shot thirty three: bookstore boys; part two (flash fiction)

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Miles: So are you still coming over tomorrow night?

Neil: It's our first anniversary, ofc I'm coming over!!!

Miles: YaAaY! I can't wait to see you.

Neil: I'm coming to the bookstore today. I've gotta pick up the book. It's in, right?

Miles: Yeah, it's in. <3 I'll see you soon.

I looked up from my phone and saw Chelsea walking over. She smirked and raised her eyebrows at a girl who was leaving the store.

When the girl was gone, she pulled out a piece of paper from her jean-skirt pocket and waved it in front of my face. "I got her number."

"Fight me," I said nonchalantly and grinned. She rolled her eyes.

"Let's go, bitch."

"There's someone coming up for a refill. You shouldn't abandon your post."

"Yes, sir, right away sir," she said and mocked a salute, walking back to the coffee shop part of the bookstore. I grinned and opened my book back up right as someone walked through the door again, ringing the quiet bell attached to the door. I smiled.

The brown haired boy grinned and walked up to the counter. "Hey, babe."

"Hey, gorgeous," I leant over the counter to kiss him and he smiled into the kiss.

"I'm actually here for the book."

"I know," I smiled cheekily and pulled out the book from under the counter, put it in a paper bag and rung it up. "Fourteen eighty-five."

I gave him change for fifteen dollars and handed him the book. "It's almost as thicc as you," I added and kissed his cheek stealthily.

He smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said and ruffled his hair. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, I gotta get reading. You know how it is," he smirked.

"I know. See you soon, love."

"Bye babe."

I bit my lip as he sashayed out of the store and hopped on his bike. It was fucking March fourth, still a little cool outside, and he was on his bike already. I smiled after him and turned back to my book.

I could always turn back to my books, and that's what we were both doing right now, and even after we part ways, I know we'll both still be doing it until the day we die, for books are timeless, and humans are not.

And I hope that you, dear reader who has made it this far, will also turn back to your books in times when you are swallowed up with emotion or drained of it, in good times or bad, when you're okay, and when you aren't. I hope that you don't lose interest in books.

Stay reading.


Waddaya think of my epic book finale? I'm working on a bigger project that probably won't be out for a long time, but I'm going to be updating "Fairy Lights" throughout the year, and who knows, maybe there will be another book. Leave requests in the comments please. I read them all. I love you guys, and for those who stuck with this book until the end, thank you. I apologise for the bullshit writing that you had to endure.

thanks for reading and commenting and voting guys, I love you allllllll.

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