shot nineteen: coming out (lucien x allen au) ; part two

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I helped serve the steaming pasta into bowls as Lu set the small table. I set down the bowls and smiled at his set up. A blue tablecloth adorned the rosewood table, tall water glasses were full, a fork and spoon for each person along with a cloth napkin that was a few shades lighter than the navy tablecloth. I smiled up at him and as he sat down, he put his cheek on his hand on the table, admiring me like he always did. I wondered if he felt about me the way I did about him, or perhaps it was just a gay thing that he'd picked up somewhere. I didn't know, but it gave me butterflies when he did this.

"You're so beautiful, Allen," Lu said, smiling in a dazed way, and then righting his position at the table. "It's too bad you aren't—"

"Would you like some salt? I don't think we added any in the process," I said nervously and hurriedly, drawing attention away from what he was about to say. I inhaled as he smirked at me and raised an eyebrow. The cocky little bastard.

"I would like some salt, actually," he said. "You haven't thrown me the salt that you usually do."

I rolled my eyes. "Here we go again."

"Now that's more like the Allen I know," he said, grinning at me. "Shall we tuck in?"

"We shall, but first, a toast."

"We don't have alcohol."

"And whose fault is that?" I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"To what do you propose your toast?" He asked innocently, ignoring my question. Both his eyebrows slowly made their ascent up his forehead.

I bit my lip. "To... to my... coming--" was I really doing this? "To my coming to your flat to assist you in making such beautiful food."

He winked at me, a wink that made me uncomfortable like he knew too much. And we tucked in. As usual with Lucien's food, it was incredible, and it was gone in a few minutes, but we hadn't made quite enough for seconds, so we sat on the sofa, looking through movies that we could watch (the cookies were still miserably forgotten). I wasn't really processing the options, however, I was so preoccupied with the message on my hand telling me to come out to my best friend, who just happened to also be queer, who just happened to be the one that I had a pretty major crush on.

"Al... Allen!"

"W-what?" I responded, disoriented, losing all of my train of thought.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

"Uh, yeah... sure. You were asking if I wanted to watch--" I looked at the disc in his hand--"The Man Who Fell to Earth."

"No, I was asking you if you'd seen it before. Okay, I have a better idea," his eyes spoke for him momentarily telling me that he'd just had an idea. "How about you tell me what's been on your mind this whole evening, and also, let me see what's on your hand."

I pulled my arm towards me, hiding the note before realising it didn't mean that much. So, I let him pry it towards himself and read it out loud.

"It says 'tell him... say it.' What's that supposed to mean, Ginsey?" He joked, using my alternative nickname. "Does it have anything to do with what's been troubling you?"

I nodded. "I... Don't know how to say this without you—like..." I thought of a billion different scenarios in my head about how Lu would freak out and tell me that I'd ruined our friendship. I felt myself blushing as he put his hand in mine, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. I looked up at him and realised how truly close we were. I inhaled and looked back down at our hands.

The butterflies had awoken once more. I bit my lip. "Please don't freak out, please."

"I can almost promise I won't," he said gently. It was what he'd always said, and he'd never freaked out before when he made this promise. I smiled up at him and then back down at our hands.

"Lu, I'm..." I paused. I'd never said it aloud before. I told him so, and his eyes sparkled in the low light as his smirk crept onto his face.

"I'm gay, and I think that... I think I love you, Lu."

His lips crashed into mine, our lips moving together. I felt his tongue creep into my mouth. It sent shivers down my spine and the pang in my stomach was there. I broke away for a moment and looked at him, and he smiled at me.

"I'm in love with you too, Al. I always have been, I was just waiting for you to come out," he said quietly, and then our lips met again, this time both of us meeting in the middle. Our lips danced together again, and I closed my eyes tighter, savouring the moments. Lu's other hand slithered into my free hand, and I smiled.

When we broke apart again, he smirked and stroked my face. "You don't know how long I've waited for you to say that Al," he whispered.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to say it myself Lu," I bit my lip, looking down at the hand that still held mine, but his hand tilted my chin upwards.

"Don't be shy. You know you can be yourself around me. Even if you weren't gay, that would still apply."

I smiled. "Thanks," and connected our lips again. His hand stayed on my face to cup my cheek, and my free hand did the same to him. It had never felt so good to kiss someone.

"Thanks for having the courage to come out to me. Was I the first one?"

I nodded. "The first one." I smiled, and our hands were like magnets holding each other. "You were the first one."

He smiled. "It's an honour, Al. I love you."

I smiled back. "I love you too, Lu."


Then we remembered we were supposed to make cookies.

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