Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Constantly checking the time on my phone, wondering where the heck she was. I was sitting in a window seat at the coffee stop where I told Kristen to meet me. Sitting in front of me was an empty styraphome cup.  I had already been waiting for about half an hour. The intense wait was starting to get to me as I tapped my fingers on the top of the table. Occasionally glancing at the door every time it opened.

Moments later I felt a soft tap on my shoulder, turning around I saw those big brown eyes and thick curly hair. “Kristen!” I burst out, standing up to hug my old friend.

“Wow it’s been awhile look at you! You look amazing!” studying her figure I noticed a noticeable bump forming in her tummy area. I gasped it amazement.

“Are you pregnant?” I sang. She smiled and nodded. “Yep, going on my 5th month.” I hugged her again enthusiastically, “I’m so happy for you, here sit, sit , tell me all about it.”

We sat there for hours just talking and catching up. She told me about her new boyfriend which is the father of her baby, and how things are starting to get pretty serious. I told her how well the twins are and how fast they are learning. We laughed we cried, and we also went crazy, talking about what our kids futures are going to be, what type person we want them to marry, yeah, I told you, we went crazy. 

After hours of doing this Kristen finally pulled out several Bridal magazines. “Lets get started” she protested and I nodded.


You would think that kids would be able to entertain themselves. This is totally not the case. These kids, my kids, require so much more attention than I had expected. For starters they like to put everything they pick up into their tiny little mouth.

The split second I blink my eyes they are chewing on something new. Once I reach over to take it away they start to cry, until something more interesting is put in front of them.

Of course they cant necessarily move or crawl yet but they try to roll around. And when they get stuck they start crying. Its quite adorable.

“Come here squirt,” I called out as I reached over to pick up Patrick. Thankfully my little angel fell asleep on the couch and has been for the past hour. I glanced over at her once. “If only you could do the same squirt.” I smiled at the little bundle looking up at me.  

As I sat here, holding Patrick my mind started to winder. Thoughts and memories came back of everything that went on before Janet and I found out we were having kids. It totally wasn’t planned, but I guess that’s how life is, there are things that end up happening that you have no control over.

And yet, I would want to change anything that had happened.

I heard little whines coming from behind me. I turned my head to see my little angel squirming around. “look who finally woke up” I cooed placing Patrick down and picking Nicole up.

Her eyes were big and blue, her tiny fingers wrapped around my pointer finger. “You are most definitely daddy’s little girl.”  She smiled innocently at me.


Hours later Janet comes skipping in through the door. With the biggest and cutest smile on her face.

“I’m going to guess that girls day went well?” She practically floated over and kissed me on the check. “It went amazing! We set up the date and the color scheme, and flowers and what we are going to be serving at the reception…” she continued telling me every detail.

To be honest I wasn’t fully listening. Yeah I know, what a bad husband I am going to be, not listening to my future wife. But to be honest I Cant help but get distracted at how beautiful she looks when she is so happy like this. She is practically glowing!

“Does that sound good to you honey?” she asked which broke me out of my dazing. “Uhh.. yeah, sound really good. I’m glad everything went well. Did you actually get all of this done in just one day?”

She nodded without missing a beat. “Yep, there are only a few minor things still to work out but everything is just the way I have always dreamed of it to be.”

I stood up after placing Nicole on the floor, stretching my arms up high. “Well I am glad babe. So, whats the date going to be?” I walked over placing my hands gently ob her hips, pulling her closer to me.

“In two months.” She replied.  


WELL! it is about time i uploaded this right? ugh....  it was suppose to be uploaded a month ago.. yet i got One Direction Infection.. plus i have been taking summer classes.  yay! (not really) SO lovelies, here you go! its probly not that goo  :/  but it has been forever asince i have written anything. so  i hope you like it.

~ ALSO i am going to do a fanfic! my first one!! :D more details later!

the next chapter i am hoping to write and upload is going to be for Are We Meant To Be? so stay tuned :)

follow mw on twitter!!  please??

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2012 ⏰

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