shot one: not yet (flash fiction)

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Today was the day. He would tell her. His mother deserved to know. They were in the car, driving back home from his mother's work when he told himself that he would do it. He took a deep breath as he stopped at a light, and blew it out.


"Yes, honey? Is there something the matter?"

Andre looked at steering wheel beneath his hands. He took a deep breath, but the words refused to come out. He waited and waited for the feeling of something being stuck in his throat to pass, but it didn't.

"Andre, is there something wrong?" Her tone was concerned and afraid for her son.

"No, mum, nothing wrong." He cleared his throat and grimaced. Perhaps he would hint at it?

"You know what makes me really upset?"

No! For fuck's sake! What was that? Now he had to come up with something! Ah! Andre think!

"Are your grades dropping?!" His mum asked nervously, turning to him in her passenger seat. His hand shifted nervously on the gear.

"No. It's just that I'm—ga—god, how do I explain his without mentioning names..."

That was close, he thought. That was really close. He'd almost said it.

He ran his hand through his hair and remembered not to cross his skinny-jean clad legs while driving. Biting his lower lip, he looked out of the front window.

"You weren't going to explain anything that used names, were you, Andy."

He almost groaned. He hated the nickname Andy, and he hated that she knew him so well. His mother smirked and crossed her legs.

"Just tell me, Andre. You know you can tell me anything, right?"

He nodded and pressed on the gas right after the light turned green.

"I'm gay." He breathed out and closed his eyes for a split second.

"Great," his mother responded happily, but it seemed a bit false.


"I knew already, darling."

"Wait, what?"

"Well, I used to bring girlfriends home, pretending that they were friends and we'd make out and things."

"Wait, what?" He pulled over to the side of the road. "You had girlfriends?"

She nodded. "I'm bisexual. Sorry I didn't mention it before."

"Is that why you and dad..."

"Yeah, that's why we divorced. And the boyfriend you've been hearing me talk about is actually a woman. I have a girlfriend. Now, I guess I see your stance on homosexuality, I guess you can finally meet her. Also is Jamie your--"

"Boyfriend? Yeah, he is," Andre couldn't keep the smile off of his lips as he pulled back into the road and drove the rest of the way home.

"We've learnt so much about each other in such a short period of time," his mother said finally.

"Yeah," he was in the clouds.

"I love you, Andre."

"And I love you, mum."

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