Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


The sun was shining in through the window across from my bed. I could here the birds chirping outside. People were talking to friends outside in the parking lot. I could here cars speeding down the road as people were leaving to go somewhere on this beautiful Saturday morning.

My arms came out from underneath the covers and over my head as I stretched. My head came out from underneath the covers as well. I blinked my eyes a few times trying to get use to the bright day sun.

I slowly sat up and reached for my cell phone on my bed side table. I had it off all night so I'm sure I had messages from the family back at home.

I turned it on, and while I was waiting it started to vibrate. It continued vibrating for a while. When it finally stopped I looked at it. I had ten messages? I looked at each one to see who they were all from. They all came from Stephanie? One of them said "You need to call me back please!!" and another one said "Why aren't you answering any of my messages it's really important that you call me back sis please!!" I started to get a really bad feeling that something was wrong. I quickly dialed the number in fear on what could possibly have gone wrong?

"Hello? Janet is that you?" The voice on the other line sounded like she has been crying for a really long time. "Yes it's me, Stephanie are you alright? What's wrong?" My voice started to break in the fear.

"I-it's Dad...." My eyes widened as Stephanie told me what had happened. A tear of sadness rolled down my cheek.

"I-I will e there Stephanie, don't worry and tell mom don't worry ill be there as soon as possible." I hung up the phone jumped out of bed threw what cloths I had in my drawers and ran out the door.

As I was running what Stephanie had told me about Dad was ringing in my ears. Could be true? It can't be its too soon for this to happen? Just thinking about this had made more tears of sadness roll down my cheeks until I ran to my car.

Once I got in the car and buckled my seatbelt, Tears started pouring out my eyes. I couldn't stop they just kept coming and coming. My hands over my face, leaning on the steering wheel.


My sobs slowed down a bit when I looked at my window where the noise was coming from.

It was Daniel. He motioned is hand gesturing me to roll my window down. I quickly whipped away the tears off my cheeks and rolled the window down.

"Hey what's wrong?" His eyes had a worried and sadness looks in them.

"M-My Dad...... died......" I started stuttering. His mouth dropped slowly open. "I-I have to go home for aw-awhile..." The look in his face got even sadder when I told him that I had to leave.

"C-Can I come with you?" I looked at him with no expression on my face. In my mind I was thinking 'No you can't come with me!' But before I was even able to say no, my head started to nod.

He smiled and ran around to the passenger's side of the car. Before he got in a voice cried out. "Daniel! Where are you going?" He turned around as I turned in my seat. Of course it was Jackie, I really didn't want to deal with her crap today, and I was in a pretty edgy mood.

"Hey um... Jackie." Daniel replied with out any enthusiasm.

"Where are you going babe?" She got closer to him to where there was no space in between them.

"Well I'm going somewhere with Janet. It's kind of important so we need to go like now." I could have sworn I heard a hiss or growl coming from Jackie.

He started to slowly back away from her and head to the passenger's door. She grabbed his arm pulling him back to where he was before.

"What could possibly be more important than with me?" She ran her hand gently up and down his muscular chest.

I turned back around facing the front, I about had enough; I was ready to drive off without him.

"Jackie no, I don't have time." He practically pushed her away making her stumble backwards. He literally jumped in the car buckled up and looked at me sternly. "Hurry before she comes to the window drive now!"

And with that I put the car in reverse and speed out of the parking lot. I looked out my rearview mirror and saw Jackie standing in the middle of the parking lot giving us a dirty look.

I couldn't help but grin as I watched her slowly disappear.


I thought it would be a good idea for all my wonderful readers and post chapter 6 early :D enjoy please vote and comment :D

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