shot twenty three: silver; part one

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A/N: This took a turn that I didn't expect lol. Enjoy!!

"I've been alive at least three hundred years longer than you. I've experienced this kind of thing. You've gotta understand that I love you, but I also love my sister. It's a different kind of love. I'm allowed to cuddle with her, Caleb," Heath said, talking slowly, as though I wouldn't understand. He was sitting cross-legged across from me, and I was leaning on the wall that his bed leant against, my head resting on the wall, my arms wrapped around my knees. I scowled.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I didn't know she was your sister, okay? She doesn't look anything like you. You guys look so completely different. She's gorgeous, and you're just gorgeous as her, but in a different way. Plus, you're bi, so I thought you might have liked her, and that you were like... going to dump me or something. I'm sorry if I'm twenty-eight and I'm insecure, alright?"

"But you know I love you," he said, his hand resting on mine. "Plus, you're stunning as well, so hush."

I pulled my hand away from him. "Just because you're older doesn't mean that you can tell me what to do. Plus, I need you to stop lying to me."

"What? When did I lie to you?"

"You're lying when you tell me... never mind. It's as insignificant as I am. I think I should go," I said, mostly talking to myself, shifting to get up, but his hand was icy on my shoulder, all of the strength he gets from being a vampire—including internal strength—seemed to be working to try to get me to stay.

"Please don't go. You aren't insignificant. Please tell me what I lie to you about. I want to know so I can tell you the truth. Please...?"

I sighed, not being able to pass, and curled into my upright ball position again. "First of all, I guess I'm not that insignificant—"


"And second of all, you lie to me when you tell me I'm beautiful. I know I'm smarter than most humans, wittier, quicker, better at a few things than others, but I know for a fact that I'm not pretty."

"There's a difference between pretty and beautiful. Yes, you're extremely externally pretty," he started, a blush forming on his face, "but, as cliche as it sounds, beauty isn't skin deep, and Caleb, you are so beautiful."

I couldn't help blushing; he didn't usually talk this openly about his feelings. Perhaps he was trying to make up for lost time? We usually hung out each Saturday and watched the same film. Every Saturday. Sometimes we'd miss, but most of the time, we were reliable in trying to make it. But he'd missed for the past three months. Three fucking months. That's a lot that he's missed.

And I've missed him. I usually take him out at least once a week, and he hasn't been able to do even that for me. I was really starting to get suspicious. And when I saw him with his sister and I ran out and went back home—that was the breaking point.

I thought I'd had it all figured out, all the missing our Saturdays and our dates and then seeing him with that gorgeous girl watching the movie we always watch, out of all movies... It had been too much. I see that I'd overreacted, but still. It was a suspicious setup.

"Thanks," I mumbled. "You're still more beautiful than I am, though. You cannot deny that."

"Am not—" he started, but I pressed a finger to his lips.

"Save it. I'm going. I'm not in the best mood right now, and I don't want you to think it's because of you. Plus I need a little time alone, okay?" I said, getting up, my voice saltier than the ocean.

But despite what I had said, it was because of him, and he knew it. He was the one who'd put me in such a bad mood on this fine Friday. Tomorrow, a week ago was when I'd walked in on him and his sister watching our favourite movie and cuddling. It was fine. I wasn't salty about them cuddling. They're siblings.

I'm just upset that they were watching our favourite movie, mad that Heath and I hadn't watched it together in three whole months, and we hadn't been going on our weekly dates for three months. I barely saw him anymore. Sure, he'd watch the live stream of my band's concerts—actually no, I don't even know if he did that. I scoffed. We hadn't even been alone together for three months.

We've not kissed in the three months that he's been missing out on our traditions, and we've never had time to make out, to really savour each other's presences. It's quite sad, but it's true. Perhaps he wasn't interested in me anymore. In fact, he had kind of disappeared. 

"Okay. I understand that, as well as the fact that it is my fault. But I love you," he said, getting up with me and walking me to the front door of his house.

"I love you too," I said. It was almost a reflex at this point, even though I'd frozen up when he'd said it. 

"Wait, are we going to hang out tomorrow and watch the movie?" he asked apprehensively. "I know we haven't in a while, and it's all my fault, but I'm so so sorry. I've been... busy with something. Anyway, are we still on for tomorrow?"

I nodded, a plan formulating in my head. "Yeah. Sure. I'd love to. I just need to go. I love you."

"I love you too. See you tomorrow," he said. I smiled and ran a hand through my hair, and then made my way to my car. I had a plan, and I really was loving the idea of it.

We make out a lot on movie night, but I don't think we would be able to after this. I rubbed the stainless steel tongue piercing against the roof of my mouth and smirked. I knew exactly where I was driving, and it wasn't home. I ran my hand through my black hair again and grinned. I was going shopping!

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