Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

It was finally the day to bring home the twins. I was sitting in the hospital bed trying to put clothes on Nicole. It was very difficult because she was real fussy and kept wiggling.

“Come on Nicole…. Let mommy button you up.” I heard Daniel chuckle as he stood watching me.

“If you think its super easy why don’t you do it!” I snapped back. He walked over very proud like. “Ok I will/” he smirked in my direction.

With one hand he swooped her into the air. He placed her on her upper chest while her head lay between his neck and shoulder. His body leaned swiftly backwards with both his hands he slipped on the one piece pink outfit I brought for her. After he got it on he cuddled her in one arm while the other hand snapped all the little buttons.

I crossed my arms over my chest “It’s easy for you because you didn’t have to have a c-section and are able to pick her up.”

“You r right honey,” He smiled and kissed my forehead. “That’s why I’m here.” I smiled back and looking down to tickle the tiny foot of my day old baby girl.


We pulled into the street of our neighborhood. There were balloons and a big sign at the entrance. It read “CONGRADULATIONS Janet and Daniel on becoming parents!!” It looked like all of our neighbors had signed it.

A huge grin appeared on my face. We pulled up into the driveway and EVERYONE was there in our front lawn.

There were the Maxwell’s, Betty and Bob, and the new family that moved in recently. The Reed’s, Noah Reed was the dad and he had two adorable kids, little Martha who was a year and Kori who was ten. I was happy that our kids would have someone to play with when they get a little bigger.

There was even the little boy that showed up at our door a few weeks ago, everyone calls him Jonny. I asked around on our street who did Jonny live with.  From the information that I got was that he did have a mom and dad, his mom was an alcoholic and smoked, his dad left when he was 4. No one knows if his mom left him or what?

I feel sorry for him. Whenever I see him running with the other kids I always call him over and ask him if he would like to eat something. I would however, like to know what all happened, but I guess its not really any of my business..

I slowly got out of the car as everyone ran up to give me a hug. I was so happy to be greeted by everyone. I walked to open the car door to the back seat for everyone to see the twins.

Once I had moved out of their way everyone cooed and awed. Daniel came over and pulled one of the carriers out and placed it in the grass while he went to grab the other one. Everyone crowded around little Patrick.

“I see a lot of Daniel in this little man.” Mrs. Maxwell exclaimed. “I see Janet’s’ nose.” added Betty.

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