I'll have to show it to you sometime."

"Yes you should" I glanced at him, he chuckled a little bit.

"Well I think we should go back to bed, we have that funeral to go to." He nodded before getting up to his feet.

Our hands still locked together, he helped me up. He entered my room before I did. Turning around I closed the window and latched it.

I turned around and Daniel was less than 2 inches away from me. I put my hand on my chest trying to control my heartbeats.

He came closer to me to where there was no space left. H snaked his arms around my waist locking his hands together behind me. My arms must have had a mind of their own. They raised up and snaked around his neck locking behind him.

He leaned in and gently kissed me on the cheek. My heart continued to pound rapidly. He then placed his head on my shoulder giving me a big and warm hug.

"Goodnight." His voice whispered in my ear. It continued to ring through my head as he slowly walked out the door closing it behind him.

I was once again completely alone in the darkness. And once again I crawled under the warm covers snuggled up as I drifted to sleep one more time.


here you go, a nice and romantic chapter :D. vote and comment let me know what you think

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