shot twenty one: Leo, not Leah

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"Hey Leah, what's up?" Andrew said, smiling at me as I got into the car. I let my book bag fall to my feet.

And I cringed. I didn't know if I could tell him today, but I'd just come out to my friends a week ago, so the news might begin to spread soon enough. I smiled back at him.

"Hey, nothing much. How're you doing?" I smiled at him. I was proud of myself. That seemed like such a casual tone. Such a casual tone for something that I was about to tell my boyfriend: something that I'd been trying to suppress since middle school. But I'd just realised that I shouldn't do that. In senior year of high school. A week before graduation. Three weeks before my anniversary with my boyfriend.

I had to come out to him sometime. I just needed to get it off my chest. I glared at my converse, then at my chipping black nail polish, then out at the road. We'd been driving for only five minutes, and Andrew had already sensed something was wrong.

"Hey, Leah, are you alright? You're never this downcast," he joked trying to lighten the mood, but I just glared at my converse again.

"Yeah. There's something I need to tell you," I said quietly.

He turned to look at me for a moment, then he looked back at the road. "You haven't been cheating on me, have you?" His tone was nervous.

"No! No, nothing like that. It's more about me than anyone else, but I just don't know how you'll react, and I just want you to know that I genuinely love you, okay?"

His eyes grew weary. "Yeah?"

"I'm..." I teared up, but swallowed and wiped my eyes. "Can you pull over? I don't want to tell you this and for you to wreck the car."

"Okay, cool," he said, but his voice was as tense as his eyes as he pulled into the parking lot of the park. "Wanna take a walk?"

"Sure," I said, hesitating, but getting out anyway. The cool breeze of spring ruffled his hair as well as mine. He looked at me, studied my new pixie cut hair (new as of a month ago), my eyes, my lips, my face. And he smiled. He smiled so sweetly that I couldn't help but smile back and take his hand. He led me over to our favourite spot in the trees where there was a little trail and a park bench that was usually unoccupied. I smiled at him as we sat down.

"So, tell me what's going on...please...?" he said and held my hands in his. I nodded and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm..." I teared up again. "I'm not who you think I am. I'm... oh god, it's so hard to say it. I'm..."

The tears spilt over again and Andrew drew me closer to him. "It's probably fine. You know you can tell me anything. You know how open my mind is..."

I nodded. "A-and for that I'm s-so thankful, Andrew, I really am, but what if you won't be open to this?"

"I'll try my best. Now tell me what's up... please?"

I tried to smile, but it just ended up being a grimace. "Okay." I can do this, I can do this. I can't do this. My thoughts weren't even conflicting.

"I'm... I'm trans. I'm transgender."

Andrew was silent for a moment. "Okay. What're your name and pronouns? Also thank you so so much for sharing this with me. I'm so proud of you!" His arms wrapped around me, and I hugged him back tightly, feeling a kiss on my cheek.

"Uh, I'm... I'm going by Leo, and he, him pronouns. Thank you so so much for understanding... it means so much to me."

"I love you. Of course I'm going to understand," he said. "Do you wanna keep driving home? It's still about twenty minutes in the car."

I nodded. "So you're okay with us still..."

"Oh yeah. I forgot, I was going to tell you something too, it just didn't seem as important as something that would make you cry."

"And what's that?" I sniff.

"I'm bisexual."

"Perfect," I said quietly, smiling up at him.

His fingers wove themselves through mine and we walked hand in hand all the way back to his car, a newly declared same sex couple.

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