Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Finally lunch time, I was excited for lunch. I missed Kristen and Roger, so it will be good to see them again.

I made my way through the crowded halls to the lunchroom doors. There was a lot of noise coming from the other side which made things even better.

I pushed the doors open and slowly walked in. I looked around trying to find Kristen, when I spotted her pretty curly hair.

"Hey girl, how are you." She looked up at me as I sat down across from her.

"Hey! I've missed you, where did you go?" She was practically speaking a mile a minute.

I chuckled a little. "I had to go to my dad's funeral but I'm good, I've missed you to."

She smiled as roger came up and sat down next to her.

"There you are Janet, where did you go? Kristen missed you."

"Hey Roger, I had to go to my dad's funeral, but everything is ok now."

"Oh man I'm sorry to hear that Janet." His eyes looked sad.

"Oh I see how it is?" Kristen looked at Roger with a serious face. "She leaves and when she comes back she gets a hello, but I've been here and I get nothing from you?"

He smiled before reaching over a peeking her on the lips. "I was saving the best for last."

"Ha-nice save." She commented, smiling.

"Hey guys!" His voice sent a warm feeling as he spoke, Chills were sent up and down my body when he came up and sat next to me.

"Hey Daniel." I heard Roger's deep scratchy voice reach my ears.

"Where were you mister?" Kristen tried to sound sarcastic but failed.

"I went with Janet to her dad's funeral." I could feel Kristen's eye's glaring at me.

I looked up where her eyes were wide from shock. "What?" I moved my mouth to where only she could see what I was saying.

"He went with you?" she motioned back. I nodded my head wondering what she was going to say next.

A smile appeared on her face. I sigh of relief came over me, but that relief soon turned into fear and anger very quickly.

"Daniel!" Just hearing that squeaky voice ment death to me. I could here her high heals clicking the floor as she came up behind us.

"Why are you sitting here with these loser's? Come sit with me babe." Jackie rubbed her hand on Daniel's shoulder down to his chest.

Daniel quickly stood up. "Don't call me babe Jackie." His voice was real stern as he looked at her.

"Why not? You're my boyfriend." Her voice sounded stern as well.

"No Jackie I am no longer your boyfriend." There was a sudden gasp from the audience of the cafeteria. I looked around and saw every eye staring at us.

I looked back at Jackie with her mouth opened wide. "Your breaking up with me?" a slight tear rolled down her face, but you could see the fire blazing in her eyes.

"Yes Jackie" he sounded relieved to break up with her. Jackie's eyes trailed to me. A hiss escaped her lips. Suddenly I could feel the devil's presence in the room.

Daniel noticed Jackie's death stare towards me, so he moved in front of me blocking her view.

She stood up straight tapping her foot on the ground. She was counting the days for her revenge in her head.

"Fine Daniel, Don't think you can come crawling back to me." She stormed into the other direction.

"Hey Jackie!" Daniel yelled back trying to get her attention. She quickly turned facing us once more.

As she was waiting Daniel turned facing me and smiled. He suddenly smashed his lips directly on mine. My eyes widened from the shock. Then they slowly eased as our lips moved in union with each other. His lips were soft and sweet. Like a lollypop.

There was a sound of an awe coming from the room. My eyes opened slightly to get a glimpse of Jackie.

Her eyes were piercing red. Fire now scorching in them. She looked like she was boiling up in anger. She decently wanted revenge on me now.

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around Daniels neck. Kristen and Roger's mouths were opened.

Kristen's eyes were full of excitement for us. She looked at Roger waiting for her kiss as well. Roger shook his head and whispered "later."

The kiss lasted another minute before Daniel moved back a little gazing into my eyes. We stood there for another moment, as we heard Jackie's high heals clicking in the other direction.

"Let's get out of here, and just go somewhere else." His voice was so soft making his lips so inviting.

"Ok." We ran out of the cafeteria and into his car. I got in the passenger's seat while he got in the driver's seat.

"So where are we going?" I was quite curious if he had any thing in mind?

"Somewhere special for sure." His pearly whites were shining through his light pink lips.


About a couple minutes later Daniel parked behind some big bushes and trees. They cased a shadow over the car making it seem darker.

In the front of the car there was an archway. It was small so you weren't able to see anything through it.

"Come on." I didn't realize that Daniel was already out of the car waiting. I jumped out and ran next to his side. "Where are we?" He slipped his hand in mind twining his fingers within mine.

"At a place." He had a big grin plastered on his face like he was about ready to explode.

He lead me to the arch as we bent down practically crawling through it.

My eyes widened with amazement to what was right in front of me!


sorry if its short i wanted to leave some suspention for the next chapter :D hope you enjoy!

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